One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 332 Extra: Spring Festival Special (Part 3)

A day can be neither too short nor too long, especially when everyone starts to get busy. The time flies by so fast. It’s almost night in the blink of an eye, even though I haven’t prepared enough things in advance. There are many, but fortunately, the beasts themselves have the habit of collecting food, and Lily just brought back two Neptunes two days ago, so the food is absolutely sufficient.

The calligraphy and painting team led by Azu immediately started the assembly line operation. After someone on one side finished the painting, someone on the other side immediately took it away and posted it. Those who were not alive all ran over to help. Even Archain, who had not seen him for a long time, brought Several members of the Female Titan Pirates ran over. These big guys became the most suitable ladders. They supported others with their hands to help hang various banners, couplets and other things. Their efficiency was widely praised.

Jhin walked around the country of Wano and sent out the invitations in his hands. Don’t get me wrong, the only people who received the invitations were Shigetsu Ushimaru, Shigezuki Yasuie, and Hyo no Hana Goro. There were more people like this Ordinary people who work hard in the middle of the year are the main recipients of invitations. These people live in a mixed environment, so Jhin almost plowed through the entire Wano Country and sent out the large pile of invitations.

That is to say, the people of Wano are now accustomed to the image of beasts. Otherwise, Jhin, a guy who is several meters tall, dressed in black, with wings behind his back, fire coming from behind, and not even showing his face, will definitely scare many people. .

The people who received the invitation were at first shocked, surprised, and then ecstatic. Some people even ran around the village crazily with the invitation, telling the neighbors about the good news, and the neighbors also came to start. Congratulations. At the same time, many people asked these people for help. They went to Onigashima to find the members of the Beasts who helped them at that time to express their gratitude. They also gave these people various gifts and asked them to help give them to the Beasts.

The atmosphere of the New Year seemed to arrive in an instant. A group of people marched toward Qiangang in a mighty manner. Teams from various places who were renamed from picket teams to security teams received the notice from the beasts, prepared transportation in advance, and rushed to the Qiangang port as soon as possible. These people were sent to the submarine port one after another, and then boarded the ship to Ghost Island.

When these people came to Ghost Island, Quinn also set up the stage. This time he really worked hard to build such a complete stage in such a short period of time. It has to be said that although Quinn Because he usually looks like an unlucky character in a comic, but he does have his own abilities.

The entire stage was built with both aesthetic and practical elements. All metal structures were blocked under the stage scene. In such a short time, Quinn even built machine slides and a big screen. This is simply incredible. It can only make people sigh, as expected of a person from the pirate world, he is so outrageous.

"Oh! Isn't this Brother Shouuchi! You're here too!"

Azu, who had just finished writing and was shaking his sore arms and fingers, saw the man who invited him to eat ramen and said hello happily.

"Ah! Mr. Azu! This is for you!"

After receiving the invitation, Teuchi prepared all the things he could and wanted to take them all to the island. However, because there were too many, some of them were temporarily detained. He will return them to him when he returns from Onigashima. There was no way, as long as the people came, almost all of them brought a lot of big and small bags. If they were allowed to carry them all, I'm afraid these people wouldn't be able to get through tomorrow morning, so I could only pick a few important things and bring them over. .

"What's this?"

Azu looked at the small box in his hand, opened it curiously, and found that inside was a wooden sculpture carved after himself. However, the carving technique was not very good. As a long-handed man, he had two elbow joints. The right arm of this wood carving is correct, but the left arm is missing a joint.

"Hey, the children in the village carved it. I heard that they were coming, so I insisted on giving it to you. It was also the children's wishes. The carving is not good, please forgive me, Mr. Azu."

He scratched his head in embarrassment. He was too embarrassed to refuse a child, so he could only bring it over and give it to Azu. He was actually quite embarrassed. After all, this gift was indeed a bit bad. .

"It's very good. Don't tell me, this kid is quite talented. In fact, I have done some research on this thing. You see, although this kid has many mistakes in carving, his technique is absolutely fine. The cuts are very accurate and there are no mistakes. Hesitation, this is something most people can’t do.”

Azu's eloquent comments made Shou Nai stunned. He really didn't expect that Azu also had research on this aspect.

Just when the two were chatting happily, many people also found the person they were looking for and sent their gifts. Suddenly, many people were holding a bunch of big and small bags in their hands. Even Archaon received a gift.

"Is this for me?"

Archaon looked at the pocket-level gift in his hand and asked, "I can't help it. For him who is more than 20 meters tall, this thing is indeed a bit small (eat the book! Eat the book! Archaon's height has been corrected to 25 meters." )

"Well, I'm sorry. We actually prepared a large one, but when we arrived, we were told that it was too big and we weren't allowed to bring it over, so we had to get a small one first."

The person who gave Archaon a gift was a little girl. She was originally the daughter of a servant of a samurai family in Jiuli. Her father became seriously ill because of the beatings and excessive work of the samurai. The samurai was later killed by Archaon himself. Hanging on the beam of his house, looking at the samurai who kept slapping like a landed fish, the little girl completely remembered the big man who looked scary, but was cautious when going out, for fear of breaking something. figure.

"It's okay, this is not bad."

Archaon looked at the little girl and comforted her in a low voice. Although his low voice was no different from shouting, at least he had the right attitude. Archaon carefully opened the gift with the barbs on his gauntlet. The outer packaging rope was lifted, and then the outer straw paper was lifted, revealing the snow-white rice cake inside.

"Did you do this?"

Archaon looked at the small rice cake in front of him. He knew that it was not easy to make, at least not for ordinary people. But the child just said that there was still a big one that he had not brought. The block is not small for ordinary people, so how big is the big one?

"Hehe, no, it was done by people in our village. Our village has made money by making rice cakes this year. This time we made an extra large rice cake. If it is spread flat, it will be bigger than a house. But I don’t have that much strength to carry them all for you at once. After the New Year, can you go to our village? I’ll treat you to a big rice cake!”

The little girl touched the back of her head sheepishly, but then she changed her face and began to introduce her hometown, and at the same time warmly invited Archaon.

"Okay, I will go there after the New Year."

Although incoherent speech is almost a good thing, this habit has been inherited. Strange sentence fragmentation has become Archaon's characteristic, along with his terrifying black armor and buzzing chain axe. Together, they became Archaon's symbol.

Such various situations unfolded all over Onigashima, until the sound of electric guitar strumming enveloped the entire square, and everyone's eyes were instantly drawn to the stage.

"Everyone, look over here! Welcome to Superstar Quinn's Robot Heavy Metal Band!!!"

As Quinn shouted, a burst of heavy metal music sounded, and then a row of white gas spurted out, covering the stage. As the sound of the heavy metal music became louder and louder, a figure emerged from the white gas.

"That's it! Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI!?"

Louise looked at the robots playing musical instruments that appeared on the stage and felt a little stunned. These abandoned robots were either dismantled or thrown away by him. Unexpectedly, they were collected by Quinn and transformed into this!

"Hmph!" Quinn noticed Louise's gaze, turned around and gave a thumbs up, and opened his mouth, revealing a set of white teeth. Louise found that his mentor was so handsome for the first time.

The appearance of the robot heavy metal band instantly made the atmosphere more lively.

You may have noticed recently that the author's recent updates are a bit weak, because the author is a publicity officer for a government agency, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. He works overtime until early in the morning every day, and then writes the novel to be published the next day, every day at one or two in the morning. Go to bed at 0 o'clock and get up at 7 or 8 o'clock the next morning. I am really dizzy and have no energy. Please forgive me for the author's recent situation. I don't want to interrupt the update because I am also a reader and have read sixteen I am a bookworm who knows how hard it is to stop updating, so I try my best to keep updating. Thank you all for your support along the way. I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Dragon in 2024!

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