"This ...... How is this possible? The marshal of the Warring States actually vomited blood!"

"The Lord of the Night is too powerful!"

The Warring States vomited blood and brought an impact to many sailors, and their previously invincible Warring States Marshal actually vomited blood!

This kind of scene was something that the sailors had never imagined, causing them to be stunned for a while.

Even Sengoku himself looked at his palms in disbelief.

He could feel that his strength had weakened a lot, and if he continued to fight like this, he was afraid that he would die.

But what about death? As long as you can keep the righteousness in your heart, even death is not such a terrible thing.

He raised his head to look at Lunn, and his eyes once again swelled with murderous energy: "Come again!"

Sengoku knew that Lunn would never allow him to get out at this time to chase Whitebeard and Ace, and if he wanted to complete his mission, he could only defeat Lunn first.

With such a serious injury and such a strong fighting spirit, Lunn admired him very much at this moment.

He lowered his head and smiled, "Okay, come." "

Sengoku was the first to attack, and a golden light shrouded his body, and in full view of everyone, he turned into a huge Buddha statue.

The sunlight shone on the Buddha's body, and the light refracted was so dazzling that everyone subconsciously covered their eyes.

While everyone covered their eyes, only one Lenn stared at him with a blank face.

Although the Buddha's light is strong, it can't cause much damage in front of him, he looked at the appearance of the Warring States, and suddenly laughed: "Interesting." "

Warring States, who had turned into a Buddha statue, could easily see his expression, and from his subtle actions, it could also be seen that his current expression had already tensed to the peak.

The black mist that surrounded his body dissipated imperceptibly, and was replaced by a bright red sky, and the wind howled by, making Lunn's robe rattle.

The powerful deterrent force shook the naval soldiers below, and I don't know who took the lead first, but a group of people directly dropped the weapons in their hands.

Hide, if you don't hide again, you'll die!

Sengoku's mind has long been like a string full of bows, but he has no intention of retreating!

He let out a loud shout, and the boundless Buddha light flew forward along his body, and when his fingers moved slightly, several golden Buddha bullets flew out.

This time, he no longer stayed where he was and waited, but rushed to Lunn along the Buddha bullet, since there was a possibility that the Buddha bullet would have a problem, then he would use his body to play!

Lunn looked calm, not at all afraid of the impending powerful attack, and in the boundless red light, his steps moved gently forward.

The red light like a flame flowed beside Sengoku, obviously on the left, but in the next second, it suddenly changed to the rear.

The trail came and went quickly, and Jane looked like a ghost against the red light, making it difficult to see where Lunn was.

Soon, a strong red light enveloped the golden light of the country, starting from the outermost layer, and gradually tightening inward.

The air beside him seemed to be evacuated in an instant, and the breathless suffocation made Sengoku bend down instantly.

If he hadn't tried his best to firmly put his palm on the ground, I was afraid that he would have been forced to kneel down at this time!

That's what the Night Lord is capable of!

Douda's sweat fell down his forehead, and the feeling of suffocation made his muscles burst out, and his clothes were already soaked with sweat!

He tried to stand up several times, but the boundless pressure that accompanied the red light made him unable to stand up at all.

Each attempt brought a great deal of stress, and the tearing pain made his body almost collapse.

Lunn stood outside the red light, and the red light around him was shallow, only enveloping him, his expression was cold in the blood mist, and his eyes looked at the red silkworm chrysalis in front of him.

He saw Sengoku's struggles and Sengoku's pain, and he could put pressure on him at this time to completely collapse.

But he didn't know why, he didn't do it, probably he still wanted to see what Sengoku could do.

Lunn thought sideways, a shallow smile on his lips, "Don't let me down." "

The silkworm chrysalis, which was wrapped in airtightness, opened a small crack at some point, and the air flowed in through the gap, instantly waking up the dying Warring States.

He grabbed the breath of air, and as the oxygen poured in, his strength regained somewhat.

He clenched his fists and slammed them upward, trying to smash a hole in the red light that had imprisoned him like a secret room.

The red light was smashed by him, the original crack cracked even wider, and the more vigorous air poured in, making the burning sensation in his heart much better.

He no longer hesitated, and smashed his fist at the red light, which should have been invisible and untouchable, and the red light made a few small cracking sounds.

As he clenched his fists again and smashed it with all his might, the red light finally shattered completely with a thud.

He leapt out of the red light and watched as the smashed red light poured into Lunn from all directions.

The light that had oppressed him to the point of almost suffocating to death was as docile as a pet when it came to Lunn's side.

It wrapped Lunn tightly, but did no harm to him, but acted as if it were guarding him.

Sengoku raised his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth, after the struggle just now, he now added a lot of internal injuries.

When the finger was taken from his mouth, it was already covered in blood, and the blinding red color was like the light that wrapped around Lunn.

He put his hand to his side and wiped it casually on his body, red blood hidden in the golden light.

Lun En looked at the red light on his body, and after a few seconds, he raised his head and looked at the Warring States: "This is the strength gap between you and me, do you still want to fight?"

Although I had already breathed fresh air, the strong feeling of suffocation just now was as if it had been engraved in my body, and it still lingers.

Sengoku knew that the chances of him winning Lunn were very small, almost negligible.

But he is still alive, and since he is alive, he must fight for the justice in his heart, and it is not his style to surrender without a fight.

He didn't answer Lunn's topic, just clenched his fists, Xi Lunn's appearance just now, and quickly ran around Lunn.

The golden light on his body also gradually drifted around under his control, slowly forming the shape of a human being.

He wanted to confuse Lunn so that he couldn't tell which side he was on.

Lunn looked at the scene in front of him, and his face was full of pity: "Respectable, but also sad." "

Knowing that it was an impossible battle to win, Sengoku's attitude really made him respectful. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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