One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 386 Just one sentence

Red Earth Continent, Pangu City!

The invasion of Holy Land Marie Joa finally broke out and caused an unprecedented sensation.

The five old stars in "Between Rights" were standing or sitting with slightly serious expressions, and the scene was a bit dull.

A Mediterranean Saint, Wuchuli, said gloomily, "The current strength of the navy is not enough to maintain the tranquility of the sea. I think it is necessary to increase support for the navy."

The Navy has not performed well over the years, from the Rocks era, to the Roger era, and now to the Yonko era.

What happened during this long period of time is not clear to the outside world, but they know it very well.

The Navy has always been in a passive state.

Rocks' failure was due to his alliance with the pirates, Roger's arrest was the result of his voluntary surrender, and now the problem of the four emperors is a thorny issue.

New forces are needed to check and balance, especially the daring behavior of the Silberfeller family, which has damaged the prestige of the Celestial Dragons, who are descendants of the Creator.

The authority of the world government has been greatly questioned.

Holding the crutches with both hands and wearing a black flat-top hat, Satan Shengshuang tightened the crutches in his hands and said in a deep voice.

"Even if the navy performs poorly, their overall strength is still very strong. It is not appropriate to improve the navy's strength!"

The navy is too involved, otherwise none of the four emperors of the New World would be able to match the navy's full strength.

This is a fact!

What they need is balance. Only by maintaining a good balance on the sea can the rule of the World Government be as stable as a mountain.

It is not what they want to see if either party becomes big.

In their view, the navy is a domestic dog that guards the home. If it becomes too strong and becomes a fierce dog, it is likely to backfire.

The consequences of that would be equally disastrous.

The long-haired and bearded Saint Maz's eyes flickered, and then he spoke.

"Since the Valley of Gods Navy could join forces with pirates, we can also recruit pirates to form a new power group."

Hearing this, the eyes of the other four Five Old Stars all lit up.

This will not only suppress the four emperors but also effectively prevent the navy from becoming bigger.

The bald man Nasho Langsheng rubbed his chin with one hand, "Where is the candidate?"

"It's best to be guys who can't deal with the Four Emperors. Those losers who can escape from the Four Emperors are strong enough and ambitious enough."

After all, ambition will not disappear easily, and those unwilling losers will let it go easily.

"You can also look for some great pirates with high reputation, status and strength to supplement."

Maz Sheng kept adding.

Thinking in this direction, a candidate was quickly selected, and Saint Nassurang spoke calmly.

"You mean that Moonlight Moria and Crocodile!"

These two guys fit the requirements very well. They were defeated by the Yonko and their own strength is not weak.

Several other people nodded, seeming to be very satisfied with these two candidates.

"What are the conditions for recruiting them?"

The short-blond Saint Pit asked the key question. If you want such a strong man to obey his command, there will naturally be a price to pay.

Saint Satan looked sideways and said, "Cancel the bounty and allow them to have legal plunder rights in the areas they control."

Then the voice changed.

"Of course you must obey the forced recruitment of the World Government! This condition is necessary, and you can't do it if you don't agree."

The purpose of establishing such a unique new system is to check and balance. If we take advantage and do nothing, it will definitely not work.

They are not the Five Great Good People. They say they are given privileges, but in the final analysis, in their eyes, they are nothing more than a group of watchdogs of the World Government.

Several other people completely agreed that there was no need to recruit disobedient guys.

"How many people are needed?"

Saint Nassurang spoke up.

This is related to the balance of the power of the sea. It will not work if it is less, and it will not work if it is too much. The balance needs to be properly controlled.

"We have tentatively decided on seven people. You can slowly add them without any rush and collectively call them the King's Shichibukai!"

Saint Satan continued to speak.

"In this case, inform the Navy King of the Shichibukai system and send CP to organize contact."

After a conversation, the King's Shichibukai system, which affects the pattern of the sea, was quietly born under this background.

The steely Kong of the Navy Headquarters had a gloomy expression on his face. The Shichibukai system under the King had never existed before. This was simply a great shame and humiliation for the Navy.

For this reason, he issued a strong protest. It was a pity that the five old stars had a tough attitude and could not be refuted. In order to appease Cyborg Kong, a veteran who has great prestige and strength in the navy.

Wulaoxing also gave him an irresistible temptation, that is, he could be directly promoted to commander-in-chief of the army when he leaves the post of navy marshal in the future.

This level is naturally higher than that of the Admiral of the Navy, and has greater power. He is the first person under the real Five Old Stars.

Despite receiving such a promise, Cyborg Kong also looked unhappy.

His strength has declined horribly over the years.

He has been fighting since the Rocks era until now. As he grows older, the hidden injuries on his body have a greater and greater impact on him. In addition, the many things to do in becoming a marshal also greatly reduce his own training.

This also makes this veteran who has experienced many battles a little overwhelmed.

He hoped to deter pirates and re-establish the prestige of the navy before he left office.

But he is very aware of the difficulties involved. The naval strength is in the stage of succession between the old and the new.

The three monster lieutenants of the Navy still need time to settle down. Neither their qualifications nor their strength are enough to become generals yet, but he doesn't have that time.

Once the King's Shichibukai system was launched, it immediately caused an uproar and caused intense panic among the civilians.

The successive major events indicate that the world is becoming increasingly chaotic, and the world government has no choice but to take this approach.

It's just that many big pirates in the Shichibukai sneered at it.

The worst thing to say is becoming a lackey of the world government.

If you really agree, you will be no longer a human being inside and outside.

Because this will be strongly rejected by other pirates and they will not be able to truly integrate into the world government system.

One day there will be no need for this system, which is just a matter of words.

Mostly it's an embarrassing situation where both sides don't fall into place.

However, what was unexpected was that two well-known guys, Moonlight Moria and Crocodile, actually accepted the recruitment of the World Government.

Officially became a member of the King's Shichibukai.

This is somewhat puzzling. Although Moonlight Moria and Crocodile are losers, no one thinks that these two guys are weak.

These two people are both guys who survived the battle with the current four emperors.

Charlotte also fell into deep thought while looking at the introduction of the newspaper in her hand.

With the emergence of the King's Shichibukai system, third-party forces on the sea began to make a strong appearance.

The world government has really amazing methods to balance the power of the sea!

It soon dawned on him that it would take time for this system to fully replenish its population.

Maybe he can operate it well secretly.

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