And the target of the Four Emperor Aunts now is Lunen.

After the onset of food sickness, the comprehensive strength of the Four Emperor Aunts has improved a lot, and it can't help but be the strength of her punches, and her punching speed has also increased a lot.

Lunn was ready to leave when the Four Emperor Aunts were about to punch, but as soon as he made a move, the Four Emperor Aunts' fists had already hit his body.

And this time it was no longer the Four Emperor Aunts who flew out upside down, it was Lunen.

Lunn raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then looked at the appearance of the Four Emperor Aunts, knowing that no one in the Four Emperor Aunts could beat after the onset of food sickness, he began to worry about the safety of others.

The others present were panicked when they saw Lunn fall.

Among so many people on the scene, Lunen's strength can be regarded as the highest, but even he was defeated by the Four Emperor Aunts. How can this be good.

Some people can't even resist the pressure, and they are full of thoughts about running for their lives, and they keep running in all directions.

When someone had such an idea, the morale of the army was already unstable, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

But fortunately, the current target of the Four Emperor Aunts is only Lunen, so no one else is involved.

The Four Emperors kept looking at Lun En who was getting up from the ground, and let out a strange laugh.

This time, it's Lunn's turn to take the initiative, and it's a matter of success or failure!

Before, when the Four Emperor Aunts' food sickness had not yet attacked, he had already figured out where the weak electricity of the Four Emperor Aunts was.

Right now, although the strength of the Four Emperor Aunts has increased a lot, but the weakness is the weakness, as long as he can attack the weakness of the Four Emperor Aunts, then everything will not be a problem.

After Lunen made up his mind, he approached the Four Emperor Aunts and began to lock on the weaknesses of the Four Emperor Aunts.

And the Four Emperor Aunts also knew that Lun En was going to take the initiative, and stood in place brewing her big move.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the Four Emperor Aunts, Lun En hurriedly picked up his fists, charged his strength, and then punched out at the weakness of the Four Emperor Aunts.

But what surprised him was that after the attack of the Four Emperor Aunts' ecstasis, there seemed to be no weaknesses in the whole body, and the previous weaknesses were all protected by her.

But Lunn has a trick!

He hurriedly put away his fist, then adjusted his offensive state in the air, and kicked directly at the Four Emperor Aunts.

The Four Emperor Aunts seemed to have become a little impatient with his tricks, and grabbed them directly with both hands, counteracting Lunen's strength by the way, and directly threw Lunen out.

Soon, there was the sound of a heavy object falling in the distance, and it sounded like Lunn was badly injured.

Lunn tended to his wounds, and although he was badly wounded, it was only a traumatic injury, which was a good thing.

The Four Emperor Aunts saw that Lun En was trying to figure out a way to stand up again, and there was a lot of unwillingness in her heart, so she definitely wouldn't give Lun this chance.

I saw that the Four Emperor Aunts walked in front of Lun En and kicked Lun En out directly.

Lunn struggled on the ground, the pain in his body so intense that he couldn't stand up at all.

But he looked at the chaotic scene and knew that someone must stay to administer justice at this time, so he endured bursts of severe pain and relied on his strong perseverance to stand up with difficulty.

He noticed that the target of the Four Emperors' attacks had shifted, and in the distance, Katakuri was about to retreat with a Knicker.

This is not a good sign, Lunn thought to himself, so he hurriedly dragged his heavy steps and slipped the two of them down.

Katakuri and Keli Jia originally thought that the two of them would soon be able to break free from the clutches of the Four Emperor Aunts, and they were happy for it.

But I didn't expect that when they were halfway there, they were stopped by someone, and anyone who encountered such a thing would not feel good.

And when they saw that Lunn had stopped them, there was obviously a little impatience in his tone: "Why are you stopping us? Don't you see that the Four Emperor Aunts are having a seizure of food? Let us go!"

Lunn didn't do what they said, but stopped the two men even more firmly.

There was a little more anger on the faces of the two people: "What are you going to do, I advise you to let us go quickly, otherwise we will be polite!"

After saying that, the two of them rolled up their sleeves and looked ready to do a big job.

At this time, Lunn spoke: "You can go if you want, but you have to leave the dessert first."

A hint of doubt flashed across their faces, what did Lunn want dessert to do.

Needless to say, they don't know Lunn's intentions yet, and even if they did, they wouldn't give it to Lunn.

After all, they are now two camps, although he just saved Becky from the hands of the Four Emperor Aunts, but who knows if they are acting or not.

Neither of them would give Lunn dessert to him.

The two very firmly rejected Lunn's request.

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