Without Qin Ming to suspect her, Miss again begged Luffy and the others to send them back to Whiskey Peak with Mr. 9 on Wednesday, saying that they would definitely be rewarded with such great kindness.

It’s just that these two people are still unwilling to tell their true identities, because their company flaunts mystery, so they can’t say anything about themselves to others, and they also say that they will ask these people to send them back because they see the character of Luffy and others.

When asking Luffy for their help, Miss Wednesday also unintentionally glanced at Qin Ming, who fell on the side with a blue nose and a swollen face, remembering the scene when this guy was beaten by the orange short-haired woman before, and shivered unconsciously, but she was very glad that Qin Ming didn’t come to hinder her again, otherwise, she really didn’t know what would go wrong.

After seeing Qin Ming’s unusually different blood-red pupils, Miss Wednesday now fully believes what Mr. 9 said before, that guy’s pupils are simply not what ordinary people can have, thinking of her eyes against those blood pupils, her whole person became muddy, as if she had completely lost herself, although this feeling was very short-lived, but it still made her palpitate.

Shangjis said that Qin Ming always didn’t know how to respect women, and he really should be beaten, he felt that Nami was beaten lightly, and he should be beaten to death.

According to what Shangji said, if Nami hadn’t beaten Qin Ming first, he would have cleaned up Qin Ming for the sake of that beautiful Miss Wednesday.

As soon as Qin Ming heard this cook’s words, how could he endure it, and immediately jumped up and started a fight with him.

Usopp glanced at Qin Ming’s miserable face, and estimated that if Solon, who was sleeping on the ship, woke up and saw this guy now, he was afraid that he would not recognize it, and he quietly asked Nami why she beat Qin Ming so badly.

As a result, Nami said that she just accidentally punched Qin Ming a few more times by the way, which was purely a matter of habit, and when she changed this habit one day, there would be no problem.

In other words, if Nami didn’t change this habit for the rest of her life, wouldn’t Qin Ming be a bad luck for the rest of her life?

This “cruel” answer made Usopp’s legs shake in shock, and his heart was even more sympathetic to Qin Ming’s experience, shouldn’t that guy really be possessed by an unlucky ghost?

Usopp, who held this idea, wondered if he should make an exorcism talisman for Qin Ming, such as the full suit of evil spirit retreat.

The flower-headed Kurokas bluntly said Mr.9 that they were not a good thing, reminding Luffy and the others that it was best not to agree to the requests of these two.

“Look, our record pointer is broken, so you still want to take our boat?”

Nami noticed that the blue-haired woman was still looking at Qin Ming from time to time, she snorted secretly, a sly light flashed in her godly eyes, pointed out the previously broken record and showed it to Mr.9 and Miss Wednesday, a “bad idea” popped up in her mind, and she was even more determined to tease someone, otherwise she always felt unhappy.

“What? The record pointer is actually broken? It was my stuff! ”

“We whispered to you, you have become so arrogant! Without the record pointer, you can’t go anywhere! ”

Mr.9 and Miss saw on Wednesday that the record pointer in Nami’s hand was really broken, and immediately wanted to turn their faces and not recognize people.

“But Kulokas gave me a new record pointer, but depending on your attitude, we have to think about whether we want to help you.”

Nami took out a new record pointer, and her delicate face showed a mischievous smile with a hint of a bad smile.

“I’m sorry, but please help us.”

“Please, we really need your help.”

Seeing that Nami really had the record pointer in her hand, Mr.9 and Miss’s attitude on Wednesday immediately came to a 180-degree turn, and the two knelt on the ground very uncontrollably and said to Nami.

Damn, this smelly girl is clearly playing us!

Miss Wednesday and Mr.9 knew it, but now the situation is stronger than people, and they can only endure.

Fortunately, Luffy, the captain, quickly agreed to take them to the Whiskey Peak, and the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After teasing the two of them, Nami was in a good mood, and Luffy as the captain had made a decision, and she didn’t say anything more.

After some time, Usopp had repaired the ship’s trick rod, and the recording pointer had also recorded the magnetism of the Gemini cape, and the originally immobile pointer had changed.

Nami carefully compared the chart given by Kulocass in her hand, making sure that the course pointed to by the record pointer was the direction where the whiskey peak was located, so she decided to tell Luffy and prepare them to set sail.

Hearing that they were going to sail, Luffy and Qin Ming hurriedly ran onto the ship, lowered the sails, and excitedly shouted for Shangis and Usopp to hurry up and get on board.

Kourokas told Luffy that if he really wanted to take the two to Whiskey Peak, it would be difficult for them to change their next route, because in the Great Passage, although there were many routes to Lovedru Island, the only place where he could choose the route at the beginning was here at Twin Cape.

But Luffy told Kourokas that if he was not satisfied with the route of Whiskey Peak, he could go around the Red Earth Continent for another week.

Hearing Luffy say this, Kurokas didn’t say much, but he still had a shallow smile on his face,

Luffy and the others stood by the boat and said goodbye to Kulokas, and called him Uncle Flower, and Nami specially thanked Kulokas for sending a record pointer, otherwise, she really didn’t know how to sail next.

Hmph, a bunch of stupid pirates!

Mr.9 and Miss looked at Luffy and the others who were standing by the side of the boat saying goodbye to Kulocas, covered their mouths and laughed darkly, looking like they had succeeded in their conspiracy.

“Whale, we’re leaving, don’t forget that we will definitely come back here again!”

As the boat moved away from Cape Gemini, Luffy shouted at Raab, who surfaced to see them leave.

“Roar, oo

Raab, who surfaced on the surface, raised his huge head and roared into the sky, this time its cry did not have the sadness of the past, and the joy was full of anticipation, very spiritual.

“Are they the pirates we’re waiting for? The kid’s weird pupils made me feel familiar, and the one in the straw hat, he gave people a very incredible feeling. ”

Kourokas stood on the shore, and together with Raab, he looked at the pirate ship with the straw hat skull flag that gradually disappeared from sight.

Remembering that when he came out of Rab’s belly earlier, Luffy also invited him to join, but unfortunately he was too old to accompany these young people to toss, if it had been decades earlier, he might have really gone to sea to become a ship doctor, Kurokas recalled the past sailing years in his mind, his eyes were full of reminiscence, and slowly muttered: “Roger, what do you think.?” ”

After leaving the Twin Capes, the boat continued to move forward, but the weather was very strange, and it was as comfortable as spring at one moment, but after a while it snowed in the sky, as cold as winter.

At first, Qin Ming and they were still very surprised by the changing weather of the Great Passage, but seeing that the snow was falling heavier and heavier, and the ship was soon filled with snow, these people did not care about these unreasonable things, but were very happy to play with the snow on the boat.

It is worth mentioning that no matter how the weather changes, Solon, who is sitting on the side and sleeping against the railing of the boat, still sleeps comfortably, and the snow from the sky falls down to cover him, almost building him into a snowman, but he still snores, unaware of everything around him.

Qin Ming was curious if he would be able to wake up if he threw Solon into the sea now.

The white snow in the sky kept falling, Luffy and Usopp were building snowmen on the deck of the ship, having fun, and Qin Ming was inevitably damaged by these two people and chose to play alone in the bow of the ship.

Since Luffy had promised to send the two back to Whiskey Peak, Qin Ming didn’t care if Miss Wednesday had a problem, if they weren’t honest, they would be right to beat them.

“It’s done, this is the man who descended from the sky, Brother Yeti!”

Luffy finally built a snowman, he inserted two wooden sticks into the snowman that came out of the pile as a hand, randomly inserted a wooden stick into his face as a nose, and wrapped a scarf around the snowman, and finally covered the snowman’s head with a barrel as a hat, the barrel was still crooked.


Usopp on the other side laughed proudly and said to Luffy, “The way you play with snow is really childish.” ”

“What did you say?”

Luffy felt that the snowman he had built was not bad, how could he accept Usopp’s words?

“Look, this is the snow sculpture I worked so hard to make, Snow Queen!”

Usopp showed Luffy the snowman he had piled up, and saw a beautiful-looking, graceful-looking beauty with bare feet, sitting on a chair with a variety of manners, her chin slightly raised, and her posture was really beautiful.

“You’re amazing!”

Luffy saw that the snowman built by Usopp was really good, he was shocked and said, then he came behind the snowman he built and pushed the stick inserted on the snowman forward: “Look at me, snowman iron fist.” ”

With a whoosh, the wooden stick flew out of Luffy’s snowman and shot towards Usopp, instantly poking the head of the snowman queen that Usopp had piled up!

Sensing that the head of the snowman queen he had piled up was a “headless female corpse” in a blink of an eye, Usopp’s eyes were about to fall out, and then he walked over and kicked the head of the snowman brother that Luffy had piled up

“Wow. Snowman brother! ”

Luffy saw that the snow he had piled up was kicked away by Usopp’s kick, and his eyes jumped out in shock.

“It’s so cold, how can they still be so energetic

Nami stayed in the cabin in a thick cotton jacket, looking at Luffy and Usopp playing with snow outside the window, and said very puzzled, due to the limited angle, she really didn’t know what Qin Ming was doing at the bow.

“Miss Nami, when will the snow shoveling work of love be done?”

Shangis asked as he threw the snow from the boat into the sea with a shovel and turned to Nami with red eyes.

“Shangis, let’s stop the snow.”

Nami’s words let Qin Ming hear, he saw that Shangji actually listened to Nami’s words so much, very secretly pouted, and secretly said in his heart: This guy should not have his eyebrows curled so that his brain cramps, shoveling snow until it doesn’t snow, fool talent, fortunately I’m not as stupid as him.

“Qin Ming, what is this you piled up, it’s so big!”

“Is it a little giant?”

As Luffy was chasing Usopp with snow, he was surprised to find that at the bow of the ship, something four or five meters tall was standing there, and he shouted in surprise.

“You two are too inferior, see it, this is the art of playing with snow!”

Qin Ming grabbed the extended fishing rod in one hand and the spear in the other, constantly carving something on the snow giant, and did not forget to turn back to Luffy and show them off: “Take a good look, what am I carving?” ”

“Is it my delusion, is that made of snowdrift? That looks like you. ”

“That’s right, even the pattern of that dress is very similar to what you are wearing.”

Luffy and Usopp both rubbed their eyes in unison, carefully observed the snow giant carved by Qin Ming, and saw that this snow giant was ninety percent similar to Qin Ming, whether it was in demeanor or dress, and the snow giant was still colored, and at first glance, it was almost an enlarged version of the living Qin Ming.

That’s right, Qin clearly used a brush to color the snow giant, he took the paint that Nami used to draw the chart, and also spent a little effort to adjust the color, which made a snow giant very similar to himself.

“Well, it’s done, how about it, you guys are frightened by my extraordinary artistic talent, hahahaha!”

After Qin Ming put away the two fishing rods, he said to the stunned Luffy and Usopp.

“Even the hair has been carved out by you, you are really amazing!”

Luffy saw that the hairstyle on the snow giant’s head was printed with a mold with Qin Ming, and looking at the hair, they were all boarded and eyed, and his jaw was about to drop in shock.

“Indeed, you carved it so seriously.”

Usopp looked carefully and saw that the snow giant’s eyebrows were lifelike, he didn’t expect Qin Ming to really have two brushes.

“Did you take it now?”

Qin Ming smiled, stood at the bow of the ship with his hands on his chest, and said to Luffy on the deck below,

But as soon as Qin Ming finished saying this, there was an earth-shattering thunder in the sky, only to hear a boom, and the snow giant who had just finished and stood tall at the bow of the ship was split in half by the thunder, collapsed with a bang, turned into a pile of colorful snowdrifts on the boat, and buried him by the way, this sudden change made him petrify on the spot.

“Ah, Qin Ming is dead!”

“Idiot, it’s another Qin Ming who died!”

Luffy and Usopp saw that the big snow sculpture based on Qin Ming fell in the blink of an eye, and the two held their heads and exclaimed.

Originally, Qin Ming would build this big snowman, mainly because he wanted to practice better controlling his strength, so he would spend the most attention on the details of this snowman.

In fact, when Qin Ming carved the appearance of the snowman with the spear in his hand, he also experienced at a deeper level how to better send and receive his own strength.

This practice was successful, but what Qin Ming didn’t expect was that before he could let the others see the masterpiece he had worked so hard to pile, a thunder fell from the sky, splitting his snowman to pieces.

Nami wanted to tell the two Mr. 9 and Miss, who were also staying in the cabin, to go out on Wednesday to shovel snow, because the two were not polite at all, and asked Nami if there was heating on the ship to keep them warm when it was so cold.

Seeing that these two guys were not guests and were still in the hustle and bustle, Nami was about to kick these two people out to work, when she heard a loud thunderous sound, she looked at the window outside, and saw that there was still heavy snow in the sky, but there was a loud thunder, which made her very strange: “Thunder? What’s the weather going on here? ”

“Not long ago, it was a hot and scary sunny day.”

Nami looked out the window at the strange weather of thunder and snow: “Mr. Kourokas is right, the seasons and weather of the Great Voyage are completely chaotic. ”

“You seem to be underestimating the Great Passage, I see that you have not been at the helm, is this really okay?”

Wednesday wrapped in a quilt, exhaled a hot breath from his mouth, and said to Nami.

Nami had just confirmed the direction, she thought that the ship would follow the previous route, but she glanced at the record pointer on her hand, her face changed drastically, and she exclaimed: “Ah, no!!!! ”

“What’s wrong?”

“Miss Nami, did something happen?”

“She was really prone to fuss today.”

Usopp, Shangis, and Luffy heard Nami’s exclamation and reacted differently.

“Let the ship turn around and turn one hundred and eighty degrees!”

Nami hurried out of the cabin and said to Luffy.

“One hundred and eighty degrees, why are we going to let the ship go back?”

“Forgot to bring something?”

Usopp and Luffy were puzzled why Nami suddenly told them to turn the ship around.

“No, the ship turned back before I knew it, and the ship was currently sailing in the opposite direction of the course! I just didn’t pay attention to the recording pointer, and there were no big waves at all…”

When Nami said this, she felt that there seemed to be one less person, and she asked Luffy and them, “Where is Qin Ming?” ”

“There he was, he buried himself.”

Luffy and Usopp pointed to Qin Ming, who was buried in a pile of colorful snow, with only one head exposed, and said to Nami that the original intention of the two of them was to say that Qin Ming’s snow sculpture buried Qin Ming, but these two girls did not make their words clear, which obviously made Nami misunderstand what they meant.

Nami looked in the direction Luffy was pointing to, and saw Qin Ming at the bow of the ship buried in it in different colors, seemingly still looking unslow, and her face immediately darkened.

“What the hell are you doing there, get me up, you idiot!”

Nami saw when Qin Ming this guy was, actually still playing with snow there, and the way to play with snow was to bury herself with snow and make herself a snowman, which seemed to be lower than Luffy and Usopp, she immediately grabbed a ball of snow, crumpled it into a snowball, threw it to Qin Ming’s side, and hit Qin Ming’s front very accurately.

“Nami, it turns out that you also like to play with snow.”

“It’s not surprising, the charm of nature is irresistible.”

“Miss Nami who plays with snow is so beautiful, like an elf in the snow.”

Luffy, Usopp and Shangis saw Nami throwing Qin Ming with a snowball, thinking that Nami was playing with snow, so the three also learned from Nami, and threw a snowball at Qin Ming’s side.

Qin Ming was hit in the head by the snowball thrown by Nami, and as soon as he came back to his senses, he saw a large snowball thrown towards him like a rain of bullets, and his jaw was about to hit the deck of the ship in shock.

Poof, poof, poof!

More than a dozen snowballs smashed on Qin Ming’s face one after another, even if it was a pale white snow, it could not cover his black face, he jumped out of the snowdrift and pounced on Luffy and them: “You three have itchy skin, right!” ”

Qin Ming soon fought with the three culprits who threw snowballs at him, and the four scuffled on the deck of the snow-covered ship.

Nami saw the four guys fooling around on the deck of the ship, her pretty face was cloudy, her anger was furious, and at this time she heard Wednesday in the cabin still questioning her: “What about the waves, are you really a navigator?” ”

“This is such an ocean, whether it is wind, sky, waves, clouds, I can’t believe it at all. The only constant is to record the direction of the pointer, so you know?

Wednesday said to Nami in a tone of instruction.

Nami’s mood was already extremely bad, and she immediately rushed into the cabin with a calm face and put Wednesday and Wednesday who were sitting comfortably in the chair. A kick flew: “Less get carried away here, go and help!” ”

After kicking the two hitchhikers out of the cabin, Nami looked at the four guys who were still beating each other on the deck of the ship, her face dark and terrible.

Table tennis! Boom! Boom! Bang!

Nami calmed down the conflict between Qin Ming and Luffy in a blink of an eye, and said to the four guys lying on the snow with big bags on their heads: “Now you obey my command, immediately raise the mainsail, and turn to the starboard side to face the wind!” ”

“Shangis go to the helm and turn the ship one hundred and eighty degrees to the left!”

“Usopp, you and Luffy are in charge of the spinnaker.”

“Qin Ming, you go to the ship’s trick pole, always pay attention to the movements around you, and tell me immediately if something is wrong!”

Nami finished the assignment in a moment, and due to the lack of manpower, she also summoned the two people who took the boat with her, and secretly complained there, saying that this woman really could command people.

Just when everyone was busy making a mess on the boat, Usopp noticed that the direction of the wind suddenly changed again, and the originally cold cold wind was gone, but it was actually a comfortable spring breeze, which surprised Nami: “How so?” ”

“Solon, hurry up, there’s an emergency!”

Seeing that Solon was covered in snow and still sleeping soundly against the railing of the ship, and the weather was very abnormal now, he tried to wake him up, but Solon answered him with a whistle.

“Hey, I see dolphins jumping up in front of me to catch them?”

Qin Ming, who climbed onto the boat’s pole, looked up and saw that a dolphin could be faintly seen jumping out of the sea in the distance, so he shouted to the people below.

“Okay, let’s go take a look there, shall we?”

Luffy said excitedly.

“You two shut your mouth for me!”

Nami said to Qin Ming and Luffy with fangs in her mouth, how can you casually let the ship change course now.

“Miss Nami, the waves have become bigger, and there is a thick fog!”

Shangis reports the newly discovered abnormality to Nami.

“Not good, an iceberg suddenly appeared at ten o’clock!”

Usopp spoke out another unfavorable situation.

“What’s going on in this ocean!”

Nami, who had come to the Great Passage for the first time, was now a little panicked, and as soon as she finished saying this, the Meili hit the iceberg that inexplicably appeared on the sea, causing the ship’s hull to shake for a while, and almost didn’t let her fall.

There was a huge wave, and the Merry was slammed by the huge wave, and the high wave hit the ship, drenching Solon, but he was still sleeping on his own, unresponsive.

“The bottom of the boat is flooded!”

Luffy found a hole in the bottom of the boat and quickly shouted.

“Usopp, go and block the hole!”

Nami calmed herself down and said to Usopp.

“Got it!”

Usopp took the hammer and hurriedly ran to repair the bottom of the ship with the plank.

Following Nami, she noticed that the speed of the cloud flow was fast, and hurriedly shouted to Qin Ming, who was on the ship’s pole: “Quickly put away the sails, that gust of wind is too strong!” ”

He had just put the sails down and was about to put them away, but despite this, Qin Ming would not even have the leisure to complain, because when Nami asked him to collect the sails, there was a strong wind, which almost didn’t blow him directly away, blowing so that he couldn’t open his eyes, he grabbed the boat’s tricky rod with one hand, while grabbing the sail in the raging wind, while trying to maintain his balance so as not to fall from the violently shaking boat.

If it weren’t for Luffy’s help, it would really be difficult for Qin Ming alone to put away that sail in that howling wind.

Just collecting the sails, Qin Ming and Luffy were exhausted and panting, which showed how strong the wind that suddenly blew was private.

When Usopp ran to the bottom of the ship to repair the ship, he even broke his long nose.

Shangis went to the kitchen to make some simple food to refuel the people on the ship, and while they were stuffing the food in their mouths, the ship broke another hole, and then Usopp hurried to the bottom of the ship to repair the ship.

“Yes, the sails that were put away were going to be blown apart, Luffy, go and tie the sails tighter!”

“Usopp, there is another hole in the bottom of the boat here, you come and fix it!”

“Shangis, the ship’s course is off course again, go to the helm!”

“How can there be such a huge shrimp on the left, Qin Ming, you go and solve it!”

“No, you’re going to catch it, I’m going to eat grilled shrimp!”

The captain’s people were in a mess, so busy that they had all the strength to eat, and they wished they had more hands and feet, and even that Wednesday and the ship, which sank in this storm, were trying their best to help.

There was only one person who slept soundly and was unaware of everything around him, and that was Sauron, whose snoring was still ringing in the fierce wind……._

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