Now is the time for them to show themselves, so why don't they sign up? After all, this is a very good opportunity for them, and if they do really well, then they will be noticed.

When he said this, those people were also shocked, but no matter how fierce he was to them, they would not want to arrest this Lunn directly.

After all, it is impossible for him to launch all kinds of attacks directly against them, but Lunn is not necessarily, and it is not certain that Lunn will do anything to them at that time.

"I'm sorry, we don't want to do this kind of thing at all, so don't force us, you also saw what this Doflando Flamengo turned out to be, in case we do the same. "

They said such things in unison, of course, they still felt a little surprised, they never thought that they would be such a Shikline to say such a thing in unison.

Anyway, they didn't want to have any delusions about this Lunn, and then they couldn't just agree to his request, after all, it was very difficult for them.

Seeing them say such things directly, he also felt particularly uncomfortable, after all, if they didn't make any moves to Lunn now, they didn't know what to do next.

And Lunn here has already driven them away, so they will still decide according to the itinerary they planned, so they will also set off for the cake island I want to go to.

Of course, they were also very fast on this ship, so in less than a while, they came directly to this place, and they felt very happy.

"We're finally here, and only we know what we've been through on this trip. "

Whitebeard looked at the colorful food in front of him and said something like this, of course, they are now in this place, and everything on this island is edible.

So they just picked it up and ate it, but Lunn wasn't satisfied with the food at all, because what he was eating now was desserts, and he would never want to eat desserts, so he just felt average, and then he didn't have any urge to come here.

Of course, the food he ate, he couldn't swallow it, but he felt that he couldn't waste food at all, so he swallowed it directly, of course, his expression was also very uncomfortable.

"What kind of food are these? How can they be so sweet? I don't have to eat it at all, and if I had known what it looked like, I shouldn't have just picked up a piece and ate it. "

He complained to Whitebeard there, anyway, he felt very bad, if he knew this way, he shouldn't have eaten it, anyway, he just feels special regret now.

But it was useless for him to regret it, after all, he had already eaten it, so he could only face this reality, and thus could not do anything else at all.

After listening to his complaint, Whitebeard smiled there, anyway, he thought the food was quite delicious, after all, he also liked sweets, so this situation was not a problem for him.

And at this time, they suddenly ran into this Takuri who was looking for them, and when this Takuri saw this Lunn, he felt very excited, after all, he had been looking for him for the past few days.

And then he found him right here, and that was the best thing for him, so he had to tell him all these things, and if he didn't tell him, he would regret it.

"Are you Lunn? I have always admired you, and your strength is also very good, so I have been looking for you all along. "

He went straight up to Lunn to talk to him, and when Lunn saw him, he felt that they were wondering, he didn't know what kind of behavior this person would do to him.

He just looked at him with that surprised gaze to see what he would do next, anyway, he didn't know the person in front of him at all.

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