One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 397 Jin, Dai, and Katakuri

"Huh? Why are you here?"

Katakuri pulled on his scarf and looked at the siblings who suddenly appeared in front of him and said, he has hid in such a secret place to eat, why would anyone come here?

"Why are you here? Didn't you go over there and drink with them?"

Also in a daze were Jhin and Dai. In order not to expose their identities, the two chose to find a deserted place to enjoy their food slowly. Unexpectedly, the secret place they found was already occupied.

"I, I don't like crowded places, but you two, I haven't seen you take off your masks since the first time we met. Is it necessary to hide your identity like this?"

Katakuri looked at Jhin and Dai and said that it was not a secret to him that these two people were from the Lunaria clan. After all, Big Mom had guessed it through some clues when she first met them, and As Big Mom's most valued son, Katakuri knew this.

To be honest, discovering the identities of Jhin and Dai is not difficult for people who are familiar with them. After all, the current beasts are different from the original timeline. Jhin cannot kill everyone who sees his identity. He can only I can put a silence order on those who accidentally learn about it. Fortunately, everyone is also a sensible person and will never talk nonsense.

Not to mention Dai, Dai, Xia Ji and Caroline have had countless girls' gatherings, and now Yuuki Wakaba is also included. Dai doesn't wear a mask during the girls' gatherings. In addition, Dai sometimes has a silly elder sister's temperament, which makes her identity widely exposed. For this reason, Lily specially talked to those who discovered Dai's identity and asked them to never talk about it outside. thing.

To be honest, in the current Hundred Beasts, the identities of Jhin and Dai have almost become an open secret. That is to say, the current Hundred Beasts have completely become two different things from the Hundred Beasts in the original timeline. Otherwise, In less than a month, Jhin and Dai's identities will be known to the entire sea.

"There is no way, if you were subjected to that kind of experiment by the world government, you would be like us."

Dai sat down on the ground, obviously not planning to change places. Anyway, her identity was not a secret among the top pirates, so why leave? Now she was actually a little curious about Katakuri hiding his face so much. It seemed like this guy had never taken off his scarf in front of outsiders, right?

"Is it an experiment by the World Government? Then your caution is correct. Although I don't know how inhumane the World Government is in terms of research, I know that these guys really don't behave like humans."

As a person who was born during the Battle of the Valley of Gods and has a little fighting power, Katakuri knows some inside information, but he knows what the group of Celestial Dragons are doing on that island, although some pirates are also very cruel and will They did something like massacre of a village, but compared to the World Government model, what the pirates did could be called a gentleman. It was a real and complete massacre of everyone on the island. Even if they were afraid of not killing enough, they would You have to bring a group of slaves there, and even do it every three years, just like the Grand Prix. The word humanity is an insult when put together with the Draco.

"Okay Jin, sit down. This guy already knew this, and Auntie should have noticed it a long time ago, right?"

Dai looked back at Jin who was still hesitating and shouted, then turned to Katakuri and asked. She knew this from the last time she went to attend the wedding. The aunt at that time specially prepared it for Dai. She was allowed to eat in a single room, and even the room prepared for her was made of one-way transparent glass. It was obvious that the aunt already knew it at that time, and if the aunt asked her to prepare these things, more people would definitely speculate about this matter.

"Yes, mom has known about it for a long time, but she didn't say it until the last Armand's wedding. But you can rest assured that no one knows about it except me, eldest brother and eldest sister, not even Dafu nor Owen. You know, it was Homiz who helped you set up the room and serve the food, there were no real people involved.”

Katakuri's words confirmed Dai's guess, and Katakuri's words also made Jhin and Dai sigh in relief. It's okay. They are people who know how to measure. Both Jhin and Dai have met Dafu and Owen. Dafu is okay. , although he doesn’t look very good, he has a good mind. But from Owen’s words, I can only say that this guy is indeed a bit stupid. Although he is very serious and forthright, he is definitely a good choice as a friend, but if it is to keep a secret, then forget it. Bar.

"Want to have a drink?"

Katakuri had already talked about this, and Dai obviously didn't want to leave. Jhin could only sit down calmly. He poured a glass of wine and handed it to Katakuri and asked.


Katakuri politely thanked him and took the glass, but he didn't drink it. Instead, he put it beside him and pulled up his scarf.

"I said, our identities are no longer hidden in front of you, how long are you still wearing your scarf? And it's summer, don't you feel hot?"

Dai watched Katakuri tightening her scarf with a defensive look, and couldn't help but complain, he obviously looks quite handsome, why does he have to make such a gesture?

"Some, uh, personal habits, yes, personal habits, don't worry about me, you can just eat."

Katakuri really didn't know how to answer this question. In fact, after Auntie completely woke up, she even apologized to Katakuri, saying that she shouldn't have treated Katakuri that way, but her habits over the years have added up. In the incident with Bree last year, although Bree's scar had been healed by Lily, the knot in his heart had never been solved by him. Therefore, although the world has changed a lot, Katakuri's face-covering scarf has never been there. Changed.

"I'm still curious, what's going on with your guy's face?"

At this time, Dai was completely interested in the lower half of Katakuri's face. Sometimes some things are just like this. If you didn't notice it, you might not be curious, but when you notice this, and the other person continues to cover it up, If it is concealed, it will make people more curious and eager to find out.

What's more, Dai is also a user with the White Tiger Fruit ability. Although he is a tiger, although he is a species of phantom beast, he is still a cat. Isn't it still a cat fruit without looking at the name? As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. It can be seen that for cats, curiosity is almost unstoppable. Katakuri's behavior now makes Dai want to find out more.

"Nothing to look at. There's something wrong with my face."

Seeing Dai's aggressive gaze, Katakuri, who had always been brave and fearless, flinched in shame. He put his hands on the ground and shrank back. He had a feeling that if he didn't hide, Dai would definitely He rushed forward and pulled off his scarf. Although he didn't think he would lose to Dai in a fight, protecting his scarf was not as simple as fighting. When there was a target to protect, the defender always had a disadvantage. What's more, there is Jhin next to him. In this situation, he can only choose to retreat. If something happens, he will run away immediately. If someone sees him running away, he will admit it.

"Okay Dai, stop making trouble. That's Katakuri's privacy. This is not something you can mess around with."

Fortunately, Jhin and Katakuri had different thoughts. Although he was a girl-controller, he was definitely not the kind of person who would have no brains to meet all her sister's demands. Regarding Dai's rude behavior, Jhin still chose to stop it, although He was also very curious about Katakuri's appearance at this time.

"Tch, okay, let this guy escape."

Dai also knew that this was not polite, and with Jhin's stop, Dai retracted her aggressive gaze. Dai's concession also made Jhin and Katakuri breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Dai did not continue to make trouble. Otherwise, they wouldn't know how it would end.

"How about this, I take off the mask, and you take off the scarf, so that we both hold each other's secrets, so it doesn't count as me forcing you, right? If it doesn't work, add Jin's."

Who knew that just when the two of them breathed a sigh of relief, Dai suddenly asked again. This sentence immediately stunned the two of them. Why did this happen again? Didn't you give up?

Seeing that the two of them were not talking, Dai decided to strike first and directly reached out and took off the mask on his face. Suddenly, a wheat-colored, but extremely beautiful face appeared in front of Katakuri. , with the mysterious tattoos on his face, and the long white hair, Katakuri knew for the first time that Dai was so beautiful, while Jhin's face was full of helplessness. Although he didn't stop him, he was really helpless. Dai did things It was so reckless, you didn’t even ask the other person if they agreed.

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