One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 237 Mihawk's Survival at Sea

"Where is this?" Mihawk looked around in confusion. He had been floating on the sea for fifteen days. Food and fresh water could be exhausted at any time, but he still couldn't find the location of the next island. Now he could only drift with the current, but as if he was against himself, the sea was extremely calm. Mihawk could only use his precious sword, Night, as a paddle to row the boat. Fortunately, the blade of Night was wide enough, and it was still very convenient to use it as a paddle.

But since coming to the New World, this way of rowing has become unworkable. Although Mihawk successfully obtained the three-needle record pointer with his superhuman charm, it seems a bit too early for Mihawk to sail alone in the New World.

The changeable weather of the day made Mihawk suffer a lot. He finally rowed a distance, but the direction of the water suddenly changed, directly bringing him back to the original place, or the water was turbulent, which directly led Mihawk off the direction. He was already very close to the island, but was washed off again, which was really helpless.

Of course, these are nothing compared to the rainstorm. The sudden rainstorm did not directly harm Mihawk, but it made some of his food moldy. In order to fight against the surging mad dog waves, Mihawk also consumed a lot of physical strength, which was really helpless.

Looking at the unchanging sea surface around him, Mihawk was unconsciously a little discouraged. This feeling of powerlessness against nature is really unbearable.

Time came to the 29th day little by little, and Mihawk's last food supply disappeared. Now after so many days of hard survival, his condition has been extremely poor. Mihawk's luck can be said to be extremely bad. After so many days, he didn't even see an island or a boat, not even a bird. He tried to fish, but he got nothing except wasting a piece of precious bread. As for going to the sea to catch fish, he did it, but after a sudden gust of wind almost blew away his boat, he never dared to try again.

Mihawk's lips are now chapped, and his skin has cracked for the nth time due to lack of water and salty sea breeze. Mihawk has completely lost his aristocratic temperament. He is disheveled and smells sour, like a beggar and tramp.

He lay on the edge of the boat, completely exhausted, quietly waiting for death. Mihawk never thought that his ending would be like this. He thought he would die in a fight with others and in various situations, but he didn't expect that he would die of thirst in the sea because he got lost. This is a great irony for a man who aspires to become the world's number one swordsman.

Mihawk closed his eyes and prepared to welcome his end, but just when Mihawk had given up on himself, there was a sudden turn of events. A huge whale suddenly appeared on the sea in the distance. No, it was not a whale, it was a ship, a foreign ship like a black giant whale, coming towards this side from the sea level.

"That guy Marco is lazy again this time." Flower Sword Vista leaned against the bow and said boredly. Now the Whitebeard Pirates have money, and they need to travel constantly to escort the fleet, so Whitebeard waved his hand and allocated funds to build a lot of new ships. The foreign ship under Vista is one of them, which is the Black Whale foreign ship during the future war in the original timeline, and it appeared here in advance.

Vista came out to perform a mission this time, but it was not his mission, but Marco's. However, Marco had something to do, so he could only ask Vista for help. Vista had no choice but to come back from the mission and had no time to rest for two days before he went on another mission. This is also the reason why Vista was helpless.

"Captain! There seems to be something on the sea." A crew member of Whitebeard shouted.

"Ah? What's in this place? Did you see it wrong?" Vista raised his eyebrows and said strangely. The reason why he said this was very simple. This is the famous Labyrinth Sea. Except for foreign ships that can sail out of here by their own power, sailboats can't move here, because no matter how hard you try, you will eventually be brought back to the original place by the current and wind and waves. As long as you are a pirate in the New World, no one doesn't know this place. Everyone stays away from this place. It's Vista who wants to take a shortcut. In addition, their navigators are really capable, otherwise they won't go to such a place. Now someone told Vista that there is something here, no wonder Vista is curious.

"Absolutely not, that, it looks like a lifeboat, no, it looks like a coffin." The crew shouted.

"There is someone up there!" The lookout standing on a high place shouted loudly with a telescope.

"Let me see." Vista stood up, took the telescope of the person next to him and took a look, and happened to see Mihawk closing his eyes peacefully.

"Oh my god, there really is someone here. Pull the boat over. That guy seems to be in trouble. He is lucky to have met us. Help him." Vista turned around and shouted.

"Okay!" The helmsman heard Vista say so, so he naturally would not refuse. He answered loudly, turned the rudder, and drove to the side of Mihawk's boat. When he got closer, he lowered the boat and pulled Mihawk up.

"This guy has been without water for at least three days, and without food for at least five days. It's a pity that he can hold on." The ship's doctor said as he looked at Mihawk's body.

"This guy seems to be a swordsman. This knife is pretty good, huh? Damn, didn't this guy faint? Why is he still holding it so tightly!" A crew member looked at the night in Mihawk's hand and wanted to take it over to have a look, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take the night off from Mihawk's hand, as if someone had welded the two together. He now doubted whether Mihawk really fainted?

"What's wrong?" Vista walked over and asked.

"Captain, this guy is very strange. He looks very weak and fainted, but he can't take the knife off his hand." The sailor said.

"Hmm? Let me take a look." Vista instantly became interested and walked forward to look at the weapon in Mihawk's hand. Just as he was about to touch it, he suddenly reacted.

"Wait, where do I seem to have seen this knife?" Vista is also a swordsman. Looking at the night in Mihawk's hand, he fell into deep thought.

"Captain? What are you thinking about?" The sailor looked at Vista and asked curiously.

"Wait, don't talk. Go get the sword manual in my room. Doctor, treat him quickly. This guy should not be just a stranded person." Vista looked at Mihawk's weapon and felt more and more familiar with it, but he just couldn't remember where he had seen it before. It was really strange.

After a while, the sailor ran out with Vista's sword manual and handed it to Vista, who quickly flipped through it.

"Good deeds, no, great deeds, no, could it be, found! Supreme Great Deeds Twelve Works - Night! I remember, this guy is this year's supernova, the Hawkeye - Mihawk!" The moment Vista saw the name of the weapon, he also remembered Mihawk's identity and exclaimed immediately. For no other reason, compared with Shacklebolt Dale and Moria, Mihawk's record is too fierce. This guy directly ran to the naval base with a knife, named and challenged someone, and then left after defeating him. This kind of thing happened once or twice, but the problem is that Mihawk did this at least dozens of times this year, which immediately made him famous.

Moreover, Mihawk is not shy about his dream. Whenever someone asks him, Mihawk will naturally express that he wants to become the world's number one swordsman, which naturally makes Mihawk more famous. Of course, this makes many people regard him as a thorn in their eyes and think that he is too arrogant. They want to give Mihawk a good look, but no one has successfully defeated Mihawk yet. He is like a cheater, cutting melons and vegetables all the way to the new world. I didn't expect to meet him in the sea of ​​maze today, and he was exhausted.

"Captain, what should we do?" People around asked Vista.

"What else can we do? Save people, this guy is a powerful guy, I want to see if he has the strength to become the world's number one swordsman. When he gets better, I want to compete with him." Vista didn't care about the eyes of others and said frankly. In any case, at least for now, Mihawk's life is saved.

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