“You two beat Luffy up?”

After Qin Ming and Qioba returned to the moving crab, they heard Solon talking to Shangis about what they had encountered before, and they were surprised to ask.

It turned out that after Luffy ate a round cactus, the whole person became very excited, and even his sanity became a little unconscious, and he was running around in the desert alone.

Originally, when Solon and Shangis were arguing, they suddenly saw Luffy rushing over, and both of them were very happy.

But soon, they realized that something was wrong.

Because Luffy was still shouting Klockdar when he was rushing towards them, I’m going to beat you up and something like that.

Before Solon and Shangis could ask Luffy what had happened, Luffy raised his fist and attacked them.

At first, Solon and Shangis tried to communicate with the crazy Luffy, but whatever they said, Luffy just attacked them madly.

In the end, the two couldn’t bear it anymore, and joined forces to beat the crazy Luffy, which made Luffy honest and ~ regained his sanity.

According to Choba, Luffy should eat ** cactus, this plant was originally used as a stimulant, and Luffy ate this cactus whole, it will become like a madman, that is normal.

After learning that Luffy had been severely repaired, Qin Ming and Qioba looked at each other, and the two who had been punished by Luffy not long ago had a thought in their hearts at the same time: Beat – good!

It was also on this day that Choiba finally understood one thing, it turned out that the captain could be beaten by the crew.

Luffy, who landed on those sand thieves’ ships, turned enemies into friends after chatting with their captain, and the two even chatted happily about what to eat later.

After learning that Luffy was a pirate, the sand thieves released Usopp, who was tied to the ship’s pole, and sincerely apologized to Luffy and the others.

These sand thieves are all from the Balu Balu regiment, and their captain is called Baru Balu Worm, a middle-aged man with a beard and a tall and fat man.

The reason why the sand thief is around this area is to deter those who want to cross the desert.

Because Alabastan has not received a drop of rain for three consecutive years, crossing the desert has become an extremely dangerous thing, and ninety percent of those who tried to cross this desert in the past died.

Balu Balu their hometown, as early as more than two years ago, has been buried in this yellow sand desert, displaced, in desperation, supported the most prestigious Balu Balu as the captain of the crowd, and established this sand thief group.

Their purpose is self-evident, firstly, they do not want people to die in vain, and secondly, they really want to find something to live on and let them survive.

It’s just that as they become more and more active in this desert, the news that these sand thieves will plunder passers-by’s property, food and water is also spreading, which is also because they only rob people, not kill people, the news will spread so quickly, but this also makes more and more people afraid of this desert and dare not step into this desert.

There are fewer people entering this desert, and the life of these sand thieves is getting more and more difficult, and it will be impossible to repair the wood for the broken ship’s pole.

It can be said that these sand thieves live by robbing those who enter the desert for food and water, while they keep driving away those who want to cross the desert, which is tantamount to drinking to quench their thirst, but they still do it.

In their opinion, it is also good to let one less person die in this merciless desert.

“They’re like you.”

Qin Ming looked at the thin sand thief who looked like a firewood except for the Balu Balu, and said to Wei Wei on the side.

Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, and then understood why Qin Ming said this, those sand thieves also did not want anyone to sacrifice, so they would wander in this hot desert for nearly three years, even if most of the time, from morning to night, they did not see a single figure, but they still persevered.

To some extent, those sand thieves are desperate to save people, and they are in the same mood as her.

“Didn’t you tell them that you are not an ordinary person, but a pirate?”

Qin Ming asked Usopp, who was checking if there was anything missing in his bag.

“I said it, but they didn’t believe me.”

Usopp said to Qin Ming.

“How did you tell them?”

“I told them that I was the Grand Captain of Usopp, who had eight thousand elite subordinates, and that I was a sea thief with a reputation all over the world, and I said this more than once.”

“Well, then what?”

“Then I was tied up by them.”


Qin Ming and Usopp quickly ended the topic.

“Don’t you think this camel is weird? Especially the look in its eyes. ”

Shangis looked at the camel following Nami and Vivi and said.

“To be honest, I feel that way too.”

Qin Ming, who had just walked over, heard Shangjis’s words and answered.

“Stinky fisherman, I didn’t expect you to agree with me.”

“Chef Se, take a good look at its eyes, just like you, they are almost narrowed into a slit, and its friend, that is, the crab, is a virtue.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Don’t you think they’re the same kind as you?”

Shangjishi and Qin Ming chatted a few words, and the two immediately got to work and fight there.

“He and I both like beautiful women, so we’re friends.”

Choiba translated what the camel with fixed eyes on Nami and Vivi said, and when he said this, the two eyes of the moving crab in the back had turned into red hearts, and they were looking at Nami and Vivi.

“Look, they’re just like you.”

When Qin Ming and Shangjishi fought each other, he did not forget to say a few words about Shangjis.

“Colored camels, colored crabs, you are not allowed to look at them like that again!”

Shangjis stopped fighting with Qin Ming, and instead ran to the camel and crab.

“It turns out that they are the same species as that curly eyebrow, no wonder I feel uncomfortable.”

Solon glanced at Shangis and the camel, lay down on top of the moving crab, yawned, and prepared for sleep.

Just when Shangis wanted to get along with that luo, he heard Luffy shout, “Everyone, come here, we’re going to have a banquet!” ”

“Have a banquet?”

“At a time like this?”

“Why was there such a decision all of a sudden

“But now that the sun is about to set, it’s really not suitable for continuation”

“If we really want to have a banquet, I’m afraid we won’t have enough food.”

“What is a banquet like in the desert?”

“Choba, do you know who I am? I am a man who attends a banquet whenever there is a banquet! ”

“Can I paint a good scene in the evening?”

Qin Ming, Solon, Nami, Vivi, Shangis, Choba, Usopp, and Miss Jinzhou listened to Luffy’s words and reacted differently.

At this time, the sun is gradually setting in the west, and soon dusk will come, and if you really want to have a banquet, it is time to prepare.

“We haven’t held a banquet in years, and if we did, it would be very lively.”

Baru Balu said to Luffy, not only him, but even those sand thieves, there was a faint hint of longing in their eyes.

For no other reason, if there is a banquet, they will be able to eat a full meal, which is undoubtedly a very luxurious thing for them, who have been extremely poor in recent years.

“Okay, it’s decided, we’ll have a banquet in the desert tonight!” If there is not enough food, we will go and find more. ”

Luffy asked Qin Ming, “Are you right?” ”

“I can solve it with food, but not with water.”

Qin Ming said to Luffy: “We have to continue in the desert next, if there is not enough water, it is very dangerous.” ”

“This is not a problem, we have not saved much food in recent years, but if we have water, we still have saved a little.”

Balu Balu, who had a small red umbrella on his head, said to Qin Ming.

“If that’s the case, it’s not a big problem.”

Qin Ming felt that if the water problem could be solved, everything else could be said.

“Stinky fisherman, you have to bring as much food back as possible, otherwise we will be in trouble for the rest of the trip.”

Shangis reminded Qin Ming that if the banquet tonight allowed Luffy to eat all the food, then they would have a lot of fun.

“Leave this to me.”

Qin Ming nodded and said to Shangjis.

“But Ace hasn’t joined us yet, so is it really good for you to have a banquet like this?”

Chopper asked to Usopp on the side.

“Don’t worry, as soon as we have a banquet, Ace will easily find us, but his brother is really easy to cause trouble, and he actually got lost with us, hahahaha.”

Luffy scratched his head and smiled proudly.

I think it’s because of your relationship that Ace will get lost with us.”

Qin Ming and they looked at Luffy and thought so in their hearts.

Although Ace did not return, his strength Qin Ming and the others had seen it with their own eyes, and they didn’t worry much about him, and they were all very happy to prepare for tonight’s banquet.

Since the Balu Baru Sand Pirates’ boat rod was broken, if they wanted to repair the ship, they had to go back to their base to find wood to use, so Baru Balu took out the sand sled on the ship.

In order to move quickly in the desert, this sled is made of lighter wood, which looks a bit like a dinghy, and there is an extra bracket next to it, which is used to transport wood.

With this shave, you will soon be able to reach the nearby Merias Oasis, which is also the base of the current Baru Baru Sand Thieves.

The trick rod of the ship was still interrupted by Qin Ming’s stick, and in the end, he also had to take some responsibility, so he thought that when he went to the Merias Oasis to get wood again, he would see if there were any prey nests along the way, and when he came back, he would catch some prey along the way.

It’s just that this sand sled seems to have a simple structure, similar to a small sailing ship, and there is a fallen trick rod on it, but Qin Ming has never operated this kind of thing before, and it is a little difficult to start for a while.

“This kind of stuff is easy to play with, look at me.”

Luffy jumped on the sand sled with interest, pulled up the sleek that had fallen to the side, spread the sail, and then a gust of wind blew through, and the sand sled jerked forward, surprisingly fast.

In the blink of an eye, Luffy disappeared from everyone’s sight on the sand shack, but after a while, the sand skid drove back.

But it wasn’t Luffy who knew how to manipulate the sand shack, but he pushed the sand sled back, and with him he fell to the ground tired and gasped.

··· Ask for flowers…

It was obvious that Luffy was undoubtedly wasting his remaining physical strength just now.

“If you want to play this sand sled, give it to you.”

Qin Ming thought that this thing was not considered to be at the level of his half-hanging, and it was estimated that it would not be better than Luffy when played, and with Luffy’s previous experience, he didn’t want to push the sand sled back, so he said to Luffy.

“Didn’t you break that trick rod? Or you go well. ”

Luffy waved his hand at Qin Ming.

“If I hadn’t made a move, the trick rod would have been broken by you in the end.”

“But you’re the one who broke things in the end, so you should be responsible.”

After Qin Ming and Luffy chatted for a few words, they came to a conclusion.

Shangjis saw that driving that sand sled seemed to require strength, so he wanted to go with Qin Ming.

But at this moment, a knife flew diagonally from above to Wei Wei, who was standing stunned by the sand skid, and Qin Ming next to him quickly reacted, and a stick knocked the flying scimitar away.

Following Qin Ming, they saw a blue-purple-haired woman standing on the broken boat’s pole, she glanced at Wei Wei, jumped off the boat, and after a few volleys, landed safely, her movements were very sharp.

The woman’s name is Rasha, and according to Baru Balu, she is the best at driving sand skids in the group of sand thieves.

Her bun also has a small pink umbrella as a hair ornament, when she falls to the ground, the small umbrella inserted obliquely in her blue-purple hair opens suddenly, she has a pointed chin, a typical melon seed face, she looks quite beautiful, when she turns around, the big black eyes, when looking at Vivi, it is with a little hostility,

“Everyone else seems to be foreign, only you are from here.”

Rasa said to Vivi, her tone indescribably cold, and she seemed to hate Vivi.


“You really can guess.”

Luffy said to Rasha.

“Do you know her?”

Qin Ming quietly asked Wei Wei, “Or maybe she knows you?” ”

“I thought she was familiar, but I couldn’t remember where I saw her.”

Wei Wei whispered back to Qin Ming.

“You should know a little about the use of sand skieds, so follow him.”

Rasa glanced at Qin Ming and said to Wei Wei.

“How can you let Vivi do such a dangerous thing.”

Shangis was the first to stand up against Rasha’s words.

“That’s right, that’s a lot of nonsense.”

Nami also felt uneasy.

“It’s okay, I do know how to manipulate sand skieds, so let me come.”

Wei Wei said to Qin Ming: “I’ll go with you, no problem, right?” ”

“I don’t care, but why don’t we go by crab, wouldn’t it be more convenient?”

Qin Ming asked Wei Wei.

“Because moving crabs can’t go into the water, there is a lake on the way to the Melias oasis, and if we spare the road, we may not be able to get back here in the evening.”

Wei Wei explained to Qin Ming.

“You remember that place.”

When Rasa heard Vivi’s words, her face slowed slightly, and she didn’t know whether she said it intentionally or unintentionally.

“Crabs that can’t get into the water?”

Qin Ming looked at the squinting moving crab and muttered, “It’s really the same strange creature as that cook.” ”

In this way, Qin Ming and Wei Wei set off for the Merias Oasis, and before that, Nami called Qin Ming aside and said directly: “Take off your clothes.” ”


Qin Minggang took a sip of the tea he took from Miss Golden Week, and when he heard Nami’s words, he was immediately shocked and spewed out of his mouth: “What are you talking about?” Although we have a good relationship, we can’t do that kind of thing in full view, right? ”

“Stupid, I just told you to take off the robe you are wearing outside and give it to me, and while it is not yet dark, I will help you mend it, and see what the clothes you wear are all torn into.”

Nami’s good-looking eyebrows trembled, she felt that it was almost dusk now, and the weather was not as hot as before, even if she took off the robe outside, she would not be sunburned, so she wanted to help Qin Ming mend her clothes during this time.

Moreover, the banquet in the evening is a foregone conclusion, and I am afraid that there will be no time to do these things at that time.

“We have to hurry tomorrow, if your robe is still so rotten, it is easy to get sunburned, and in this desert, the temperature in the evening is much lower than during the day, and your robe is not able to protect from the cold now.”

Nami took the robe with many holes in Qin Ming’s hand, and instructed very seriously: “You go out with Wei Wei this time, don’t cause any trouble and come back, if something really happens, don’t rush up, be careful, got it?” ”

“Okay, anyway, if there is trouble, I will be the first to rush up and solve them, so that I can also rush back as soon as possible.”

Qin Ming answered very cheerfully, and his words made Nami’s forehead full of black lines: Did this guy understand my words?

When Qin Ming and Vivi followed Rasa and her other companion to the Merias oasis on a sand shack, the sun had begun to slowly sink into the sea of sand, and the afterglow of the setting sun reflected the vast desert with a touch of orange.

The sand dunes in front of me stretched endlessly and were golden, and under the warm afterglow, a girl with short orange hair was sitting on the side, with a quiet smile on her pretty face, concentrating on sewing the robe in her hand… Person._

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