"Restaurant, where is the restaurant? Where is it?" Shanks has gone completely crazy. Nothing is more important to him now than food, food! ! !

"Ah?" Jesus' head was filled with questions. Aren't these people pirates? Why do they look like starving ghosts? Their eyes are glowing green. What's going on?

"What, we are pirates, but we are not the kind of pirates who kill people and steal goods. We have been without food on the ship for several days. There is no restaurant. We pay!" Shanks looked at Jesus Bu's confused look and also Trying his best to turn his brain, which was already controlled by hunger, he barely guessed the reason and explained it immediately.

"Oh, that's it. Then you guys come with me. We are a small village and there are no restaurants. But my family has opened a tavern, which can be used to buy some food." Jesus Bu looked at the people in front of him, all of whom looked disheveled. He probably guessed what was going on, but he did not let down his guard. Now this group of people were hungry and couldn't see anything. What if they got into trouble after eating? Take it to your home first and let Banchina go out in the name of shopping. There is a pile of spirits underground in the tavern of your home. If these guys dare to mess around, then you can order the wine yourself, use the distiller, and directly Everyone dies together!

"Okay, okay, anything is fine. As long as you have something to eat, which direction? Let's go!" At this time, Shanks really couldn't care about so much, and a group of people just pushed Jesus Bu towards the village.

"Wrong, wrong! Over there! Over there!" Jesus Bu was dragged forward by them and could only shout loudly. It was the first time that he discovered that pirates were so scary. These guys with green eyes made people laugh. With fear in their hearts, following the voice of Jesus Bu, the red-haired pirates immediately shouted and ran in the other direction. Even Beckman put down his restraint and ran quickly. He was actually very hungry, not to mention now. He was also carrying Bucky on his back.

"Bump!" The poor tavern door was knocked open, and a sharp-nosed woman with hair between dark green and black looked at the people rushing in with a confused look on her face.

"Is there food? Is there food? Is there food?" Shanks rushed directly in front of the woman and asked.

"Huh?" This woman is Jesus Bu's new wife and future Usopp's mother, Benchina. The expression on her face is exactly the same as that of Jesus Bu just now. She doesn't understand the red-haired guy in front of her at all. What on earth are those people behind him doing?

"Benchina, these guys are going crazy with hunger. Is there anything else to eat at home? Give these guys a head start, and they will pay." Jesus Bu finally got out of the crowd, hugged Benchina and went Walking to the kitchen, he did not forget to shout to the red-haired people behind him: "Wait a moment, I will get you something to eat."

"Okay!" The red-haired and others responded instantly, and they were all waiting for the meal to begin.

"Jesus Bu, what's going on?" After arriving in the kitchen, Banzina immediately pulled Jesus Bu and asked.

"These guys are pirates. They must have been hungry for a long time. Now they are clamoring for food. I wanted to resist them at the dock before, but these guys were too fast. I didn't have time, so I had to first "I brought them home, let me tell you, is there enough food at home?" Jesus asked after briefly explaining the situation.

"There are still some, but I'm afraid it's not enough for so many people." Banchina thought for a moment and said. After all, they are a tavern here, and few people come here to eat. Even if they eat, they can only order fried rice or bread. Let's take a look, so there isn't much food preserved here.

"Okay, then when they go out for a while they say they don't have enough food and want to buy some. Then I'll hold them back while you go find someone in the village. I asked Fisherman Tot to go to the village to warn you before. You go find someone in the village." "Jesus Bu said while rummaging for bread in the kitchen.

"Then what do you do?" Banchina asked while helping Jesus search.

"I'm fine, don't you believe me? I'm the best sniper in the world!" Jesus smiled proudly and started boasting directly, but this did not reassure Benchina, because unlike Usopp, Jesus Bu doesn't particularly like to say that he is the best sniper. Only when he is nervous, he will say it in a way similar to cheering himself up. Benchina knows him too well and knows that once Jesus Bu says this Words mean that he is unsure, just like when he proposed to her, five out of ten sentences are the best snipers.

"Jesusbu, don't take risks. Wouldn't it be better to go to the village with me?" Banchina said anxiously.

"No, these pirates are not so easy to deceive. They may look like nothing now, but that's because they are too hungry. They can't watch us all leave, so you have to go out, Benchina. Of course, think of something better. Yes, maybe this group of pirates is different and they are not prepared to hurt anyone?" Jesus said with a smile.

"Stop joking, Jesus Bu, I can't let you here alone. Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Are you going to let me call someone? Do you want to light all the spirits in the cellar?" , and then blow up the still." As the saying goes, two kinds of people can't sleep in the same bed. Banchina instantly guessed what Jesus Bu wanted to do, and the smile on Jesus Bu's face froze.

"My, me." Jesus was speechless for a moment. He didn't expect that his plan would be discovered by Banchina so quickly, which made him not know what to say.

"Ahem." Just as the two were struggling, a cough sounded from beside them, which scared them. They looked back at the same time and saw Beckman standing here without knowing when.

"You heard it all!" Jesus' hand unconsciously touched the flintlock rifle on his waist. Now he was ready to fight to the death. Although the guy in the world line was an irresponsible person, he had to consider the situation. Jesus had a child at that time, and Jesus had just got married not long ago. As we all know, men who had just married and men with children are two different creatures.

In addition, Jesus didn't know the situation of the Red Hair Pirates at all. What he saw was a group of desperate pirates, so he naturally didn't think of going to sea together.

"I heard you, but I promise you, we really don't plan to do anything to this village. We are just here to eat. This is the meal fee. If you don't use it, please buy us food directly. Thank you." Beckman said, and took out the 1.5 million Baileys that Buggy had hidden with great difficulty. It must be said that their pirate group really can't save money. Not to mention Shanks's stupid operation, the expenditure of meal money alone accounts for 70% of the total expenditure of the entire pirate group. It is rare for Buggy to get 1.5 million Baileys from this. After all, they don't rob houses, but rely on treasure hunting everywhere to increase their finances. They are completely the type of people who depend on the weather for their livelihood.

"You, are you really here to eat?" Jesus was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that he still has some kind of prophetic talent? A joke he made casually could actually be true?

"It's true. Please bring us some food quickly. We've been hungry for a week." If Beckman hadn't been born with facial paralysis, he would have been in tears. He was the best case, thanks to Bucky for giving him a portion of his food, but he had been hungry for three days.

"Okay, life and death are determined by fate, and wealth is determined by God. You take these breads first. Banchina, you make fried rice for them, and I'll go see if there's anything else to eat." Jesus Bu didn't know if what Beckman said was true, so he could only take a gamble and stuffed the bread in his hand into Beckman's hand.

"Thank you." Beckman didn't care about his face, grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, then turned around and walked out of the kitchen quickly. Although there weren't many breads, they could at least fill everyone's stomach. Fortunately, there weren't many people on their ship.

"Jesus Bu, do you really have to believe them?" Banchina asked.

"Let's take a chance and see what happens. If something really happens, we'll fight." Jesus Bu said as he opened the rice bag.

"Okay, then you help me wash the rice, I'll go to Aunt Susan next door to borrow some food." Bankina, who was not sick, was also a strong woman. She tied her hair and started to get busy.

At the same time, everyone in the tavern was already fighting for the bread. The bread didn't even last a minute before it went into everyone's stomach. Beckman finally left two and gave them to Bucky, who was completely exhausted, to pull him back from the brink of life and death.

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