As soon as Lunn's warship appeared, the defenders of the Chambord Islands panicked.

"Have you made contact with the headquarters?!"

"What is the order of the Marshal of the Warring States?!"

"The marshal hasn't replied yet, the Lord of the Night is approaching, what are we going to do!"

In the chaotic conference room, everyone's faces were sweating, and the phone call bug called the Navy Headquarters, but they were told that the Marshal of the Warring States was in an emergency meeting and asked them to wait for a while.

How to wait now?

Waiting to die?!

After Luffy made a big fuss about Justice Island, the garrison and management of Justice Island were almost all purged, Gerald Garland, with the rank of lieutenant general, he is now the supreme commander of Justice Island.

Now his forehead was covered in fine sweat, and after being destroyed by the Demon Slayer Order, the island of Justice began to be rebuilt, and he was appointed commander, which he thought was a good thing.

But soon after taking office, he met the Lord of the Night, which is a beautiful difference!

For a while, Gerald Garland's intestines were about to repent, fighting, it is also necessary to divide the enemy, in the face of the monster who broke the door of justice alone, how can he fight!

At this moment, the herald hurriedly brought the phone bug to Gerald Garland, and he almost couldn't wait to take it.

Sengoku's calm voice rang from the other end of the phone bug.

"Just let the Night Lord go, you don't have to do anything."

"That's it, hang up."

After two short instructions, Gerald Garland let out a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on his head with a handkerchief, and didn't need to fight, just don't fight.

What he fears most is that the Warring States order them to delay the Night King at all costs, that is true, and he will die hard!

As soon as the order of the Navy Headquarters was issued, the entire conference room breathed a sigh of relief, Justice Island was still being repaired and rebuilt, and there were not many troops, so it was really a fight with the King of the Night, and no one thought about it!

But is it all they can do to the Lord?

Lunn stood on the bow of the ship, looking at Justice Island with a hint of amusement in his eyes, and he thought a little about the scorched earth that had been covered in rounds of artillery fire.

Luffy's kid seems to have caused a demon slaying order to launch a devastating attack on Justice Island, and now, the Navy seems to be rebuilding this Justice Island.

The soldiers on the walls of Justice Island looked at the warship that was about to approach Justice Island, their expressions were full of nervousness, although their superiors told them that there would be no fighting.

But the prestige of the King of the Night has resounded throughout the world for decades!

How could they possibly take it easy!

That's the most legendary pirate in the world, and even Roger, who is worshiped as the king of the pirates, is not this guy's opponent on the sea!

Jinping piloted the warship, his eyes flashed with a hint of ease, if these guys on Justice Island don't stop them, then they will be able to easily reach the Chambord Islands.

But suddenly, a faint voice sounded.

"Jinping, stop for a moment."

Shocked, he felt a little chill in his body, and he raised his head and looked at Lunn, only to find that the adult's eyes were looking at the Island of Justice.

His eyes shrank, Lunn must have thought?!

In a panic, Jinping stopped the warship in front of the island of Justice Island, and then, Lunn took a step, he stepped out of the warship, and spoke with a bit of emotion.

"Is this the place where I was judged when I was asleep?"

"World government, navy, I didn't expect that this place still exists, but it's okay, a gift can also be given to the world government."

"I was in a hurry to meet that little ghost in Newgate, but I was still thinking about what to use as a gift for the current marshal of the Navy, Sengoku, and now it seems that this gift is just right."

Jinping was almost frightened, in his opinion, Justice Island didn't stop them, they just had to leave, but Lunn's words, what he meant, was to destroy Justice Island?!

Trampling in the air, Lunn muttered to himself, and walked towards Justice Island step by step, and the garrisons on the island looked at Lunn who was walking step by step, and they suddenly had a commotion.

"Your Excellency, the Lord of the Night is coming to our department!"

Gerald Garland, who was sitting in the conference room and sighing that he had escaped, stood up sharply when he heard this, and said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"What did you say?!"

"Didn't we, let them go?!"

Gerald Garland's face was almost desperate at this time, he had obviously given the order, not to fire a single shot!

Step by step into the air, looking at the huge island in front of him, Lunn had indifference in his eyes, whether it was the navy or the world government, those who had besieged and attacked, he would inevitably return the favor one by one.

But now that he has just come out, he is not in a hurry, he will first send a big gift to the navy, the gate of justice, it is not enough!

Gerald Garland had already run frantically to the top of the rebuilt Tower of Justice, and he yelled at the phone bug as he watched the figure standing in mid-air and began to raise his hands.

"The whole army is ready to fight!"

"All artillery fire, in the direction of the Lord of the Night!"

"Prepare to defend the honor and justice of the Navy to the death!"

"Even if it's death, bite off a piece of his flesh!"

Vice Admiral Gerald Garland, who was born in the Navy and led most of the Navy to rebuild the Isle of Justice, roared in the face of the legendary Night King!

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander!"

Under the spirit of the Supreme Commander, the eyes of all the soldiers gradually glowed with a sharp temperament!

Lunn's face was slightly moved, and he looked at the defenders of Justice Island who were gradually raising different flags, and the corners of his mouth showed a touch of playfulness.

"Interesting, from a lamb to the slaughter to a fox who wants to rebel against the hunters."

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