Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fando, Marshal's Office.

There was a hint of depression in the atmosphere in the marshal's room, Sengoku was desperately controlling his emotions, and Tsuru and Karp also had heavy expressions.

"How many years, how many years has the Navy not killed a general!".

Sengoku could hardly suppress the anger and grief in his heart, except for the loss of generals in the suppression of the Rocks Pirates for more than twenty years, even if the navy later participated in the suppression of Lunn as a combat force.

There have been no dead generals either!

"The only thing that can prove this is that Len, the Lord of the Night, is stronger than he was twenty years ago. "

Crane opened her mouth in a low voice, as a general staff officer, she did not participate in the Chambord Islands more than twenty years ago, but just from the analysis of the results, Lunn is indeed stronger than more than twenty years ago.

"I shouldn't say that, in fact, when I was on the front line against Len, I felt his strength, although the five old stars also shot, but how to say it. "

"If it weren't for his sudden fainting and petrification, we might, and would not have been able to defeat him. "

Karp's face was solemn, as a participant in the Battle of the Chambord Islands more than twenty years ago, he had a deep fear of Len, and now after the news of the death of the great general Sakasky in the battle came back.

He felt even more that the battle more than twenty years ago was not enough to completely show Lunn's strength!

"Now, the whole world knows that a major admiral has died in battle, and I think that the plan is about to be launched in advance, and CP0's Yaksha is also dead, and the world government must also be heartbroken by the loss of a general's combat power. "

"Inform the World Government to start the battle at the top in advance!"

Sengoku slammed the table, his eyes now burning with rage, and he wanted to start a plan to kill Lunn immediately!

The news of Sakasky's death in the battle was reported by the navy that survived the First World War on Daughter Island, but the most humiliating thing for the navy was that a newspaper reporter filmed that scene at that time!

At that time, when Akainu and Lunn were fighting, a smuggling merchant ship with a reporter was crossing the windless zone, and it happened that to photograph that scene.

Immediately after, the scene of the sword cutting off Sakasky's head was taken as a front-page headline, and it quickly became popular all over the world!

The death of the admiral shocked the eyes of the whole world!

Crane slightly bowed his head and agreed, the prestige of the navy was almost collapsing at a rapid rate, and the plan for the battle on the top was basically perfected, and the Seven Martial Seas that should have arrived were arriving one after another.

Won't come, never come, for example, the empress of Daughter Island, Han!

The decision of the marshal's office was quickly transmitted to the world government, and the five old stars, who had just been angrily reprimanded by Imu, came back and received a telegram from the Warring States, with different faces.

"It's okay to start the plan in advance, but this time you can successfully capture the Lord of the Night, Yaksha, you can die so easily. "

"The Navy Headquarters has also lost a big admiral, and now the whole world knows about the situation, even if it is a hard head, it will be launched. "

"The army has also transferred more than 100 generals and commanders-in-chief to the Navy headquarters, and the elite of the entire CP organization is also being transferred, including the combat power that has been hidden for many years. "

"Then report it to Lord Imu and escort Ace to Marinfando!"

The decision of the five old stars quickly took effect, and one after another orders were issued to countless departments in an instant, and among the flowers, Im was looking at Lunn's recent achievements, and a few thoughts flashed in his eyes.

In the last battle of the Chambord Islands, he only sent one of the Five Old Stars over, and this time, he let all the Five Old Stars go into battle!

With a flash of cruelty in his eyes, Imu casually pierced Lunn's head in the image with the dagger in his hand and roared.

"Soon, soon, the sacrifice of the King of Heaven is about to be completed!"

"Lord of the Night, you will become, the prey of the King of Heaven!".

And the whole world is now in an uproar.

"The Admiral actually died on Daughter Island, isn't that one of the Seven Martial Seas, the territory of the One Piece Empress?"

"One Piece Empress, she has been stripped of the title of the Seven Martial Seas! Not the Seven Martial Seas anymore!".

"A general died before the war with Whitebeard, and the Navy may lose this time. "

And when the sky was full of words, a CP spy who had been lurking in the dark world for many years revealed their deities one after another and went to Marin Fando.

In Happy Street, in a bar, Stussy slowly exhaled a smoke ring, looking at the figure in her hand, she murmured softly.

"I didn't expect that my identity would be exposed so soon, and I was really reluctant to give up this identity. "

"Lord of the Night, let me see what kind of strength you have that can shake the whole world. "

Brush pull!

A CP0 exclusive uniform was picked up by Stussy from the table and slowly draped over her body, and what caught her eye was a corpse on the ground, those are all characters to be eliminated after she is exposed!

The world began to sound the death knell, and this time, I don't know who it was for whom!

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