One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 91 Set sail at twelve o'clock!

The top six Twelve Hours have been selected, and these six people have also been assigned responsibilities. Taylor Tiss and Archaon were assigned to Jin's subordinates, Xia Ji and Caroline were assigned to Dai, and Luke and Azu were assigned to Quinn. Originally, Quinn had given up on assigning Xia Ji to his subordinates, so this should be a happy distribution for everyone, but Azu jumped out at this time to express his disagreement.

Azu has always regarded Quinn as the biggest obstacle on his way to becoming the most popular star in the group. Now that he is put under Quinn to work, isn't he always suppressed by Quinn?

Until Quinn made a questionnaire, Azu understood a fact, that is, the brightest star in the group is neither Quinn nor Azu, but Lily.

Yes, Lily has more votes than Kaido. Lily, who ranked first, defeated Kaido with an overwhelming advantage. As for Quinn and Azu, I'm sorry, because they are single votes, the two did not make the list.

As the breadwinner of the entire pirate group, Lily is definitely the most popular. Quinn himself played a trick on this vote. He didn't write any performances or anything like that. In terms of pure popularity, in general pirate groups, the captain or vice-captain is naturally the strongest. It can be said that Azu lost to Quinn's strategy.

After such an incident, Azu no longer said anything and worked under Quinn with peace of mind.

Now the twelve hours have been finalized, and the six people have officially started to lead the team to sail. However, because some people are still new to management, they have adopted a two-by-two pairing system, with those with management experience leading an inexperienced one. The ones who set sail today are Taylor and Xia Ji. Xia Ji joined the pirate group the earliest, but in terms of leadership experience, Taylor, who had no choice but to take on the leadership of the rebels, is better than Xia Ji, but Xia Ji has more sailing experience than Taylor, and the two are just right for pairing, and things are unpredictable.

Xia Ji didn't know why she didn't like Taylor and tried to find faults. Although there was no harm, it was indeed a bit difficult for Taylor, who was not good at talking, to resist.

"So, did I offend you?" Taylor looked at Xia Ji, who was much more hurt than him, and scratched his hair helplessly.

"Oh my, how could the respected Mr. Taylor Tis offend a little girl like me?" Xia Ji narrowed her eyes and looked at Taylor with a mocking smile. In fact, this was a pure counterattack of the loser against Taylor. Xia Ji was good at observation and poison, plus the scorpion's own ability to dive underground. In normal battles, even Quinn could be caught by her without paying attention. But after Taylor came, the situation changed.

Dive underground, Taylor can also, and the speed is faster than Xia Ji, poison? After Taylor turned into a crocodile, Xia Ji couldn't penetrate the leather armor. In addition, Taylor was good at armed color, which increased his defense. Originally, this was nothing. The two were evenly matched, but Taylor had a natural beast instinct. After eating the devil fruit, this beast instinct became stronger. Then this abnormal beast instinct broke the balance, causing Xia Ji and Taylor to always fight one-sidedly. Since they couldn't beat each other, they would make up for it verbally. This is why Xia Ji was always sarcastic.

"Forget it." Taylor couldn't argue with Xia Ji, so he turned back to the cabin helplessly.

Compared with the sarcastic relationship between Taylor and Xia Ji, Caroline and Archaon were much more harmonious. Caroline, who had not been to sea many times, was very excited and ran around on the ship. This was her first time sailing as a commander.

"Be careful, you have to be steady, so that others can recognize you." Archaon reminded Caroline in his classic way of speaking.

"Don't worry, I'm just wondering why there are no enemies. It's been so peaceful along the way." Caroline, who still has a childish mentality, is eager for a chance to show off her skills.

"Hahaha, no, no, it's great, isn't it?" Archaon smiled. He liked the atmosphere of the Beasts very much. The people here were like family. For Archaon, who had just walked out of purgatory, this was the best place to heal. However, sometimes they were a little too enthusiastic. Many people began to worship Archaon inexplicably, especially after Archaon changed his armor. Some people began to spontaneously make armor and put it on their bodies, and then followed Archaon, hoping to become Archaon's younger brother. This sudden situation made Archaon a little confused.

"I know it's great, but Uncle Archaon, don't you feel too bored?" Caroline walked to Archaon and sat down, leaning against the wall and said.

"It's not boring. This kind of tranquility is what many people want but can't get. So, be quiet. The sea will change at any time." Archaon tapped the ground with his fingers. He used to be as active as Caroline. In the arena, he would always make various celebration gestures after the battle. Until he saw through the nature of the arena and saw his parents being used as the two sides of the game to kill each other, Archaon became calm since then.

Just when Caroline wanted to say something, the observer on the top of the mast suddenly shouted:

"Attention! There is something happening in the northwest! The unknown pirate ship is approaching us, everyone pay attention!"

Hearing this, Archaon stood up with a bang. Fortunately, the ship built specifically for him was large enough. If it was replaced with an ordinary small boat, this would at least make the boat crash.

Aichaen looked in the direction the observer said, and sure enough, a pitch-black ship was approaching quickly. With the excellent eyesight of the giants, Aichaen could even see a man holding a long knife on the bow pointing at him.

"What's going on, Uncle Aichaen!" Relying on the natural strength of the long-legged people, Caroline jumped directly onto Aichaen's shoulder and asked.

"It should be the enemy. Is our flag normal?" Aichaen said. Caroline looked up and observed. Everything was normal. The flag of the beasts fluttered in the wind.

"Everything is normal, uncle."

"Then it seems that the other party is a newcomer, or is coming for us." Aichaen nodded and made his own inference.

"What should we do, uncle? Should we attack?" Caroline was a little excited. It was the first time she sailed as a commander and the first time she encountered an enemy. The two kinds of happiness added together were really great.

"Wait and see the situation. If the other party attacks us, we will fight." Archaon is relatively experienced. Although he has never been a captain, he has lived for 70 years and it is normal for him to think a lot.

The other party did not disappoint Caroline. After the two sides approached a certain distance, the other party fired. Two chain bombs flew towards Archaon's huge mammoth. However, Caroline and Archaon did not need to take action. The two thousand households raised their spears and shot twice, directly shooting down the chain bombs.

"Come over and see who dares to attack us." Archaon gave the order indifferently. His gentleness was reserved for his own people. Archaon, who regarded the beasts as his home, would be his mortal enemy if anyone dared to attack the beasts.

Following Archaon's order, the huge mammoth and the three merchant ships behind it approached together.

"Brother Archaon! The other party is this year's newcomer, the Black Paint Pirates, and the captain is the Ridgeback Dragon, Momodi, with a bounty of 85 million Baileys!" A younger brother wearing heavy armor came to Archaon. He was also a member of Archaon's fan club.

"Ridgeback Dragon? Leave him alive, and kill the rest!" Archaon pulled the chain saw axe in his hand. The saw teeth rotated rapidly under the action of fuel. From a distance, it looked like a scarlet halo.

"Everyone listen to my order. Except for the opponent's ability users, everyone else, kill!" The younger brother just conveyed Archaon's order, and at this time, Caroline had already jumped over with a sledgehammer.

"Watch it! Caroline————Forging!"

"Bang!" The heavy hammer hit the ship of the Black Paint Pirates hard.

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