Lunn looked at the arrogant Red Inu, and couldn't help but feel angry, only to see Lunn charge up and leap forward, directly towards the Red Inu, and directly slashed over with a Destiny Shadow Blade, the Red Inu belongs to the lava fruit ability, and this kind of attack must be directly blocked.

With Lunn's wave of strong offensives, Akainu retreated step by step, but Akainu did not show the intention of retreating, and suddenly Akainu directly turned into lava in the blink of an eye, and his whole body turned into lava.

A big lava hand grabbed Lunn, Lunn retreated directly, this lava is no joke, for this high temperature can melt everything lava must not be melee combat, must find a chance to consume it.

So, Lunn turned on the speed mode, which was very fast, and he circled around Akainu's side, looking for an opportunity to hurt Akainu, and suddenly he found Akainu's belly.

Akainu's stomach seemed to be relatively weak, so Lunn directly threw the Destiny Shadow Blade over, and Akainu was startled and hurriedly retreated, which showed that this attack scared Akainu a lot.

Akainu hurriedly calmed down, Akainu thought that this Lunn was so thoughtful, and it glanced at the menacing white beard behind Lunn again, and shouted that it was not good.

But Akainu can't be so embarrassed to exit, so he has a trick in mind, only to see him suddenly demonize, jump above the restaurant, Akainu then condensed the energy of the whole body, released a large amount of lava, and the entire restaurant surrounded the lava.

This batch of lava was a big cost to Akainu, and he also left a lava fruit origin on one of the lava fields, which is a flame that can be burned forever and cannot be extinguished.

Immediately, the red dog laughed and fled into the distance, Lunn was furious, and was about to chase after him, when suddenly a large number of ordinary people in the rear were tortured by the lava, and Lunn snorted helplessly.

Lunn looked at the lava in this restaurant, and then he began to use the dark power to start destroying these lavas, which was fine at first, but Lunn gradually discovered that these lavas had been constantly emitting new flames, endlessly.

Lunn used his consciousness again to begin to sense the lava, and gradually he found a trace of the origin of the lava fruit in the depths of the lava and asked, Lunn gritted his teeth and thought to himself, this red dog is really unscrupulous.

He understood that the origin of this lava fruit was very violent, it could be burned continuously, and there was a lot of lava around, so he could always provide hot heat energy to these lavas.

This heat energy can always ensure that the lava can always burn in this restaurant, and directly turn into ashes, and then slowly disappear into the world.

However, once the origin of this lava fruit is burned out, the Akainu body will also lose a lot of vitality. Akainu has cost a lot of money, and it has brought huge trouble to Lunen.

With a wave of his left arm, a black energy shield directly protected those victims, although these lava are the original power of the lava fruit, which cannot be expelled, but Lunn's ability is not weak, and the protection can still be maintained.

But obviously this is not a long-term solution, the bearded man scolded at the figure of the sky red dog leaving in the distance, Lunn thought calmly for a while, and now if he wants the name of this group of people, he can only go to the transmogrifier of the ice fruit.

So, Lunn stored a large stream of dark energy in his energy shield, left a few people here to guard, and then went to the extremely cold land with the bearded man.

It is rumored that the transformer of the Ice Fruit cultivates in the extremely cold land all year round, so Lunn and Whitebeard went directly to the Temple of Extreme Cold, where there is a man of ice who is naturally warlike, and Lunn directly entered the temple in an instant.

At this moment, a man in ice armor walked out and shouted loudly, who is looking for my Extreme Cold Warrior, and Lunn stood up and asked if he was the Ice Fruit Transmoker.

The Extreme Cold Warrior said, "That's right, I'm the Ice Fruit Transmogrifier Extreme Cold Warrior Kelder!", and Lunn explained the purpose of his trip to him, asking him to borrow a little bit of the origin of the Ice Fruit.

Kelder was furious, thinking that it would take for the origin of this ice fruit to condense a little bit, this person actually took it directly to himself, he really didn't know how thick the sky was, so he immediately slashed over with an ice blade sword light.

Lunn's right hand was raised faintly, and a dark force instantly devoured this ice blade sword light, Kelder was shocked, thinking that it seemed that this person's strength should not be underestimated, but the warlike character in his heart suddenly burst out.

Ever since Kelder cultivated in this Extremely Cold Land, he has never been invincible in the entire Extremely Cold Land, and he has been looking for someone who can fight with him to the fullest.

He looked at Lunn and felt that this Lunn was definitely a master who could meet his needs, so Kelder suddenly laughed at Lunn and said, "Well, I promise you, I'm willing to give you a little bit of the origin of this Ice Fruit, but you have to fight with me." "

Lunn looked at Kelder in confusion, and probably understood what Kelder meant, and Kelder said with a gloomy face: "However, if you lose, this life will stay in this extremely cold place!"

Lunn smiled and said: "Then try it", Kelder laughed excitedly, then drank loudly, his whole body was filled with the power of extreme cold, and he rushed to Lunn, Lunn used the power of dark devouring with one hand, and directly devoured all the armor on Kelder's body with his backhand, Kelder was shocked!

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