One Piece: Kaido the Beast Playing House

Chapter 99: Disappeared for a Week

Lily and Kaido have disappeared for a week. If it weren't for Jin, Dai and Quinn jointly saying that the two bosses were fine and just went out to spar, I'm afraid there would be some discordant voices in the entire pirate group. After all, Lily and Kaido rarely leave at the same time. However, once the reason for sparring came out, everyone accepted it. After all, the last time the two went out at the same time, they went out to spar.

"It seems that Brother Kaido and Sister Lily have become stronger again." The guard said to his companions holding a musket.

"What do you mean?" The companion who was looking at the small picture book looked up at him.

"It's been a week. Last time, it was said that he went to help Boss Taylor's hometown and came back in a week. Look at this time, all the bosses haven't moved. It's been a week, and there's still no movement." The younger brother analyzed in a clear and logical way.

"You really don't say it. After your analysis, it's really the case, but I'm more curious, why the main building was sealed and no one was allowed to approach." The companion agreed with the younger brother's point of view, but also raised his own questions.

"Didn't Boss Quinn say that? A batch of confidential information has been sent in recently. No one is allowed to approach until Big Sister Lily comes back."

"I know, but I heard from others that there were strange noises in the main building, and I'm a little curious."

"Why think so much? Let's think about how to be promoted to a thousand households. How is your observation Haki?"

"Forget it. I finally felt something that day, but I don't know which bastard suddenly shot and scared me, and then I couldn't find the feeling anymore."

"Hahaha, I told you at the time to learn Armament Haki first. Look at me. Although I haven't been able to condense it successfully, Big Brother Taylor has said that I have already entered the door."

"Go to hell."

The two continued to chat, but on the other side, Jin, Dai and Quinn were almost crazy.

"Quinn, have you found out clearly? What is the wine you brought back!" Dai grabbed Quinn's clothes and shook them continuously.

"I've found out, you let me go first." Quinn had just come back, sweating profusely and had no time to wipe it off, and now Dai was shaking him to the point of wanting to vomit.

"Daisy, let him talk." Jin crossed his arms and looked at Quinn viciously. It started after lunch that day. Jin asked the kitchen, and it was Lily who cooked the lunch herself that day. The problem could only be with Quinn's two bottles of wine.

"Yes, it's the ghost clan's sacrificial wine, but, but it's the wine used in the ghost clan's fertility sacrifice..." Quinn's voice became smaller and smaller, even less than the sound of a mosquito.

"Hurry up and talk, if you keep hesitating, I'll beat you up!" Dai kicked Quinn on the butt and urged.

"Well, the ghost tribe is a special race. It is difficult for them to give birth. The stronger they are, the more difficult it is for them to give birth. Therefore, the ghost tribe has a custom of holding a birth ceremony. During the birth ceremony, the ghost tribe will brew a special wine and store it. Then they will take out last year's wine and drink it. This wine has the effect of something. The reason why it is only kept for one year is that the longer the effect is kept, the greater the power will be. We dare not keep it for a long time." Seeing that the two people really wanted to beat him up, Quinn stopped wasting time and quickly told them everything.

"How long has your wine been?" Jin took a few deep breaths and calmed down and asked.

Quinn raised three fingers tremblingly.

"Three years?" Dai asked.

Quinn raised his other hand tremblingly and compared a zero.

"Thirty years!?" X2, Jin and Dai's jaws almost dropped. It was specially prepared for the ghost tribe. It would work in one year. Thirty years? Will there really be no trouble? Brother Kaido and Sister Lily drank two bottles!

"The person who sold it to me said that he had kept it for thirty years. I don't know how long it was exactly. They also got it from someone else." Quinn lowered his head and could no longer speak.

"You guy! Are you crazy! I know you may lose money in the gambling game, but you can't do such a thing! What if something happens to the big brother and the big sister! Can you bear it!" The flames behind Jin's anger burned more vigorously, and his exposed eyes were full of bloodshot. It seemed that he wanted to eat Quinn alive. Dai was the same. Looking at the two of them, Quinn hurriedly explained.

"It's really not, how can I have the courage! I thought it was an ordinary sacrificial wine, thinking that sacrificial wine must be good, and I bought it to make Kaido Boss be gentler next time he trains!"

"Go to hell!" Dai didn't listen to Quinn's quibbling, and kicked Quinn to the ground with one foot, looking at Quinn angrily, and her already developed and towering breasts kept shaking, showing the anger of its owner.

"Okay, what's the point of talking about this now? Think of a solution first." Jin shouted. He needed to calm down now. Although he also wanted to beat Quinn, beating him wouldn't solve the problem.

"Why don't we rush in, force them apart, and then use seastone handcuffs to make them lose their strength." Quinn, who was afraid of being beaten, said hurriedly.

"If you can't talk, shut up! What kind of a stupid idea is this! Are you crazy?" Jin couldn't help it and punched Quinn directly.

"Then what do you say? We can't just eavesdrop here." Quinn struggled to resist Jin's attack, and kept talking at the same time.

"Wait? Eavesdrop?" Jin was suddenly stunned, stopped attacking, and thought with his chin in his hand.

"Hey, hey, hey, you're not really going to do this, are you? I just said it like that? If people find out, they'll think you're a pervert! They'll definitely think you're a pervert!" Quinn said in disbelief as he watched Jin start to think about the possibility of what he just said.

"Do you think everyone is as stupid as you? We don't need to do that. What's your observation Haki for? Sense the breath! Use your observation Haki to sense the breath, and then have the medical team on standby at any time, and go in immediately if there's any situation." Jin said, slapping Quinn on the back of his head.

"Yes! And the observation Haki, wait, my observation Haki can only last for a day and a night at most. In this situation, who knows how long it will take, I can't hold on."

"Are you an idiot? Aren't there still Jin and me? Three people take turns, two people every day, one person rests, take turns, remember to confirm the situation inside, but don't get caught, understand?" Dai's eyes now look at Quinn have completely turned into eyes looking at a fool, these days anyone can become a scientist.

"Also, only the three of us need to know about this, and no one else should tell anyone, including Xia Ji and Taylor. Do you understand? Especially Quinn, you have a big mouth, you must be careful! If you let it slip, no one can save you!" Jin added viciously.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely keep my mouth shut. If you let out a single word, I, I, I will never be able to eat sweets in my life!" After constant mental struggles, Quinn made a vow that was extremely cruel to him, and at the same time made a zipper-like motion on his mouth.

"Okay, now let's arrange the next shift." Jin sighed, and with some tiredness, he began to discuss the next shift process with Dai and Quinn. Finally, it was determined that it would start from Jin, then Dai, and finally Quinn, and then start from the beginning, each person would be responsible for twelve hours.

After the layout was set, the three began to eavesdrop on the plan, but no one expected that this listening would take another three weeks.

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It's finally time. It's too difficult. I didn't expect it to take so long. I thought it would be done in about 80 chapters. I didn't expect it.

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