Countless artillery pieces rose into the sky, gunpowder smoke filled the sky, and one after another thick black smoke condensed like wolf smoke and rushed up into the night!

Bang bang bang!!

Shell after shell bombarded the sea, and the flames burned the entire sea!

Warring States eyes stared closely at the location of Lunn's flagship, even if it was an iron-clad person, after breaking two hundred warships alone, he would be tired!

No one can fight like a perpetual motion machine forever!

"Aromatic feet!"

With a coquettish sound, Hancock soared into the sky, countless cannonballs were kicked into stones and exploded in the air, and Guan Dao and Snake Tail followed closely behind, sweeping the cannonball barrage one by one.

The female soldiers of the Nine Snakes on several ships even showed amazing archery skills!

Bang bang bang!!

Huge swaths of shells were emptied, and one shell after another came as if they would not stop, and the entire sea was ablaze with fire.

"Angel Wheel Dance!"

A huge storm on the sea appeared, and the spectacular scene of the dragon sucking up water suddenly occurred, and a large number of shells were all shattered by the violent knife storm.

Countless artillery fires occurred on the sea like fireworks.

This magnificent scene has not happened on the sea for decades!

"These pirates, they can't help it..... It's terrible, isn't it?"

Berumeber's hands and feet trembled, he couldn't help but be scared, his father with an abnormal brain, the axe hand Carmon, even if there were ten thousand, he couldn't fight such an earth-shattering scene!

Kirby swallowed, speaking with determination in fear.

"Berumeber, think about it, we are the ones who swore to be the generals, and the generals will definitely be able to defeat such pirates!"

"Can a general defeat such a pirate?"

"Before, General Sakasky died at the hands of the Night King, and it is said that he didn't even survive half an hour!"

Berumeber's face was already slightly distorted, and in this terrifying sight, as a pawn, he thought that he could not defeat these guys at all.

That strong man whose name appeared in mid-air and opened the way for the Night Lord to drive forward, even if a hundred of them were tied together, it was impossible to hurt one of the other party's toes!

A large number of strong men on Lunn's side moved in unison, and when only the artillery was covered, they forcibly cleared a passage and came out, and the entire fleet was like this, carrying the artillery fire.

Almost unharmed, he advanced before Marin Fando!

"How is it possible, thousands of artillery guns are covered, and even a mere king under the Seven Martial Seas can't stop it?!"

"If you look closely, it's not just the three Boya sisters, the woman who wore battle armor and blasted out the storm with her twin swords, she alone stopped the barrage that was close to a third of the pirates!"

"The other party is about to arrive in the inner bay, what should we do?"

The navy, which was operating a large number of forts, gradually stopped, and due to the angle, they were completely unable to attack the Night Pirates who were gradually entering the inner bay.

Only two or three hundred artillery pieces remained at the forefront of the inner bay, and the amount of these artillery pieces was simply not enough to pose a threat to Lunn and the others.

The black smoke that filled the sky gradually dissipated, and the sound of mute fire from the artillery became more and more!

Finally, Lunn's flagship appeared before the gates of the inner bay!

There were only a hundred guns left, and now they were frantically attacking Lunn's flagship, and wave after wave of shells were coming.

Boom Boom Boom !!

The sailors at the control of the guns watched the incoming pirate ship with red eyes, and they frantically pulled the cannons, sending shells into the sky.

But the cannonballs were so scarce that Hancock and the others didn't even need to make a move, just the arrows of the Nine Snake Female Soldiers detonated the cannonballs that came from the attack.

Bang bang!!

The sparse smoke and fire in mid-air were completely incomparable to the previous ones.

At this time, Lunn had already led the entire Night Pirates into the mouth of the inner bay, and his indifferent voice resounded in the sky.

"A group of miscellaneous soldiers, just stay aside!"

"Shadow Black Halberd!"

With an indifferent tone, before the words fell, a black halberd appeared on Lunn's head!

The commander of the battery position, Major General Hathau, suddenly stared, and he only had time to open his mouth to roar.

"Dodge !!"

Before the words fell, more than a thousand halberds bombarded down, and countless explosions suddenly sounded, and the halberds indiscriminately covered all the shelling positions on the left and right.

Fires lit up where shells were stacked, explosions shook the sky, countless positions were swept away, the earth cracked, and rocks pierced the air!

With the firelight and smoke in the sky, Lunn stood in front of the deck, his face was indifferent, and he led the Nine Snake Pirates into the inner bay brazenly!

The people who watched this scene through the live video were in an uproar.

"More than a thousand artillery pieces cover the offensive, and it's useless!"

"Is the One Piece Empress too strong, or is the Night Lord making a move?"

"No, among the people who shot before, there was a strong man who had never shown up before, that is, the woman who was wearing a suit of armor and was faintly taller than Han Cook!"

"But she landed on the flagship of the Night King, could it be that she was the Night King's subordinate more than twenty years ago?"

"Don't think about it so much, now that the Lord of the Night has rushed into the Bay of Marin Van Donne, if the Navy has any other means, hurry up, otherwise, I'm really worried that the Lord of the Night will destroy the entire Navy Headquarters!"

The whole world has already quarreled over the combat effectiveness shown by the Night Pirates, and Lunn has already led the whole ship at this time, crossing into the inner bay of Marin Fando!

Although his eyes were covered with a layer of black cloth, Lunn raised his head slightly, and from a great distance, Warring States and Lunen looked at each other!

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