When Jorah saw that they were finally leaving, the big stone in her heart fell. Because after that, it's time for Wangsi to wake up.

Just as he was about to close the door, there was a sudden noise in the treatment room, and Jorah secretly said no. Sure enough, the guards' attention was immediately drawn to it. The leader looked at his men, then at Jorah, and said with a smile, "I don't know if we can go in and search that room." "

Jorah knew that if she didn't allow them to go in now, it would only increase her suspicion, so she naturally got out of the way and let them go in to search.

As soon as the leader's finger was raised, those people immediately rushed in, and as soon as they entered, they saw the awakening of Wangsi. They put him out. Seeing this, Jorah's brows furrowed, and she said softly, "This is my patient, not your prisoner." "

"Yes, yes, it's not good for Dr. Joe's patients. The leader cursed his illiterate subordinates in his heart. After seeing Wangsi, the leader thought carefully, as if this person was a bit like the person described by the city lord.

He turned to look at Jorah, "I wonder where this patient came from?" Jorah glanced at him casually, "Oh, boy, I picked it up in a slum. When he picked it up, he had rot and a lot of infectious diseases. You have to be careful not to get infected by him. "

Those people looked at it, and sure enough, there was some faint red flesh under Wangsi's clothes, and they wrinkled their noses in disgust. In fact, those were just illusions made by Jorah, who, expecting that might wake up at that time, made him a special medicine that looked like his skin was ulcerating, but would not do him any real harm.

The leader didn't say anything, and looking at Si's injury, it didn't seem to be fake.

With him, he waved his hand and asked them to send Wangsi back to the treatment room.

It was as if they had a hot potato, and they sent him back to his place with lightning speed, as if he would be infected a second too late. They couldn't hide the disgust on their faces with their heads down.

They didn't dare to stay any longer, and they didn't plan to search again. After all, no matter what, your life is important, what if you stay there and get infected. didn't wait for an order, and rushed out without any formation. The leader didn't want to stay any longer, so he smiled and walked out.

When he got out, he lowered his face and said to his men, "Why did you just run away like that, and if people were really there, you would pay the responsibility?"

The faces of those people below were embarrassed, "But boss, you really didn't see it yourself, the skin on that person's hands is really terrifying, and after seeing it, it really makes people get goosebumps." "

"A bunch of waste, even this is scared!" But in fact, the moment he saw it, he had to admit that he himself was also scared. I had no choice but to search somewhere else. I just hope that the person is really not with Jorah, otherwise it will be really difficult for him to go back.

Watching the group of guards walk around the doorway, they were finally far away, and after making sure they were completely far away, Jorah knocked on the wall and motioned for Lunn to come out. After a while, the wall was opened, and Lunn stepped out of it.

As early as when the guards came to search, he was a little impatient, afraid that he would be discovered, and he couldn't see anything outside, only by his own hearing. Later, when Wangsi was carried out, he was very worried about whether those people would recognize them, but Jorah skillfully defused them.

So, it seems that those people are not as smart as he thinks.

After coming out, the two hurriedly walked towards the place where Wangsi was. Wangsi was already able to move freely, and he was very happy to see them coming, not to mention that these two were his lifesavers.

Seeing that he was about to kneel down and thank him, the two hurriedly supported him, "Your injury is not healed now, there is no need to kneel down and thank you." Wangsi insisted on doing it, "This is the tradition of our mermaid clan, if you are saved by others, you must thank you, otherwise you will violate the advice of our ancestors." "

Lunn asked curiously, "Why were you caught by the City Lord of Nolanos?" It stands to reason that their merfolk clan would not leave the water easily, so how did they get caught and locked up there.

Wangsi's expression darkened, "I was originally from the merfolk clan, and for some reason, a civil war broke out between our races, and many of the merfolk were killed. My parents did not escape this fate, and I was the only one in our family who escaped by chance, but unfortunately I was seriously injured.

I fled to the shore, and when I got out of the water, I was even weaker, and it was when my vitality was at its weakest that the lord of Nolanos passed by, picked me up, imprisoned me, and used me as a plaything. That's pretty much it. "

The cold wind was bitter, and the cold wind swept the snowflakes all over the sky, as if to take away everything in this world.

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