Time flies, three months have passed, and the entire sea has become extremely calm. Both the Four Emperors of the New World and the World Government seem to have lost interest in fighting and have entered a state of silence.

And on the day before the New Year, on an unknown island in the North Sea, Sakaski was wearing casual clothes, lighting a cigar in his mouth, sitting in a single room on the second floor of the bar, waiting for someone.

A breeze blew by, and like magic, a figure wearing a green cloak quietly appeared on the seat opposite Sakaski.

"You're here." Sakaski said, his voice low, as if he was talking to himself.

"I'm here." Needless to say, the figure in the green cloak was undoubtedly Dorag.

"It's so quiet. No wonder those losers at CP0 can't catch you."

Sakaski said and held out a cigar, but Dorag waved his hand in rejection.

"They are not really useless. Although one person is not strong enough, they still have an advantage in numbers. In addition, the resources of the World Government are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. The power of Devil Fruit is extraordinary."

Dorag took off his cloak, revealing the scar tattoos on half of his face. Sakaski couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he saw the scars covered by the tattoos. Dorag is known as the youngest vice admiral of the navy and the eighth in the navy. The person with the most potential in a century could inflict such serious harm on the opponent. Obviously, the enemy he faced at that time was no small matter.

"It seems that I have underestimated CP0."

Sakaski said after taking another drag on his cigar.

"Those guys do anything they can. Don't talk about you. Even I didn't expect that they could hide so deeply. Three of the five staff officers I'm looking for are their people, except for In addition to the wounds on his face, one of my chiefs of staff almost died on the spot.”

Dorag reluctantly picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip, and just this one almost made him squirt out on the spot.

"Ahem, what the hell is this! Sakaski! The higher the alcohol content, the better! What's more, this is already alcohol!"

Dorag looked at Sakaski with shock in his eyes. He felt that the water in his mouth was disappearing rapidly, and it was all taken away by the glass of something that looked like wine, but was actually no different from alcohol.

"If you don't appreciate it, don't drink it. Besides, it's my wine. If you want to drink it, buy it yourself."

Sakaski looked at his cup in disgust. This guy still looked like this after all these years. It was obviously the wine he prepared for himself, but in the end, this guy picked it up and drank it without asking.

"Okay, okay, my fault, let's talk about it, why did you ask Porusalino to contact me at the risk of being exposed?"

Dorag shook his head and decided not to discuss these anymore. Now CP0 is biting hard. He doesn't have so much time to waste. He will leave after staying here for two hours at most.

"The World Government appointed me as the person in charge of dismantling the revolutionary army, and even gave me the right to recruit soldiers."

Sakaski said straightforwardly without any more official talk.

"What? Hey, could it be my bastard father!"

Dorag's first reaction was that Garp had spilled the beans, but then he realized something was wrong. Although Garp was often unreliable, he would never be confused about such matters.

"Probably not. Although I really want to beat you up for this. After all, we were frightened by Marshal Sengoku and Lieutenant General Garp because of this. But the World Government should not know about this. They should just want to It’s just a way to test my loyalty to the World Government. After all, I am now a dog loyal to them in the eyes of the World Government, but they obviously don’t trust anyone now.”

Sakaski glanced at Dolag angrily. What this guy told Garp about them almost made him and Porusalino resign and run away overnight. Well, that was just an exaggeration.

"I see, tell me what you think, I can indeed provide a list here."

After all, Dorag was Dorag. He immediately realized what Sakaski meant. Dorag, who had just experienced what happened before, also wanted to clean up the internal order. Plus, as far as he knew, there were many lawless people. They are doing evil everywhere in the name of the Revolutionary Army, and it just so happens that Sakaski can clean it up.

"At least you have some brains when it comes to serious business, but just a list is not enough. I need you to send a cadre with enough weight, preferably someone with special devil fruit abilities, as a captured target. I can guarantee this People will not die, but they will be thrown into a prison under the sea. Can you do it? "

Sakaski looked into Dorag's eyes and said, but faced with this question, Dorag was silent.

"I can't answer you immediately. The revolutionary army does not belong to me alone. I am not a dictator. I must seek their consent."

After a long silence, Dorag said softly.

"Okay, you can give it to me through Porusalino and the list when the time comes, but I want to say that regardless of whether you agree with this matter or not, I will go find one of your cadres to take action."

Sakaski did not continue to press and chose to give Dorag time.

"Tell me your departure time."

Dorag asked.

"No later than the middle of next year."

Sakaski said.

"I understand. I will inform you through Porusalino when the time comes."

After saying this, Dorag stood up and prepared to leave, but he was stopped by Sakaski just two steps away.

"Dorag, can you tell me why you did this? Why did you take this path?"

Sakaski looked at Dorag with curiosity in his eyes. Even Sakaski had to admit that Dorag was actually a stronger person than himself. If he chose to stay in the navy, he would have a place in the position of the three admirals, and he would even become a marshal, the youngest marshal in the navy.

"Because I saw the darkness, Sakaski, the real darkness, which is ten thousand times darker than what is revealed on the surface. The Celestial Dragons are not as simple as we see. The darkness they hide under the water is more terrifying and disgusting than what is seen on the surface."

Dorag did not look back, but Sakaski was sure that his face must be ugly.

"What about you? Sakaski, in my opinion, you are the one who will least join us. What made you make such a choice?"

Dorag asked back.

"Me? I didn't join you. We are just partners."

Sakaski raised his hand and lit a new cigar.

"But what I want to say is that I have also seen the darkness, the darkness behind the navy, and too many absurd things. I hope to make changes. I will not leave the navy because I want to change the navy!"

Sakaski's voice seemed to carry the determination of steel, and there was a heat like a volcanic eruption. The temperature of the whole room seemed to be rising.

"Then you have joined us, Sakaski, don't deny it. I am not talking about the revolutionary army, but the people who hope that the world will change and become better. They are all our people. Our means are different, and our identities are also different, but our desire for change in the world is the same. As long as we have this, then we are our own people."

Drag turned around, and this time he chose to look directly into Sakaski's eyes and said.

"Whatever you say."

Sakaski stood up, stopped talking to Dorag, and left the private room first.

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