Not long after this incident, someone broke the news that Becky's bounty had exceeded 300 million.

There are many people who want to catch Becky, and of course, there are also many people who want Becky's life, so Becky's bounty is getting higher and higher.

Becky's bounty was not so high before, and there were many people who would do it to Becky because of the bounty.

Will want to catch Becky, but Becky is not the one who will be caught so easily, if he is caught very easily, no one will buy his life with money.

However, the initial bounty was quite low, but that bounty was also very tempting for many people.

I don't know why the bounty was suddenly offered, and it was only 300 million, which is also a very terrifying number, and this is also a number that suddenly broke out.

This number makes many people feel very terrifying, and at the same time, many people are unexpected, they simply did not expect it in a short period of time.

Becky's bounty has already reached such a high level of more than 300 million, and they feel that Becky's bounty may increase a little more, but it will not increase too much.

As soon as this number was reported, many people knew one thing, which meant that Becky's strength was stronger.

If Becky's strength is not strong, the bounty will not be higher, which means that many people have lost under Becky's hands and want to capture Becky.

In the end, all of them were defeated by Becky, and possibly even died at Becky's hands, so there are many people who will no longer help this person and catch Becky even if they see that the bounty is already high.

Or to get Becky's life back, because they were so scared that they ended up losing at Becky's hands and dying.

In that case, they earned the money back, and they didn't have the life to spend it, so they felt that it was not worth it.

Therefore, the person who wants Becky's life will also increase the bounty a little more at one time, and he will also increase the bounty by a certain price, so that others will definitely be tempted to see it.

In that way, someone will be willing to die for him and catch Becky, so that more people can deal with Becky, and the probability is higher.

"I estimate that Becky's strength has also reached a certain point now, otherwise his bounty would not have reached such a high number in such a short period of time. "

"I think so, do you think anyone will go to Becky again for the sky-high bounty and try to catch Becky. "

As soon as the bounty came out, many people began to discuss the bounty, and of course, more people would discuss Becky's strength and what kind of point it had reached.

Because they are actually quite excited, but they are also afraid that they will die at the hands of Becky in the end, so they want to find out what Becky's current strength range.

Then think about their own strength, whether they can compete with Becky, if they can compete with Becky, they will be looking for a few people with similar strength to Becky, and go to Becky together.

Maybe there's a chance, possibly, that Becky can be caught, so they can get this sky-high bounty.

Although they are all discussing, not too many people know what kind of strength Becky has reached, but they also know that Becky's current strength is not low.

Before they want to go to Becky, they also have to weigh their strength, what it looks like, and some people with good strength also plan to go to Becky and try their luck.

Of course, they wouldn't go alone, although they also really wanted to get the bounty alone, but they were also afraid that when the time came, they would die at the hands of Becky.

They will find a few people who are about the same strength as themselves to find Becky, and then test Becky, if they can't beat them, of course they will run, and they won't fight with Becky because of the sky-high bounty.

As soon as this sky-high bounty was reported, basically everyone was discussing this bounty and Becky's strength.

Of course, Lunn also knew about this matter, after all, there were too many people discussing, and if he didn't want to know, there were some impossibilities.

Wherever he went, he could hear people discussing this matter, and after he knew about it, he also guessed that Becky's strength might have reached a certain point.

But he didn't regard Becky as one of his opponents, and he didn't think that Becky would be able to beat him after his strength improved.

He still felt in his heart that even if Becky's strength improved, he didn't feel how scared, even if the two of them fought one day, he wouldn't be so cowardly to Becky.

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