One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 446 The current appearance of the Iron Islands

"Charlie! Here we come!!!"

The moment he set foot on the Steel Islands, Yamato shouted excitedly, but unfortunately, Yamato's shouts did not receive any response. There were only sporadic staff on the dock helping the Mammoth to pick up. There was no way. The place they went to was not the main dock inside the Steel Islands, but the floating dock on the outside. The Mammoth was too big, and they couldn't enter the waterways inside the Steel Islands.

"Stop shouting, they're not here, they're on the other side."

Archaon jumped directly from the boat, and his action directly caused a small earthquake. It was not that Archaon wanted to jump, but mainly because he was too big and heavy, and there was no sampan for him to step on. I have to say, it is a kind of helplessness.

"The other side?"

Several children looked at Archain at the same time. Robin and Hiyori came to the Iron Islands for the first time, while Yamato, Jack and Maria had only been here once. Although Yamato was born in the Iron Islands, she has not been here since she can remember. Since they grew up on Ghost Island, they don’t know much about this birthplace of beasts.

"Our location is the west side of the island, while the middle and east sides are where people gather, and the north side is the main area of ​​the mine."

The person who answered several children's questions this time was Cora. ​​She had been stationed in the Iron Islands with Archaon before, so she was familiar with the Iron Islands. At that time, she had nothing to do and wandered around on the island, and then looked at Those excellent iron ingots are all coveted, and they want to build a handsome armor.

The reason why Cora's nickname is Iron Armor is because she often wears a set of crude Viking armor. In one sentence, this armor has a primitive beauty.

Although she later joined the Hundred Beasts and became a pirate group under the Hundred Beasts, Old Thorin helped her recast the armor, but she likes armor, and wanting armor will not end just because she already has one. Just like women's bags and men's models, it's not that you don't want them after you have them, but you want more, the more, the better.

Now in Korra's house on Onigashima, there is an entire wall of various armors, with various materials and styles, including Elbaf's Viking classics and the ancient collections of the Kingdom of Flowers. model (the drawing of Old Thorin that Manju gave him back then), the Wano classic model (an enlarged version of the armor found in the general's treasure house), the collection's heavily armored knight model (full body armor style), and Korra's most popular model Favorite - Archaon's same style - Super Dark Hell Demon King's Dark Armor! (This name was given by Korra. The armor itself has no name. Others generally call it Black Armor.)

"What about the south side?"

Robin asked curiously. It was exciting for her to learn more.

"The south side, that side is not used much now. According to Archaon and the miners on the island, it is said that that side was used to punish criminals. It is called a dead mine. If you go in, you can only work until you die. That kind of thing, many of the death row prisoners at that time were thrown in to develop their residual value, because the Kingdom of Dressrosa has not had so many situations in recent years, so now they no longer send people to those mines, and the output is low, Disadvantages include difficulty in mining. There is almost no one there now. Don’t go there. There are big loose pits all over there. I almost fell into it last time. "

Cora's face at this time was full of lingering fear. After the last time she invited Archaon to go hunting with her, she failed and went out for a walk in a sulky mood. At that time, they were stationed in the Iron Islands, and then she walked to the South District in a daze. , here are some mines that have been dug to the point where they can no longer be dug. The ground above looks solid, but in fact the underground is full of hollows. In addition, Cora is a giant, so her weight is naturally far from normal. Is she gone? After a few steps, the ground beneath his feet collapsed. If Cora hadn't reacted quickly and stabbed the short knife she carried with her into the ground to slow down the downward trend, Cora would have disappeared that day.

"Sister, this is my experience."

At this time, the gunner of the Female Giant Pirates had already put the sampan in place, and when he greeted the children to come down, he did not forget to tease Korra.

"Screw you, let's go, I'll take you to the gathering place of fishmen."

Cora smiled and cursed, turned around and prepared to lead the children towards the East District.

"Well, how long do we have to stay on the island? Is the coating done here? How long does the coating take?"

Robin asked with some curiosity. She had read about coating in books, but as far as she knew, coating had to be done in a special place and required special raw materials. The Steel Islands didn't seem to be a suitable coating place, right?

"Hahahahahaha, the next coating will take at least more than 20 days, and it is indeed done here. That is, Boss Quinn and the others have invented a new coating technology. Otherwise, we will continue to move forward to another place. Only islands can be coated, which will be slower.”

At this time, a crew member on the Mammoth said to several children while packing up the cable rope.

"I see."

Robin nodded, and stopped asking questions immediately. He turned around and followed Cora's footsteps towards the East District with the others.

"There are so many rivers here."

Robin looked at the criss-crossing waterways along the way and couldn't help but said that she now likes to go out because she can see many things that can only be seen in books. After witnessing it with her own eyes, she found that in real life The scenery is more spectacular than described in the book.

For example, the crisscrossing water network in the Iron Islands has formed one strange landform after another. Some of these landforms have only been seen once by Robin in the trees, but they exist here at the same time. This kind of wonder makes Robin linger. Of course, only professionals like Robin can see these things. You see that other people have lived here for a long time and have never discovered these.

Oh, I almost forgot that in the more than one year in the Beast, Robin successfully passed the doctoral examinations in literature and geography. Now he has three degrees and is making an impact on the fourth ancient building and the fifth ancient creature. However, these two aspects are biased towards science. Although Robin's science grades are also very good, they are much worse than her liberal arts, so she is constantly reading books at this time.

Now, the old professors in the whole beasts are almost worshipping Robin. This is a treasure, a natural learning material. All the old professors want to stuff all their life's learning into Robin's brain, which has caused Robin's academic pressure to be not small. Until one day Robin was sick from fatigue, these old professors realized that they seemed to be a bit too much, and began to arrange a reasonable schedule for Robin so that Robin could have time to rest.

"The water network in the west area is relatively dense, and there are no mines. Here, the main way to transport goods from other directions is through floating docks. Here, put the goods on the water and go directly to the main island along the water flow. Of course, it was not possible before. Later, it became like this after some transformation."

An old crew member of the beasts who was walking with them explained to Robin.

"In a while, we will be able to reach the place where you were born, Yamato."

At this time, Archaon, who was walking at the front of the line, suddenly turned back, and the sound like a huge bell sounded, and said to Yamato who was looking around at this time.

"Ah? The place where I was born?"

Yamato was stunned. She didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, because she was only three or four years old when she came last time, and she really didn't remember much.

"At that time, it was the hospital building, where Mrs. Lily gave birth to you."

Aichaen continued to move forward. At that time, they celebrated Yamato's birth on the island for several days, and then there was the name lottery machine that was only used once. It was a pity that the paper with his name was obviously the largest at that time, so why didn't he draw it?

"Ono Hayashizo is really lucky."

Aichaen looked at Yamato and sighed in a low voice.

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