A month passed in a blink of an eye. The arrival of the Big Mom Pirates and the Golden Lion Pirates instantly made the pier of Onigashima full.

What? What about the Whitebeard Pirates? They came early, as early as a week ago. Whitebeard landed on the land of Wano and went to the grave of Kozuki Oden, giving some tribute to his shockingly stupid brother. , and Yi Zang also returned to the country of Wano.

After seeing the current situation of Wano Country with his own eyes, Izo completely calmed down his desire to avenge Kozuki Oden, especially when he found a magical building.

"Wano Country Liberation Memorial Hall?"

Izo looked up at the towering building in front of him. He knew where this building was originally. This was originally the most noble place in the entire Wano Country. This was originally the General's Mansion!

"Yes, the Wano Liberation Memorial Hall contains a lot of things, including evidence of the crimes of the nobles back then, as well as those who sacrificed their lives for the future of Wano. It is now the most famous attraction in Wano. Guest, do you want to come in and take a look? It’s completely free.”

A guy who should be a staff member stepped forward and asked when he saw Izo standing at the door.

"Free? Then how do you support your family?"

Standing at the door, Izo can see at least three cleaning people inside. It's hard to say how many people are in this three-story building. Is Wano Country so rich now? Is it free to open a memorial hall?

"Hey, we all work part-time, and the Reform Council will give a subsidy to those who work here. Although it's not much, it's just a job for free time, so it's nothing."

The staff member said to Izo with a smile.

"Looking at the way our guest is dressed, he must be from Wano, right? Is he someone who traveled abroad before?"

The staff looked at Izo's dress up and down and asked with some uncertainty. In fact, since the liberation of Wano, many people from Wano who have been living abroad have returned. Most of these people are former nobles of Wano. People who were forced to have no choice but to run out desperately. The reason why the staff said this was the most famous scenic spot was because of this. Those returning Wano people would come here to take a look, so a lot of troubles were caused.

For example, there are some things found in the treasury of the General's Mansion and the Daming Mansion, and many of these things were snatched from the hands of some people. The things that can be collected by the General and the Daiming are definitely not ordinary. For those ordinary I'm afraid they are all family heirlooms to people, and when those returning Wano people saw these things, especially when there might be original belongings of their families in them, many people cried loudly, knelt on the ground and kowtowed crazily, some of them were irrational. They even tried to smash the display cases, but they were usually stopped.

Later, these people went to the Reform Council to apply. As long as the application was approved, they could get back their family's belongings. Of course, there were also some who chose to stay in the exhibition hall, hoping that more people could see these things and see the things that belonged to them back then. The crimes of the nobles, but the Reform Council did not let these people suffer, and squeezed out a part of the funds to provide certain compensation for these people. It is said that this matter was proposed by the Shuoyue Kang family, so the reputation of the Shuoyue Kang family rose again. Gao, many people want to support Shigeyue Yasujie to become the first speaker of the parliament.

However, Shuoyue Yasujia did not agree to anything, because he felt that the speaker was too tired. He could only sleep less than five hours a day. If he became the speaker, Suoyue Yasujia felt that he would die suddenly. He found that it was really It is really difficult to govern a country well. This is not the past routine of setting a tax and then letting the people below grow wildly. It is really a kind of meticulous work. torture.

However, seeing the country of Wano getting better little by little under its governance, the feeling of smiling faces on everyone's faces made the Shigetsuki Yasu family and others feel in a good mood, and their hard work was worth it.

"Yes, I did travel overseas before. This time I followed my pirate group to come to the Beasts Pirates to discuss things. Since I came early, I came here to have a look first."

Izo nodded and answered the staff's questions.

"Oh, it's the Whitebeard Pirates. I heard it from my cousin who works in the harbor. It's said to be a huge ship like a whale. I'm ashamed to say that I really don't know what a whale looks like. Right "My cousin's family also escaped before, and now they have moved back. His family is much more knowledgeable than me."

The staff member was obviously a chatterbox and kept talking. At the same time, he surrounded Yi Zang into the memorial hall, and Yi Zang did not refuse. He really wanted to see what it was like inside.

After entering the memorial hall, the first thing that catches the eye is a huge sculpture. This sculpture is a cauldron. Two very ugly people are carved in the cauldron, struggling in pain. There is no doubt that this sculpture is carved It was Heotan Orochi and Heotan Chanmaru who were executed with the Kamabo punishment at that time.

I have to say that the person who carved this sculpture is a miraculous craftsman. He completely carved out the pain of the black charcoal snake and the black charcoal cicada. Although it is a primary-color wood sculpture, it makes people feel like they are actually standing in front of a hot oil pan. The two people in the pot struggled painfully, and then headed towards destruction.

"This sculpture is called the Last Judgment, used to judge the heinous acting general Kuotan Orochi and his aide Kuotan Chanmaru. It was they who connected all the nobles and organized the attack on the beasts. It was also under their Under the rule, the people of the Flower City were in dire straits at that time," the staff introduced beside Izo.

"I know him. He deserves to die. He has deceived many people. The punishment of cauldron is just right for this guy. Let's go on."

Yi Zang nodded. Seeing the appearance of the black charcoal snake, he was indeed happy. After all, he knew exactly how this guy deceived everyone. He could only say that he died well!

Yizang continued to walk inside, while the staff kept explaining to him where these collections came from and what they represented. Obviously this was not the first day that this staff member had done this work. What he said was a neat move, starting from the beginning. There is no pause at the end, and you can't even hear the sound of breathing. Izang really admires it. He can't sing so smoothly even when he sings an opera.

Just walking along like this, Izo also heard from these collections and the words of the staff what the current Wano people think of the nobles. In short, except for a few nobles who are willing to give up their power, everyone else should die, including The same goes for those who serve as lackeys for the nobles, but the difference is that they die sooner than later.

In fact, Yizang can be regarded as one of the lackeys of the nobles according to the staff, and he is still the lackey of the biggest noble. However, he did not feel that he was scolded at all. The only thing that Yizang felt was that the staff member scolded him lightly. I couldn't help but curse a few words casually. The curse words I learned overseas instantly stunned the staff. Is it possible to curse people like this? Learned learned learned.

Izang walked forward, stopping to take a look from time to time, but he rarely stayed for a long time until he reached the third floor, which is the highest point of the building. Then what caught his eyes were names one by one. , these names were carved on the walls, written on cards, and placed in this room in various forms.

"Is this?" Yi Zang turned to look at the staff and asked.

"This is the Requiem Hall. The names here are the names of people who were killed by the nobles. Everyone believes that as long as these people's names are placed here, the souls of these people can see the fate of those nobles. , then the souls of those people can rest in peace, so many people come here to put their names, and more and more, the highest room is specially reserved for everyone to put their names."

The staff member sighed.

"Is that so? That's it."

Yi Zang nodded and took a deep breath. He felt that his eyes were a little hot. Looking at the names, his eyes were a little moist.

"Does the guest have a name that you want to put here? Paper and pen can be provided in the memorial hall." The staff looked at Izo and asked.

"Give me one, thank you." Yi Zang closed his eyes tightly. He didn't want tears to fall and prevent his father from worrying for a while.

"It's okay, this is what it should be. Letting every persecuted soul rest in peace is the purpose of building this place." After the staff said this, they turned around to find paper and pen.

Half an hour later, Yi Zang left, and in the Requiem Hall, there was a paper crane with a name written inside, and no one knew who it was.

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