One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 73 Official Announcement

Kaido and Lily left, but the matter on Headhunter Island was not over yet. After the Weasleys and the four left, the king's army also surrendered. All the nobles and their accomplices were captured by Jhin and Taylor. Finally, a A trial meeting began on Hunter Island.

Everyone was divided into five types. The first type, led by the noble John family, were acquitted and continued to live on the island. The second type was those who made mistakes, but were not guilty enough to die, and were sent to the freedom of the Steel Islands. Work in the mines until they are released after serving their sentences. The third type is those who deserve to die. They are also sent to the Steel Islands, but they are the ones who are trapped in dead mines and cannot get out until they die. The fourth type is those who do not kill enough to anger the common people and are directly beheaded to serve. , the fifth, and last, type was one that was too light to die. At Jhin's suggestion, a special steel brush dipped in hot water was used to brush the group of people alive into bones on the ground.

Although the smell of the entire trial and execution scene was extremely unpleasant and the sound was extremely noisy, no onlookers were willing to leave. The people of Hunter Island have been oppressed so hard in these years. In the ears of the oppressed people, there was the most wonderful fairy music. Many people looked at the nobles being tortured and burst into tears for a while, missing their relatives who died due to oppression. Tonight on Hunter Island, they were destined to have no sleep.

. . . . . . The dividing line between everything on Hunter Island. . . . . .

"Point to the left! Yes! Left, no, point up."

Time flies by, and more than a month has passed since the incident on Hunter Island. It has already entered the New Year, and the Steel Islands are also lively, with lights and lights everywhere. At this time, Xia Ji is commanding Azu and Luke. Hang streamers.

"Are you two indistinguishable about up, down, left and right? Point to the left, then point up. Is this difficult?" Xia Ji said, pointing to the crooked ribbons hung by the two of them.

"Why should you blame me? It's obviously Luke's fault." Azu was a little helpless. There was obviously nothing wrong with him, so why should he be scolded? However, he was not Xia Ji's opponent. The two of them fought before. After a draw, Xia Ji suddenly began to work hard to get stronger. As a result, she got a breakthrough and once again beat Azu to the point where he was unable to fight back.

"Nonsense, look how tight you are on that side. Luke can't even pull it on this side. If you don't blame me, who should you blame?"

"Tch~" Azu gave Xia Ji the middle finger, then turned around and ran away, but Xia Ji didn't care about him. After all, the character of Azu Lezi was already pretty clear to the entire island, so Xia Ji didn't care. He, back to work with Luke.

"Speaking of which, Brother Kaido said that he has something to announce at tonight's party." Luke touched his head and suddenly remembered something.

"Have you heard about it too?" Xia Ji glanced at Luke.

"I heard what Brother Quinn said this morning, but Brother Quinn doesn't know what it is exactly. How about you?"

"I also heard from Dai this morning. She is the same, she doesn't know too much about the situation."

"Speaking of which, this is not the first time we have celebrated New Year on the island. I feel that this year is particularly grand." Luke said with emotion as he looked at the ribbons that the two of them had rearranged.

"That's right. In previous years, we would only dress up in the square. Look, this time, the entire Steel Islands are all dressed up." Xia Ji has been on the island for the fourth year, so she naturally discovered that this time the island is celebrating the New Year. different.

"Okay, this isn't something we should worry about, didn't you say? Brother Kaido is going to announce the matter tonight, and we'll know if it's safe or not." Xia Ji shrugged, said goodbye to Luke, and left.

At night, the circular platform in the center of the square with ambient lighting modified by Quinn rose up. Quinn and Azu, who were going crazy, led their respective teams to dance on the circular platform. The atmosphere of the scene was instantly ignited. It was fun to watch. The people who had a big problem even started to organize a referee team to score both sides, which immediately made both sides work harder. In the end, it was through Quinn's trick and the props he made that he succeeded in winning, which made Azu keep shouting dissatisfaction and demanding. In the rematch, fortunately there was strength as a guarantee, so the two sides did not fight.

The lively atmosphere continued until Kaido and Lily arrived.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, brothers! Thank you for all the hard work you have done this year!" Kaido raised a glass of wine, saluted everyone, and then took the lead in drinking the drink in his hand.

"It's not hard work!" "Working with Brother Kaido and Sister Lili is much happier than outside. How can you say it's hard work?" Such various voices sounded in the crowd.

"Okay, let's not talk about the hard work. Today, everyone should have discovered that this year is much more lively than before. There are two reasons. The first one is to celebrate the successful establishment of the Beasts Pirates for five years. It’s a small celebration.”

"Congratulations!" "Long live the Beast Pirates!"

"Then the second one, this one is more important. I believe you have also discovered that our pirate group has been in existence for five years now. Apart from Lily and I being captains, there are no other clear job distinctions. This has resulted in us completely relying on each other internally. Although there is nothing wrong with the classification of strength, it is indeed confusing, especially for those scholars, accountants and the like who work under Lily. "Kaido said so much and was about to stop to moisten his throat. Lily followed Kaido's words and said:

"As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. The level of combatants can be distinguished by fighting, but not clerks. Therefore, Kaido and I made a new internal level classification."

After Lily finished speaking, she waved her hand, and several young men came onto the stage carrying a huge board. As the board landed, everyone hurriedly squeezed forward to take a look.

"Okay, don't be crowded. The space is limited, so I will read it to everyone." Lily revealed a hint of domineering domineering and successfully calmed down the crowded people.

"First there are civil servants, the first level is the third assistant, then the sixth department, and finally the hundred officials. As for who is at what level, the appointment letter will be given to everyone when the time comes, so I won't talk about it one by one here." Lily first introduced herself After finishing the matter here, he raised his chin towards Kaido, indicating that it was time for Kaido to appear.

"Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh, after all, we still have relatively few civilian personnel, so there are not many positions for the time being. Now let me announce the classification of combatants. I will say it from low to high. The first is the most common Wanfu, as the name suggests. , I plan to recruit ten thousand people at this level." Kaido raised his hand and it was a bomb. So far, it seems that there has not been a pirate group with a main fleet of ten thousand people. If the Beast Pirates succeed. Yeah, that's definitely a feat.

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious. Above ten thousand people are thousands of households, and they are also prepared to recruit a thousand people, then a hundred generals, and a hundred people. These three are relatively low-level divisions, but don't underestimate them. A few, you must know that if you are a hundred generals, you must first master the two-color haki. Qianhu must also master at least one, and Wanfu requires a lower level, but you must have a skill at least, otherwise it will definitely not work. "Kaido. A few light words directly knocked down many people. Domineering sounds like a very common thing in the new world, but it is not that simple. After all, this thing needs to be taught by someone, unless you are like Auntie. An absolutely talented monster who can learn how to use Haki just by hearing about it.

"Of course, don't be discouraged. Kaido and I have discussed it. From now on, as long as you can become Wanfu, we will provide you with a domineering training method. In the same way, becoming Qianhu will give you another domineering training method. If you have achieved 100 generals, I will provide you with devil fruits based on your priority and suitability." Lily looked at many people below who were a little troubled, so she added. After hearing Lily's words, there was another roar of mountains and tsunami below. Kaido and Lily did not stop them, but waited until everyone calmed down before continuing:

"Then there is the higher level. I named it Twelve Hours. There are twelve people and twelve positions. Each one must be a carefully selected strong person. It is better to be lacking than to be in vain. Without that strength, there will be nothing. This is the same for other positions." After Kaido finished speaking, he continued without waiting for everyone to discuss.

"Then there is the last level, and it is also the only level where I have confirmed all the candidates now, the three disasters, yes, three people, just like the civilians over there, the top cadres of the three combatants! Jhin, Dai, Quinn, Come up."

After Kaido finished speaking, he called the three people he selected to the stage.

"Yes, the three of them are the three disasters I set, the natural disaster - Jin, the earth disaster - Dai, and the man-made disaster - Quinn."

Everyone on the island was convinced of the strength of the three people. For a moment, everyone stood up and shouted:

"Three disasters!" "Three disasters!" "Three disasters!"

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