"Kill! Kill them! Capture the traitor Ramen alive!"

"Charge! Kill these guys who stole the country!"

"Everyone! Everyone! Go this way! Go this way! I know a way! Go this way!"

Wang Zhi and others launched a general attack, because there was no need to hide. Five of the Eight Treasures Navy clearly stood on their side. The Five Treasures Navy surrendered. Only the Ramen clan's loyal Yibao Navy (who led the rebellion back then, no one dared to use them even if they wanted to be disloyal) were left. One could not see the situation clearly and only thought that everything that happened on the surface was the real Sanbao Navy, and the Qibao Navy pillar who did not help either side and was only focused on having children.

Speaking of the Qibao Navy, it is also quite interesting. The pillar of the Qibao Navy has always had few offspring, and it seems that the current generation is about to die out. The pillar of the Qibao Navy is 40 years old this year. Although he does not have a large number of wives and concubines, he has quite a few, but none of them is pregnant. In order to ensure that his family will not be extinct, the pillar of the Qibao Navy has ignored everything and focused on taking medicine to make children.

In this case, except for the Erbao Navy, the other five troops on his side do not need to attack the main island. They only need to keep an eye on the Yibao, Sanbao and Qibao Navy. As for the main island, their own people are actually enough. The reason why they brought the Erbao Navy is entirely because the old pillar of the Erbao Navy is so loyal, and because of his old age, they just give him some benefits.

Chaomian, who was still dreaming of a great future, thinking that he would kick Ramen down and ascend the throne himself, was also panicking at this moment. It was true that he was a general, but the general of the Flower Kingdom was actually just a decoration. The National Defense Army had less than 20,000 people in total, and this was the number registered. He, the general, could not guarantee that he knew how many of them were empty-handed. In fact, the military force was always with the Babao Navy.

Now the Babao Navy could not be relied on. The people on Wang Zhi's side rushed in like hungry wolves. He, the general, could not even find where his soldiers were at this moment.

When Wang Zhi's righteous army rushed into Chaomian's general's mansion, they found him, the general who dressed himself as a woman, on a woman's bed. When the righteous army trapped the general dressed as a woman on a pole and carried him away like a pig, there was laughter everywhere.

"It's over, it's over!"

In the palace at this moment, Ramen looked at the empty court and the waiters and maids who had long gone to who knows where. He sat on the throne alone and murmured to himself. He never expected that the other party would come so quickly and without any signs. Just three days after sending Mr. Cai away, Wang Zhi and his men came to kill him. At first, he thought that he could at least delay for a few months. When the ship of the World Government to collect the Tianshangjin arrived, they would hand it over in full. When the navy came, Wang Zhi would disperse. Who could have thought that the other party would turn his face and kill him directly.

"One, two, three!" "Boom!"

"One, two, three!" "Boom!"

"One, two, three!" "Crack!"

The palace gate collapsed under the impact again and again. If someone was guarding the towering door, it would probably be no problem to guard it for a few months, but unfortunately there was no one.

Listening to the shouts and screams coming closer and closer, Ramen's eyes flashed with the last bit of stubbornness. He got a big bucket of kerosene from somewhere and poured it directly on the court. At the same time, he took out a lighter. Although he wanted to light up the entire palace, he didn't have time.

"Crack! Boom!"

Just when Ramen was about to throw down the lighter, suddenly, a thunder sounded, and then the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and heavy rain fell in an instant. The rain was rare.

"This, this, this, this is God's will to kill me!"

Looking at the heavy rain outside, Ramen, who was originally ready to burn down the palace, knelt down with a face full of pain. With such heavy rain, even if he set the court on fire, it couldn't start a fire. Didn't God even give him the last bit of face?

During this delay, a group of soldiers rushed into the court, soaked like drowned rats. The leading centurion saw Ramen kneeling in the middle of the court, smelled the kerosene in the room, and looked at the lighter in Ramen's hand. He immediately knew what was going on. He rushed up and hugged Ramen, snatching the lighter from his hand without saying a word.

"Tie this guy up! Then find something to clean up the kerosene! The prince and Lord Wang Zhi are coming soon! Hurry up!"

The centurion held the lighter in his left hand and pressed Ramen with his right hand, and ordered the others. The others reacted and moved in a hurry. Some even took off their clothes and squatted on the ground to wipe the kerosene. This thing was too dangerous. If the heavy rain extinguished the torches on their side, they would have set the court on fire without Ramen. Thank God, the rain came at the right time.

The same rain received completely different evaluations. At the same time, high above the Kingdom of Flowers, Kaido used his Observation Haki to sense the situation below and smiled.

"Woo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo, I feel like I'm showing off in front of others, woo-lo-lo-lo-lo-lo."

"Don't be so conceited. If those soldiers knew that you could have made it rain only in the palace, but you made it rain on the entire island, I'm afraid they wouldn't be grateful."

Lily sat on top of Kaido's head and said that her transformed image was too conspicuous, even the dark clouds could not cover the red light on Suzaku, so this time Lily did not transform, but followed Kaido to fly.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, that won't work, let's do a whole show. If it rains only in such a few places, wouldn't it make people guess? Besides, it's just a test of the range of use of Xingyun Buyu, now come Look, the range is pretty good. At least it’s not difficult to use on such a big island. Wow!

Kaido said with a smile.

"Okay, you're great, okay, let's go, go back, it won't be our home court anymore. By the way, don't forget to give them a scene to clear the clouds before leaving. It's best to control it and let the sunshine shine on That Wan Shi has a full range of acting skills, just to let everyone see what it feels like to be destined."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, no problem!"

Not to mention the special effects team on Kaido and Lily's side, Wan vowed that they were indeed heading into the court. When Wan vow, who was walking at the front, reached the center of the large square in front of the court, suddenly, a beam of sunlight appeared straight The light shone down, just on Wan Shi's body, and then expanded rapidly as if it was spreading. Only then did everyone realize that the dark clouds in the sky had dissipated for some reason, and the sun once again filled the earth.

"Long live my emperor!"

At this time, the clever Mr. Xu suddenly realized something. Without waiting for Wang Zhi to understand the situation, he grabbed Wang Zhi's arm, raised it and shouted loudly, maybe he is not as good as Wang Zhi in terms of tactics on the battlefield, but these officials in the officialdom The situation of Wang Zhi was also far worse. In fact, Mr. Xu could have raised his hand on his own, but Wang Zhi had been very polite to him for such a long time. He reciprocated the favor and gave this credit to Wang Zhi.

With Mr. Xu’s reminder, Wang Zhi understood what Mr. Xu meant even if he didn’t understand some things in the officialdom, and he immediately shouted loudly:

"Long live my emperor!"

"Long live our emperor!" "Long live our emperor!"

For a moment, everyone in the square began to shout loudly. Even though the enthronement ceremony had not been held yet, and even though he had not actually seen ramen, Wan Shi had undoubtedly become the emperor of the Kingdom of Flowers again. , people in the Kingdom of Flowers believe in the induction of heaven and earth, and this natural phenomenon, no matter whether there is someone behind it or not, is undoubtedly something worth publicizing. In this way, Kaido and Lily's temporary mischievousness After rising, Wan Shi's throne was completely secure. As long as he did not commit suicide, no one could deny his legitimacy.

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