"Hehe, just do as Miss Camuel said, you two miscellaneous shut your mouths for Lao Tzu!"

The woman is the Queen of Western Sea usury smuggling, named Camuel, a woman with strength, beauty and wisdom.

The person who spoke for her was the president of the Bounty Hunters Association, although he was a bounty hunter, but this group of people was just a criminal gang that did not hang the pirate flag, and when fighting with pirates, they would often rob the local town by the way, and then slaughter the city to blame the disaster here on the pirates.

In this way, this group of garbage can go to the navy to receive a bounty and plunder the town, but this behavior is not too much, so it did not cause the navy to encircle and suppress.

"Hmph! Lick the dog. Cappen

Bayden and the leader of the slave hunting group had not yet spoken, and spoke to the forbidden tycoon that the bounty hunter guild leader had been unable to deal with.

"Do you want to die?!" The bounty union president directly drew his pistol and pointed it at the forbidden tycoon.

The forbidden tycoon also pulled out his spear, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.


After all, Cappen Baden was the most powerful, steady, and most influenced by Tichy, and he was the first to stop these two guys.

"Let's go according to the original plan, seven days later, let all of our men buy tickets as spectators, and when the time comes, wait for that guy to come on, attack together, and kill him!"

Since Tiqi was almost completely destroyed when he started, few living people had seen his full strength, and in the eyes of these West Sea forces, Tiqi would not be much stronger even if he was stronger than them.

That's why I made such a funny plan.

"I will transport your weapons to the Lydinos 2 affiliated island, and then it will be up to you whether it will be fulfilled." The woman, Camuel, made a promise.

"Okay, step back, let's talk about everything in 7 days."

Cappen Bayden said the ending words helplessly, I don't know why, he always felt very apprehensive about this operation.

But if you don't make a break with Tichy this time, Tichy's forces will only be more difficult to contain in the future, and there is no choice but to start a decisive battle in such a hurry, also intending to surprise Tichy.

The leaders of the Western Sea Alliance here are all unruly people, and they are composed of a total of individual forces.

They are the mafia, the loan shark smuggling industry, the slave hunting syndicate, the forbidden tycoon, the bounty hunter guild, and the most mysterious person, who has been silent just now watching the disturbance of this group of people.

He is the leader of the last West Sea Bodyguard Mercenary Group.

Seven days later, Lidinos Islands, underground boxing stadium.

Or not an underground boxing stadium, because it has been blatantly held on the ground in the open air, and Litinos' brutal fighting performances are held.

In the past three years, after several ideas proposed by Tichy, the fighting has been dramatized and continuous, and the WWE and UFC formats of the previous world have been imitated, and the fighting performance of the Lytinos Islands has been promoted to the world.

The current scene before where Tichy first came can no longer put the audience he needs.

So he had to build a bigger martial arts center.

Today, even if the weekly global live broadcast session, the fighting is extremely fierce and fancy, only this fight will not let real gladiators participate, but choose some able-bodied actors.

After all, this is for the world, too bloody will have limits to promotion.

Soon, the people here were full, and there were nearly 100,000 people in the audience, and there were many more vicious thugs hiding in it.

Outside the ring, inside Tichy's room, Anilu pushed open the door.

"Lord Tichy, this group of people has arrived, their every move is being monitored, and they are on their way to here on Island Two."

"Thief hahaha, let this group of people taste what despair is."

Snapping, a thunder flashed in the sky, and the originally clear night sky instantly became dark, and heavy rain poured down.

Titch had already transformed into a dragon horn and flew into the clouds long before it began, opening his mouth to spit out a column of water to fill the clouds above the Lidinos Islands with water vapor.

Then arrange for the bellflower to release lightning at the right time, catalyzing the clouds and forming rainfall.

The main purpose of this is to disperse the audience and end today's plot early.

Just deal with that group of Western Sea alliances without scruples.

On the other end, the leaders of the underground alliance organization of five men and one woman gathered together, looking at the rainstorm that fell out of place in the sky and was a little embarrassed, "Fuck, this rain is really strange!"

"I see, this time there are many fierce people, and it is a big deal to admit that Blackbeard's subordinates are counted."

"I also think so, although I am a little unwilling, but after recognizing Blackbeard as the boss approaching him, it is not better to take the opportunity to kill himself in the throne."

"Don't do it, I won't take this risk with you with Baden."

"Me too."

"Me too."

With the exception of Carpen Bayden and Camuel, the usury queen, and the taciturn head of the bodyguard mercenary regiment, the remaining three leaders of the underground forces began to retreat.

Even if there is a rabble, it is inevitable that such emotions will arise under such circumstances.

These can make Baden anxious, his industry and Tichy overlap rate is too high, others can endure it, but he Baden can't!

Moreover, Baden is proud and usually a mafia godfather who is a mafia who condescends to him.

"You bastards, how can you repent here!"

Angry and devastated, Baden's eyes were red, and he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at everyone, and here he had the most men, and the subordinates of other forces either went to the ring or went hidden.

Only the leaders of the Guardian Alliance under Baden saw Baden draw their guns, and the guards around them took up their weapons and surrounded the leaders of the underground forces.

"Okay, okay, that Blackbeard guy you should also know, unless you three really want to be his dog willingly, otherwise, it must be you who regret it, and you must have heard of his methods." Therefore, it is the safest way to follow along to deal with Blackbeard. Camuel

, the usury queen of smuggling, held up a single piece of gold wire glasses, and with a gentleman's crutch, she opened her mouth to persuade the three guys who were going to give up.

The three were silent for a while, and with Baden's subordinates all around, they had to acquiesce.

"Hmph, three fools, when the time comes, let's do more, defeat Blackbeard, our cake can be the largest, Xihai can't accommodate this emperor!"

"Big deal, just share some of your interests, the premise is to give your all!" Beiden saw that the attitude of the three people was a little soft, and he opened his mouth to half bewitch and half persuade, and he still needed the strength of these three people for a while, otherwise Beiden would have slaughtered them long ago.

They looked at each other, nodded, and began to walk towards the premises of Tiki, the center island of Litinos.

This position was also provided to them by Camuel, and her intelligence showed that every time Tichy ended his weekly live broadcast, he would stop here.

Dashing up, it didn't take long to get here.

Push open the door, strangely empty inside, everyone is shocked, especially Baden, they all understand a little, fooled!

Suddenly, I heard a strange noise behind me, and I saw that in the distance outside the building, three figures slowly emerged from the dark ground, with cruel and contemptuous smiles, it was Tichy, Kikyo and the two sisters.

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