If the first second is shock, the next second is complete subversion.

Their five old stars, Leon, have won!

"Megalomaniacal boy. "

Leon put away the sword in his hand, and looked contemptuously at Lunn in front of him, who had been torn apart by him, and the joy in his heart washed over the victory.

It's just that the black water still flows out of the heart, like an inexhaustible sea, without end.

The place where he stood under his feet was quickly covered by a black stream of water.

From the shocked face just now, Leon saw it, and Lenn smiled weirdly.

He knew that it was impossible to kill this kid so easily, raise his sword, and make defensive moves.

The weak, boneless wind blew softly through his ears.

Staring at the water on the ground, Lunn turned into a puddle of black water with the black current, scattering in all directions, enveloping all the surrounding scenes.

The darkness of the engulfing light wandered around Leon little by little, but did not rush to Leon's position.

"I remember the name Leon. "

A hearty greeting came from the sky.

The navy was astonished, and hurried to find the owner of the voice, but there was none, and the appearance out of thin air made people frightened and frightened.

The navy vigilantly picked up the guy in their hands and looked around in a circle, not seeing the man, the spread of fear was not only in the hearts of the navy, Leon was also watching the wind and grass around him.



By the time Leon reflected, the blade in his hand had already resisted the attack on the left, and the wind was blowing like him.

When the two blades stopped together, the sound of contention made many people hug their heads in pain.

The sound was like a soul-snatching note from hell, and many soldiers in the navy were attacked.

There were also huge waves set off by those two forces, which tossed things and people within a radius of several miles to the ground, and the wind swept up and rose one wave after another.

The stagnant black water still lay dormant on the ground, unmoved, but the speed of its spread slowed down, revealing an eerie cold silence.

"Arrogant boy, you are not destined to win this station!"

Leon pushed Lunn's sword away, and in a few jumps behind him, he retreated far away.

The sword in his hand lay across his chest, his hands clenched, not like the previous attacks, and he bowed behind him, and the sword in his hand drew a dark light.

It's not that I didn't see it clearly the first few times, but slowly, a knife mark was cut in the air.

It's slow, but it's a sight to behold.

The black liquid state also gradually solidified into a Lun appearance, the one just now was just a stand-in he tried, and now, what appeared in front of Leon's eyes was the real Lun.

But the black liquid is capable of going anywhere you want.

A scream of sorrow emanated from the sword in Leon's hand, like the resentful man in hell, shouting and arguing.

The blood-colored claws have begun to pierce, trying to grab innocent passers-by and drag them to hell!

"Covering the sea, slashing. "

This time, Leon moved very slowly, as if he wanted to stop himself, but the mournful sound did not stop.

Could it be that this is the true strength of covering the sea? The frightening note enters the tip of everyone's heart, and the deepest fear and sorrow in the heart are hooked.

The empty alley is like a sea of fire in hell, and it is also like the sea now, and there is sadness and fear as far as the eye can see, and people can't help but kneel down.

The sound of crying was endless, but the sound was only a separate noise in Lunn's ears, making him want to pluck his ears.

With a raised hand, the black liquid seemed to come to life, slowly gathering into a tall cobra, rushing towards the mournful voice.

The snake-like vibration sound was terrifying.

But it stopped under the screaming blade, and the air was quiet for a second.

The next moment, the black snake was cut in half.

Lunn frowned, and the sorrowful sound was accompanied by the horror of the sword qi, mixed with the sword qi of killing intent, which brought up his black liquid and slashed in his direction.

With a staggered body, he tilted his head, and with a roar, a huge crack had already appeared in the ground, splitting the land of Marinfando, and also splitting his black liquid, cleanly.

"Boy, arrogance, there is a price. "

Leon took the sword that was raised in his hand, the head of the sword facing the ground, and looked at Lunn who was dodging his sword aura.

"Enough fun. Lunn said this with a blank face.

The black liquid instantly covered the ravine, bubbling up like boiling water, and in an instant it conjured up another Lunn.

With a sword in his hand, the other pointed at Leon in front of him, and his fingers spun in a circle.

Another Lunn with a sword rushed towards Leon, and the blade imitated Leon's way just now, a little rusty, and it kept making Leon slash his body.

But in just a moment, the black liquid will be replenished again, and by the way, the sword in his hand will be swung more and more smoothly.

With one swoop, slash towards Leon's heart.

"Arrogance is a price to pay. "

The other Leon spoke, clapping his hands, and the Lunn in front of him was exhausted, tired of coping with and surprised by the Lunn who imitated him.

"But, it's also the opponent's division, Leon, your time is over!"

Next, one of Lunn disappears, and the other Lunn puts away the black liquid, but traps himself and Leon in a fighting circle.

Here is his chassis.

The slow shadow of the sword swung in front of him, just a simple cut through the air, just like Leon's movements, but with something different.

Leon panicked, he felt the danger of the threat, the sword in his hand trembled unsteadily, and looked at the boy in front of him who was said to be arrogant.

"I'm one of the Navy's Five Stars, Leon!" he yelled, charging towards Lunn.

The talisman-like Lunn sliced through the last layer of air, and the scorching sensation instantly burned the factors in the air, accompanied by the visible trajectory of the blade.

And the black liquid, which also constantly traced the direction of the sword, and rushed towards Leon who had struck the last blow.

The black liquid that gathered around them quickly gathered around, gradually closing the range of the two of them.

A final showdown, and the shockwave scatters all around.

Leon fell to his knees in the black liquid, the sword in his hand broken.

"Leon!" Alan shouted, and immediately turned into a phantom beast, trying to rush out, but was caught by Hanko.

"Let it go!"

The winner is decided.

"I also give you this sentence, Mr. Leon. "_

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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