After hearing Pelos ask this, Whitebeard directly patted his thigh.

"If you don't ask, I forgot to tell you!"

"It's okay, it's not a big deal for you to say now. "

"Now that our Hundred Beast Pirates are here, the Straw Hat Pirates should be on their way to change, so you don't have to worry, it is estimated that it will end directly here soon. "

After a few words of greeting with Whitebeard, Pelos nodded his head.

But Pelos is still thinking about it in his heart now.

Therefore, just thinking that this kind of thing should be considered in the heart, and it cannot be said directly and hastily, nor can there be a hasty solution.

It wasn't long before he discovered that Lunn had been stationed on an island near Cake Island.

"Is this true for you?"

After hearing the news, Charlotte Lingling was already in disbelief, but she didn't expect this Decaris Lenn to be arrogant like this.

Just thinking about it is very unhappy in my heart, and what kind of person this Decaris Lenn is is naturally ......

I know it.

"That's true, just now we have begun to look at it with our binoculars, and he is indeed wearing it under his men, and all of them are stationed on that island, as if this time he wants to fight us to the end. "

"Damn it!"

I just watched Pelos come out and thought that everything had been resolved, but I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, this Decaris Lenn was stationed elsewhere directly, and the name change obviously didn't want to get along with him.

Just thinking about this kind of thing, this guy is already angry in his heart, can this kind of thing continue to be concealed so directly? Just thinking about it is unlikely.

So at this moment, Charlotte Lingling's whole person was already angry.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

Charlotte Lingling is so angry now, they don't know what to say, they can only continue to ask questions, they must deal with such a thing, they can't watch this guy be so arrogant here.

"Since he is already so arrogant to tie icicles here, he must want to show off with us to a certain degree of arrogance if he wins, so in this case, we will fight directly?"

Thinking about it, in terms of temperament, it is absolutely impossible for them to give up so directly.

So in the current state, all this kind of thing is ready, and this thing must be done well from beginning to end, and this guy must not be allowed to underestimate himself.


After receiving an order from Charlotte Lingling, they are now all eager to try.

I already saw that Decaris Lenn was particularly unpleasant, and at this time, Decaris Lenn actually did this thing.

The bosses have already directly played a failure, and they must be gearing up to get this thing done.

Then I sorted out some things, took some people and prepared to set off for that island.

"This time we must beat that guy to the ground, so that he will never be able to continue to live so arrogantly with us again, so the brothers must come on?"


Before leaving, Charlotte Lingling kept telling everyone, hoping that they could do their best to deal with this matter this time, and also hoped that they could quickly get this Decaris Lenn done.

Now they just went straight away, but before that Decaris Lenn didn't know anything.

Decaris Lenn just wanted to have a place over there.

Therefore, all the people with them have already focused on stationing their own camps, and they never thought that this group of people would still be eyeing them under such circumstances.

After watching them all leave, Charlotte Lingling sat there and began to think about it all.

Because Charlotte Lingling was really angry at this time, and it was the first time she was so provoked by others, so she had to do this thing well no matter what.

You must also let them know how powerful they are, they can't just show off their might in front of themselves like this, and it is indeed a bit of a headache to look at him so dazzling every day.

One by one, they quickly passed directly, and all kinds of ways came to the small island on the opposite side, and this time their goal this time was to quickly solve the problem of Decaris Len.

All of them are special and childish, and they have never been afraid of all this at all, and Pelos has returned safely just now.

They are certainly not afraid of going anywhere, so they are very special from beginning to end, and they have the strength to think about how to fight the next battle.

When they came to the island, they all started to walk towards the place where their guests were famous, according to the thing they had just seen, just to have a good fight with them.

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