One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 17 Wanshou's Thoughts

After bidding farewell to the excited Oak Thorin, Lily and Wanshou returned to the hut. Qiqi and Anna had already prepared a meal. Lily wanted to stay for the two of them to eat, but was refused.

"Master, are there really things in this world that attract each other?" Lily asked after taking a bite of the food.

"I think so."

"But why? Two people or things who have never met before are attracted to each other. Is this so strange?" Lily was even more puzzled. Why did they meet, and why did they meet, just because of feelings?

"How do I explain this to you?" Wanshou stopped the bowl and chopsticks, held his chin and thought for a while, "Let me explain it to you using Devil Fruits. You know that animal Devil Fruits will choose the owner they want. Bar."

"I heard you say this."

"That's it, why can Animal Devil Fruits choose their owners? I actually don't know, but I have a guess. It may be because Animal Devil Fruits have the most complete consciousness among all types of Devil Fruits, even if it is the consciousness of an animal. , but it is often the consciousness of this kind of animal that is the most accurate. When they don’t like you, even if it is at your feet, you won’t notice it at all, but when they like you, they always Because of various strange reasons, everything in the world is sometimes unclear. We still don’t understand the world well enough, but a good weapon has a complete soul, and two people with similar souls It’s normal for things to attract each other.”

"Maybe, but one day I really find the demon knife Chi Ying, and I must listen to what he has to say." Lily lowered her head to eat again, and soon the two of them finished the entire table of dishes.

After simply clearing away the dishes, Lily picked up a book to study. In the past few years, Wanshou not only taught her martial arts, but also taught her more knowledge in books, from chronicles of people in various places, to various policies for governing the country, from animal manuals, to Various myths, although she was very curious about why the magical creatures introduced in the book called "Mountains and Seas" would have consequences after being eaten.

"Master, what kind of ruler do you think is qualified?" Lily asked, holding the book in her hand.

"A qualified ruler? This is a very unified question. First of all, what kind of ruler do you think is a good ruler?" Wanshou did not answer the question directly, but asked Lily instead.

"Hey, hey, master, it's obviously me who asked you, okay?" Lily complained, but still touched the corner of her head and started thinking.

"I personally think that if the people can have enough food to eat, warm clothes, little education, and a way to support themselves in old age, then he should be considered a good ruler."

"Ah hahahaha, you are looking at the problem from the perspective of the people, and a good ruler should look at the problem from two sides, the people's side and the ruler's side." Wanshou smiled and rubbed his hands. beard

"First of all, you are right about the people. Of course, I can add that the people must be educated and let them know what is good and what is wrong. Rulers must also go to the grassroots often to understand what the people need. They must not Work that is high-minded and self-motivated, otherwise it will be all in vain.”

"Then the second point is that from the ruler's side, a sound legal system is necessary. Remember, it is a sound legal system, not the law. When manpower is exhausted, the laws formulated at the beginning cannot be completely comprehensive. Modifications must be made according to the times and specific circumstances. In addition, the people must be given a certain degree of freedom. Everyone must not be fixed by law. The result will be that the entire country becomes a stagnant water. Over time, corruption and Monopolies will breed like mosquitoes in stagnant water.”

"In other words, the ruler must formulate a suitable law that is neither too strict nor loses its deterrent effect, right?" Lily asked again.

"That's right." Wanshou nodded and suddenly changed his attitude, "Let me tell you a story."

"There is a world in the legend. There is a ruler in this world. He leads a group of people to rule this huge kingdom. The king is smart and hard-working. He has formulated very detailed laws. His ministers also constantly praise this king. The king is very happy to be so loved by others. He likes to see everyone's smiling faces, but he is too busy with work and has no time to go out and take a look. He would like to see those people. "

Wanshou's storytelling skills were good, and Lily was instantly attracted to him.

"Sometimes, thoughts are like a seed. The king's idea of ​​going out to have a look gradually grew stronger in his mind. Finally one day, the king ran out under the cover of night. When he made sure that no one found him, he stood He had always wanted to laugh wildly on the hillside, but in order to maintain the majesty of the king, he was not allowed to do this before. Now he can finally laugh wildly.

The king ran out of the castle on the mountain and came to the villages under his rule. He thought he could see smiling faces one by one. Unfortunately, he was wrong. What he saw were people who were hungry and walking like zombies. The king He was shocked, he didn't understand why? Obviously I have worked hard, the ministers obviously said that everyone is fed and clothed, and they obviously say that everyone is happy.

The king looked at the villages one by one in disbelief. He found that the situation in most of the villages was not good, except for the villages where his ministers were home. The king could no longer bear it and asked the people in the villages why this was happening. Tell him that because the king said he would raise taxes, the current taxes are too heavy and no one can survive.

But the king knew that he had never raised taxes. In fact, the tax standards he set were extremely low, and he had prepared various regulations for various natural disasters. However, it was also true that these people were exploited. So where was the problem? It could only be his ministers.

The king was furious. He showed up on his own initiative and found the guards who were looking for him all over the world. Surrounded by the guards, he found his ministers. He questioned his ministers angrily, but the ministers remained silent. Just as the king drove the ministers away, the king went from one extreme to another. He was ready to let the people be free. The king cooperated with a kingdom that was good at researching science and technology. They invented many things. He was ready to make the world a better place through these inventions. But at this moment, the rebellion came. The ministers who were expelled by the king rebelled against the king. They stole the king's inventions, and a war began. Many people supported the ministers because of the king's liberal policies. Although the original taxes were gone, various civil riots emerged one after another, and society became more turbulent. When the original ministers appeared under the banner of restoring order, many people responded. The war was over and the king lost. The two big hats of the former harsh rule and the later recklessness were put on the king's head, although the second one was indeed done by the king. The nobles became the new king, and the original king disappeared. "

After Wanshou finished the story, he took the teacup from the table and took a sip to moisten his throat.

"How is it? Do you understand?"

"The king designed the law, but the law was controlled by the ministers and became a tool for the ministers to make money. Later, the king abolished the law and caused riots. In short, this king is an overly naive guy, silly and cute." Lily shook her head and commented on this stupid king.

"Yes, this king is a naive fool. I admit that his starting point is good, but sometimes stupidity is more hurtful than cruelty."

"This king is a capable but incompetent person. He grew up in the palace. He doesn't know what the people need or want. Everything is just his wishful thinking." Lily shook her head again, stopped discussing this stupid king, and continued to bury her head in reading.

And Wanshou took another sip of tea and smiled mysteriously.

Another chapter is a character biography, please move to the related works

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