One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 434 Ekaterina's little thoughts

"I'm sorry, the three of you have water. If you want a refill, I'm afraid we can't add more ice. As you can see, our last piece of ice has been eaten by Vice Admiral Garp."

After the boss personally served the three cold drinks, he said very embarrassedly. He has been working in the cold drink shop at the Navy Headquarters for some years, but this is the first time he has encountered such a situation where all the ice has been used up. After all, it is not summer now. He never thought that someone would come to the cold drink shop in December and eat a full two hundred shaved ice in just five minutes, eating up all the ice reserves for the day.

"It's okay, it's not your fault. No one thought that this would happen."

Ekaterina waved her hand and said, after all, not to mention the owner of the cold drink shop, even they didn't expect this. Although everyone knows that Garp likes to eat desserts, few people can think that he can eat so much. Of course, if Sengoku was here, he would probably react immediately and rush in to stop it.

"Thank you for your understanding. I won't charge you for your drinks today. Just consider it as an apology. You can still have refills. Please don't be polite. I'll take my leave now."

The owner of the cold drink shop was relieved when he saw that the few people did not pursue the matter. Then he turned around and left after waving his chest to say that he would treat them today.

"That old guy is really embarrassing sometimes. Ahem, it's a bit too sweet."

Sakaski sighed, took a sip of the lemonade in front of him, but then put it down again. There was no way. This lemonade was different from what he thought. It was not the kind of lemonade they usually drank when they were on missions outside. It was slightly bitter and was made with lemons. It was different from the kind of lemonade that was only used to supplement vitamin C to ensure that the body would not get sick. This lemonade was obviously a mixed drink. The sweet taste might be very good for many people, but for Sakaski, sorry, he had just tried the non-Newtonian fluid black tea at Borsalino's place two days ago, which made him allergic to sweetness recently, even if the sweetness of this lemonade was not that strong.

(It's like the lemonade at home and the lemonade at Mixue Ice City)

"It's okay, the food in this store is not that sweet. If you really want to talk about sweetness, the store that is only open in summer is the sweetest. I remember that Vice Admiral Borsalino likes that store very much, right, Ye-chan?"

Gion held a drink made of a mixture of various juices in his hand. Sakaski felt that if he drank that drink, his throat would be blocked.

"Indeed, Brother Borsalino likes sweets very much. Although I like sweet things too, I really can't accept that kind of sweetness. It's no different from eating candy with nothing."

Ekaterina held a glass of juice like Gion, took a sip with a straw and said, at this time, Ace had been taken away by Garp, who had a little diarrhea after eating shaved ice. Fortunately, Garp remembered to pay before leaving.

"I think that eating sugar without sugar is not that sweet. After all, no one can eat so much sugar in one breath."

Sakaski's face looked a little strange. He remembered the day when the three of them exchanged drinks. He drank Borsalino's sticky black tea, Borsalino drank Kuzan's crazy sea salt coffee, and Kuzan drank his special wine. Obviously, his wine was the best, but after drinking it, Kuzan turned into an elemental form. It was a waste of his wine.

"Hahaha, I heard that Lieutenant General Borsalino has a sweet tooth. Now it seems that Lieutenant General Sakaski has also suffered harm."

Gion looked at Sakaski's strange face and couldn't help laughing. In this short period of time today, Sakaski's image has changed drastically on his side.

"Do you know it well?"

Sakaski glanced at Gion. Could it be that she was also a victim of Borsalino?

"Although I haven't tasted it myself, I have a person who worked under Lieutenant General Borsalino at the time. She complained to me more than once about Lieutenant General Borsalino's eating habits."

Gion smiled. Now she confirmed that Sakaski was also a normal person, not the cold-faced machine that everyone imagined. Not to mention, combined with what happened today, Gion felt that Sakaski was quite cute, with a very interesting contrast.

"That guy will get sick one day. When that guy gets diabetes, I must ridicule him and make him eat so much sugar every day."

The corners of Sakaski's mouth rose unconsciously. He couldn't wait to see that day. Not for anything else, just because he couldn't taste anything but sweetness in his mouth for three days, he wanted to seek revenge on Borsalino.

Perhaps because they had opened up the conversation, Sakaski and the other two began to chat casually, and Ekaterina began to speak less consciously, unless the two asked her, otherwise she would try not to speak, just observing the two, nodding with satisfaction from time to time.

"Yes, at least I think so, not everyone has the talent to become a strong person, many people are ordinary people in this life, but this does not mean that ordinary people are useless. The siege mode I designed at that time was prepared for this, but it still needs to be optimized."

Sakaski used the paper towel on the table as a substitute and began to explain the siege mode he designed at that time to Gion, and Gion was also listening carefully, and occasionally making some suggestions.

"There are too many fleets needed. It is okay for the headquarters to connect in series. If it is a simple branch or a four-sea base, it will be difficult to gather so many people and ships for hunting."

Gion expressed his thoughts.

"Yes, this is also the reason why this model has not been promoted. I am trying to find ways to achieve the same effect at the lowest possible cost. After all, the main goal of this model is the navies in the world, and the people there are relatively weak. But in terms of base numbers alone, there are the most pirates in the four seas. Although most of them are not strong, no one can guarantee whether someone with strong strength will suddenly appear. At that time, I am afraid that it will be too late for the headquarters to send people to carry out such a siege. The pattern will be useful.”

Sakaski explained the reason why he went to great lengths to prepare this mode. From beginning to end, he just hoped to make the world a little more peaceful.

"In addition to cost, difficulty is also a problem. A very important point of this siege mode is to have an excellent commander who can monitor the entire battlefield anytime and anywhere and make timely adjustments. Once the commander is rigid, not only will it not be effective , there may even be greater trouble.”

As a warrior who also fought on the front line, Gion's vision accurately identified the two biggest problems with this mode, but it was obvious that she had not yet figured out a solution.

"Great advice, I actually forgot to consider this before, thanks for reminding me, Major General Gion."

Gion's words instantly reminded Sakaski, and Sakaski immediately stood up and expressed his gratitude to Gion very solemnly.

"It's okay, it's okay. You're too polite, Lieutenant General Sakaski. I just want to reduce casualties."

Gion waved her hands quickly. She was a little uncomfortable with Sakaski's overly formal thank you, although this serious look was indeed very handsome.

Several people continued to discuss until the sun was about to set. Gion left after receiving a message saying that Crane was looking for her. Ekaterina expressed regret that she wanted to invite Gion even though they had such a good chat. For meals.

"Let's go, go back."

Sakaski stood up, took out the money from his pocket and put it under the cup. Although the boss said it was a treat, Sakaski was not the kind of person who likes to take advantage, so he took the initiative to pay.

"Okay bro, by the way bro, how do you feel about Gion-san?"

Ekaterina stood up, walked to Sakaski and asked.

"Gion? A very good general. I had a great time chatting today. She is very considerate. She thought of many things that I didn't expect. She is a good navy."

Sakaski said with satisfaction, completely unaware that his sister had turned into dead fish eyes, and the look in his eyes fully revealed the "hopeless" look.

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