The Sun Pirates have also seen it, and they didn't expect anything to happen at all, but it would develop to the current situation, which was a little surprising in an instant, and this Aladdin was also beaten very badly.

They never thought that this Lunn's strength would be so high, it was a little incredible.

But no matter how incredible it is, what can it be now, anyway, these things have already happened, and nothing can be changed.

"I didn't expect that this Captain Aladdin was not this person's opponent, and the two of them together couldn't beat this person, this person was like a devil. "

One of the people who was thoughtful at this time never thought that this person's strength would be so terrifying, it was simply incredible.

Katakuri just shook his head at this time, a little helpless.

"Why did I tell you to leave here just now, but you didn't want to leave here at all, if you had left here, maybe this would not have happened. "

At this time, he said such a sentence helplessly, and he desperately hoped that he could listen to what he said.

Lunn looked at these people coldly at this time, and there was no trace of emotion in his eyes, he had been staring at these people all the time, wanting to see what these people would do in the future.

"I've done this anyway, and now what are you going to do with these things, do you want to continue? If you do, then don't blame me for being rude. "

After all, he is not the kind of person who casually provokes others, and he will do his best to do what he has to do.

Hachi has also come here directly at this time, and successfully helped up this Aladdin, Aladdin has also been helped up, and he was slightly stunned when he saw Hachi also come here.

"What is the reason why you are here all of a sudden? "

Aladdin said thoughtfully at this time, he didn't expect that everyone was on this boat, and suddenly came here.

"You can't deal with this person, I don't believe it, plus I can't deal with this person, let's just say that no matter how strong this strength is, I don't believe that the strength of the three of us can't beat him alone. "

Aladdin could also suddenly hear such a sentence at this time, and naturally understood what the purpose of this person was here, I'm afraid it was only because of this one reason.

Suddenly, at this moment, I was a little stunned, I didn't expect it to be like this, but I quickly reacted.

But some things have already happened, so they can only continue like this, and they can only do their best to do what they have to do, and there is no need for other things.

"I didn't expect that since you are here now, it is only for this reason, if this is the case, then we must be cautious, and we must work together to beat this person. "

The sudden sentence of this little eight also nodded directly, and they all believed that they would be able to successfully play this round of falling flowers.

I didn't expect that the two of them together were not this Lun's opponent at all, and this Lunn was here all the time listening to these people's wants to see how they would deal with themselves.

No matter how they deal with them, they can't be afraid or afraid of anything anyway, they just look at them like they're looking at a fool.

"Don't you think that now you are like this little minion, and that you are no match for me at all? "

Suddenly, I heard Lunn like this, and as soon as he said that, the two of them continued to rush to this front, and this Katakuri also planned to attack from behind at this time, but he didn't expect to be discovered directly.

"Why do I feel like he's just playing a game with us?" Hachi muttered to himself.

After all, he felt that this person seemed to be following the game they were playing all along, as if it was like a cat and mouse, but he didn't know where to guess.

And then they all kept fighting like this, and all the things around here were also messed up, and the branches of the trees were broken, and the scene was terrifying for a while.

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