The wind is howling, the shadows cover the sky, and although the people have not arrived, their power has come with earth-shaking bullying!

"This is, Lord of the Night, Lunn. "

Stussy puffed the cigarette in his hand, slowly exhaled a smoke ring, and looked at the figure in all directions, with a sharp look in his eyes.

Sengoku's eyes showed a glimmer of essence, and the layout began, since Lunn cared so much about Ace's life, that is to say, it was absolutely impossible for him and Whitebeard to leave before he and Whitebeard rescued Ace!

His expression was solemn, and he didn't look at the death axe hand beside him, holding the phone bug, and he spoke.

"Left flank phalanx and right flank phalanx, all troops attack!"

"Snipe Lunne, Lord of the Night!"

Sengoku's command order instantly made everyone feel that something was wrong, and Doflamingo's eyes showed a gleam, sure enough, he guessed correctly, Ace was just a decoy.

"Oh, hehehe, is it a naval strategy? It's terrible, to gamble the lives of his own soldiers with the determination of the Night King. "

Moria smiled and spoke, a strange and evil smile on her massive face.

Just to lock up Lunn and Whitebeard, although the Navy Headquarters has intelligence to confirm that Whitebeard and the Night Lord have a good relationship, but Sengoku does not dare to bet that if Ace dies, Lunn will not leave.

Now, Lunn has such a strong attitude, which proves that Lunn will never leave until Ace dies!

And Lunn and Whitebeard want to save Ace, then, what they need to cross is the endless navy!

Doflamingo laughed, in front of him, there were countless navies, hundreds of warships, and the Nine Snake Pirates had less than ten warships!

"Lord of the Night, Lunne!"

"He is worthy of being a man who stirs up the times, and in the face of such a military situation, he is unwavering!"

His eyes showed endless joy, it was such a battle to the death that could stir up the world!

Moria also looked at the fleet that was heading straight for the naval headquarters with a strange smile, with murderous intent in his eyes, and the two generals sat on the execution table as steadily as Mount Tai.

Under the execution table, there is also the painful Karp, although Ace is not his own grandson, but the relationship between the two has long gone beyond blood!

Karp glanced at Ace, who was shackled, his eyes revealed heartache, why, why didn't he listen to him, he had to be a pirate in life or death!

In the midst of the confusion in his heart, Karp turned his head to look beyond the sea, the dark shadow that soared into the sky, the waving flag, and he slowly stood up, no matter what, as a hero of the navy.

He can't, let the pirates run rampant!

Sengoku looked at Karp with feeling, the depth of the friendship between the two is not enough for outsiders, but, it's a pity!

Audiences around the world were shocked by Lenn's strength.

"Is this the strong man who once stirred up the world and then reappeared, and he actually went straight to the world alone!"

"I have long seen what Sengoku meant, he was just testing the Night King, and now sure enough, after the Night King showed such a strong attitude, the navy began to move. "

"This is really a battle that decides the fate of the times, I don't know who is the real hegemon!"

"I hope the navy wins, otherwise there will be chaos on the sea again, the last One Piece Roger, opened the era of pirates, and there are pirates everywhere who burn and loot, it's too hateful. "

Countless people are discussing the duel between the Night Lord and the Navy.

And outside Marin Fando, there are two hundred Sou Navy warships moving, on the left and right wings, outflanking the pirates!

Even if Lunn's combat power is shocking, if the ship is sunk, the navy can kill him even if it uses a pile of people!

Standing on the deck, Lunn stood in the wind, looking at the naval lineup with flags covering the sky, overwhelming, there was no panic in his expression, Angel stood behind him, dressed in military uniform!

Regardless of the past or future, as long as she is with Lunn, there is absolutely no time to make a vase, and she is also the woman who once fought with Reilly to a draw!

Hancock's ship followed Lenn closely, looking at the movement of the banner that covered the sky and the sun, her eyes showed determination, she wanted the world government to know that her name as the Empress of Pirates was not just because she was good-looking!

All the awe stems from her own great strength.

The two giant snake maidens had already activated the Devil Fruit and stood behind Hancock, and the three Boya sisters were all eager to look at the huge group of warships that were attacking.

The entire Nine Snake Pirates, under the leadership of Lunen, did not show a trace of fear!

Sengoku took the phone bug, looked at the fleets of the two sides that were about to collide, and slammed into a shout.

"Cannon !!"

More than two hundred warships, thousands of guns, suddenly pulled the muzzle!


The black smoke emitted by the gunpowder smoke directly obscured the entire sky, and all the people who saw this scene were shocked by the military strength of the navy.

"This is it, the navy that has gathered all its strength, it's terrible!"

"No wonder the Navy Headquarters directly deployed to attack and kill the Night King and Whitebeard this time, with such a military force, which pirate group can withstand it?"

"The sea is really going to change, I don't know if the Navy Headquarters will take advantage of the situation to clean up the other three emperors and cut off the pattern of sea pirates if the Navy Headquarters successfully strangled the Night King and Whitebeard!"

"This is a battle for the world to shake, I don't know which side is the real hegemon, who can look down on the whole world. "

"If the navy loses, who will carry out the name of justice? He can't lose!"

In the sea off Marinfando, countless shells were overwhelmingly attacked, and Hancock stepped forward, his eyebrows were heroic!

In the face of the first wave of offensive, it is impossible for the big boss Lunn to make a move no matter what, as a vassal, the Nine Snakes have to prove their worth in the war!

"All of them, ready!"

Han Cook suddenly screamed, and on all the Nine Snake Pirate Battleships, countless female soldiers raised their bows and arrows one after another, and she herself disappeared from the deck in an instant.

And a coquettish sound, suddenly sounded!

"Super Captive Arrow !!"

Under the smoke of gunpowder, the posture of women is suddenly revealed!

When countless black cannonballs fell in the air, pink hearts burst out!

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