"Is this the Ice Continent? It's so amazing. It doesn't feel cold at all. It's obviously surrounded by ice."

Yamato looked at the ice continent shining like emerald in the sun in front of him, feeling that the air around him was not too cold, and said very curiously.

"Yes, this is the Ice Continent. It is said that this is the burial place of a former frozen fruit ability user. Because of this, even if the temperature here is not low, no matter what kind of attack it is under the sun, , the ice will return to its original shape, which is why these ice cubes are so hard.”

Qingjiao said while standing in front of the towering ice cap of the ice continent.

"It's amazing. It turns out that people with natural abilities still have such abilities!"

Yamato said in amazement.

"Hahahahahaha, the most powerful power of the natural system is that they can change natural conditions. This is a power that many fruits are beyond reach. You must know that the changes in the awakening of the superhuman system are also temporary, and powerful natural system users, It can permanently change the landscape, even if it takes thousands of years.”

Qingjiao sighed and said, each devil fruit has a powerful power. The animal type is the best fruit for those who are physically strong. After all, it is easy to use and also has a variety of powers. In addition, there are phantom beasts. The ability to grow this fruit beyond imagination.

The Superman system is ever-changing, and no one can tell how many types of Superman systems there are. Some of them are extremely precious, and some are exciting, but no matter what, the Superman system fruit represents a kind of law. Although it is impossible to say The law is unclear, but it exists.

Finally, there is the natural type, the most powerful and weakest devil fruit. It is said to be the most powerful because before awakening, almost no devil fruit can compare with the natural type. Even the phantom beast species may not be able to do it. But after awakening, , the natural system is also the least improved. After all, the determination of the natural system is only to increase the elements it controls on a large scale. Compared with several other earth-shaking changes, it is indeed a bit far behind, but no one dares to underestimate this kind of change. Power, because this is the true wrath of nature, is a power that can permanently change the environment of a region. It is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface, just like this ice continent that has existed for an unknown period of time and remains unchanged forever.

"So, Uncle Qingjiao, where is the place you mentioned? Can you find the place?"

Yamato looked east and west, looking at the ice surface that was no different here and asked curiously.

"Don't worry, I know everything about this place at any time. Just come with me. By the way, remember to wear more clothes. Although it is not cold here, the further you go in, the lower the temperature will be. In many places The temperature is below zero, so you probably don’t want to get frostbite in there.”

Qingjiao reminded.

"No problem, we've already prepared it!"

As Yamato spoke, he took out a white down jacket from somewhere and put it on without saying a word. Others had already prepared their equipment and covered themselves tightly.

"Hahahaha! It seems you are all ready, so come with me."

After Qingjiao finished speaking, he jumped onto the Ice Continent, and the others followed closely behind. Under the noon sun, the group of people followed Qingjiao and walked forward. A few people walked from noon to evening before stopping, and just at When Yamato and others thought they had arrived, Qingjiao indicated that they would set up camp.

"Hahahahahaha, you don't think it's so easy to get there, do you? That's the place where I hid the treasure. How could it be so easy to find it? Moreover, this place is called the Ice Continent. Since it is a continent, it cannot be reached in a day or two. Finished, hahahahaha!”

Seeing the disappointed looks of Yamato and others, Qingjiao laughed and said.

"Ah, Uncle Qingjiao, you had told me earlier, so we could fly over here."

Yamato pouted and said with some dissatisfaction.

"No, no, no, this is another dangerous place in the Ice Continent. Didn't you notice? This place is so big, but no birds pass by?"

Qingjiao pointed to the top of her head and said.

"Huh? It seems that there are indeed no flying birds. There were no seagulls when we came here. Logically speaking, it is not cold near the edge, so there should be flying birds, but there is indeed not a single bird here."

Big Bear thought about the situation when he came and found that he had indeed not seen a bird.

"This is another dangerous part of the Ice Continent, that is, you will lose your way in the air and turn around unconsciously. Even if you close your eyes, it will be useless. Everything around you will look the same. Even the birds will be confused when they come in. Wow, the only way is to walk on the ground and act through experience and small differences in the ice. This is the only safe way. Most people don't know this. This is why I put my treasure here without worrying at all. reason."

Qingjiao told the answer that the danger of the ice continent did not lie in the temperature, but in the enhanced version of snow blindness and the magical magnetic field that caused even birds to get lost.

"Okay, how long until we get there? Uncle Qingjiao."

Yamato didn't feel dissatisfied at this moment. That's what he said. Yamato wasn't really stupid, so he naturally knew what to do. However, as an ADHD patient, Yamato was very impatient with this boring journey.

"It's coming soon. We'll arrive at noon tomorrow. I won't put things too far in. It's a natural cavity and it's easy to find."

Qingjiao lit the alcohol stove and began to cook delicious food for everyone. Speaking of Qingjiao's cooking skills, it was not bad. Even under such circumstances, the noodles he made were very delicious, no worse than what Yamato ate in the Flower Country.

After pitching a tent and sleeping on the same spot for a night, everyone set out again early the next morning. Finally, at noon, Qingjiao saw the ice caps of different colors. It was obvious that there was something else there. After all, there was an obvious thing underneath the ice. golden color, shining in the sunlight.

"This is it. This is the location of my treasure. Going forward from here, there is a fifty-meter-long cavity. I filled it with half of the treasures. I originally planned to stop after all the treasures were filled. Yes, but I didn’t expect that that incident would happen, and the first half of my life would be almost wasted.”

Qingjiao touched the ice and looked at the golden light below. Qingjiao felt extremely heartbroken. Secondly, she felt an overwhelming hatred for Garp. He had changed Qingjiao's life.

"Okay, then let me try and see if I can open it here!"

Yamato took off his down jacket that would interfere with his strength, picked up Takeru and started to move his body.

"Wait, wait, there's no use fighting here. Come here, this is the weak point. Only attacking from this position can break the entire ice cap. Of course, that's assuming you can really break the ice cap. words."

Qingjiao pointed at a very abrupt bulge on the mirror-smooth ice surface and said.

"Is this right here?"

Yamato came over, looked at the small bump, and said with a gesture.

"Yes, I have tried it many times. Only this place is an obvious weakness. If I can break this, the whole ground will crack. Of course, the degree of cracking may not be that big. After all, my Eight-Chong Fist 'Zilong' The "Conical Nail·Green Pepper Opening Door" exists specifically for the purpose of cracking the ground. If your attack is really successful, I'm afraid it will only open a hole."

Qingjiao looked at Yamato and said with a smile. To be honest, he didn't think Yamato could succeed, but he asked Yamato for help, so naturally he had to say something nice.

"Then let me give it a try, Uncle Qingjiao, step back."

Yamato moved his shoulders, then jumped directly into the air, held Takeru tightly with both hands, turned around, kicked the air with his feet, and rushed towards the small bump like a cannonball.

"Thunder! Ming! Ba! Gua!"


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