However, Lunn and Whitebeard didn't think there was anything inappropriate, and if they had to say it, it was actually reasonable.

A little kid really wouldn't be upset about something like opening the cage, and in this case, it was a matter for them elders, or it could be that he believed that Lunn could think of a way to encourage them silently.

Anyway, at the beginning of people, nature is good, and a child's heart will not be pure in any bad heart, not to mention that he wants to be caught as feed for giant crocodiles, but he will cherish life and the future more and pay more attention to it.

Wangsi on the side was still looking at the sky, as if this sky was his destination.

Or do you pray that you can reach the sky, but unfortunately, the merfolk are born to stay in the water.

The gap between them and the sky can be described as 108,000 miles, and the mermaid race reaching the sky can no longer be described as difficult, more precisely, it should be impossible at all.

If he knew that he couldn't reach the sky, it would be an extraordinary pleasure to be able to look at it like this, after all, it would satisfy some of his mental expectations and fantasies.

The three of them stood in front of the cage, each with their own thoughts in their minds, but at this moment, the giant crocodiles who had been dizzy and thrown away by Lunn and Whitebeard also woke up, and everyone gathered together to find their own goals.

It didn't take long for them to find Lunn's location, and suddenly, the giant crocodile ran at lightning speed towards the man in the center of the cage, and that person was Lunn.

At first, they didn't notice that the crocodile was trying to attack them, but when the crocodile approached them, it managed to get their attention.

Whitebeard and Wangsi saw that the giant crocodile was running like Lunn, and Whitebeard tried to block it for him, and Wangsi also shouted at that time, "Brother, be careful!" but Whitebeard didn't catch up.

At this moment, their hearts seemed to stop, and they couldn't wait to see how it turned out.

A second passed, and the giant crocodile bit into the cage in front of it, and Lunn managed to dodge it.

It seems that the giant crocodile originally wanted to bite Lunn, but in fact he didn't follow it, but this also brought Lunn and them a good way.

The cage that the giant crocodile was biting had a big hole rotten, which was exactly what Lunn and Whitebeard were thinking, and they looked at each other and nodded to each other, both knowing what to do.

Lunn ran to the giant crocodile that had bitten him just now, trying to attract its attention, and sure enough, the giant crocodile did take the bait, and he followed Lunn and ran towards the cage.

When he was in front of the cage, Lunn suddenly stopped, and the giant crocodile also stopped suddenly, and did not rush up to bite the cage, he felt very puzzled, was it because he was bitten in the cage teeth and was knocked out of pain?

Whitebeard immediately ran to Lunn's side and asked, "This giant crocodile doesn't take the bait, it's a bit difficult to do now." Then he looked at Lunn and waited for his reply.

Even though the giant crocodile didn't take the bait, he didn't feel distressed by it, after all, there was a group of giant crocodiles behind it, and the three of them were enemies.

"Then try the other giant crocodiles, you can't do it all like this. Lunn replied, and began to observe that the giant crocodile was the easiest to get close to the cage and could help them.

If the crocodile that wanted to bite Lunn just now could bite out of the cage with a larger hole, they wouldn't have to bother to attract another one to bite the cage.

Whitebeard listened to Lunn's words, and instantly realized and smiled.

After that, both men went their own way.

Lunn and Whitebeard repeated the way Lunn had just attracted the giant crocodile, attracting the giant crocodile to bite through the cage, they repeated this several times, and the result was the same, the giant crocodile did not bite into the cage, but stood in front of the cage for a long time.

At this time, the two began to worry about this matter again, stopped their actions, and came together.

The crocodiles also stopped and did not continue to attack.

"Lunn, what should we do now? It won't work the way we just did. Whitebeard's tone was anxious.

And Lunn didn't answer the question, he just looked at the giant crocodiles in front of him, and seemed to have a feeling of helplessness.

At this time, Wangsi on the side spoke, "Since you can't attract them here, let them take the initiative to attack." This sentence immediately woke them up, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Then, Lunn shouted at Wangsi, "You're really a little clever, get out of the way, don't get hurt." "

"Good!" replied, and swam ten meters away from them, watching Lunn and the crocodile fight.

The two of them stood in front of the cage, showing a leisurely look, waiting for the giant crocodile to take the initiative, and sure enough, the giant crocodile still couldn't suppress the anxiety in his heart, and bit Lunn and Whitebeard.

In this way, the giant crocodile is attracted to the cage by Lunn and Whitebeard.

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