One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 388 I can’t figure it out

Reilly did not take the three sisters with them after they left, so Charlotte also arranged for them to enter the Hiberfield Military Academy to study.

Cultivate it well.

There were also Yamato, Robin, Motoko and other little brats there.

Training from an early age is essential, especially the Hibernian Military Academy, which has rich teaching experience. It is a place that can only be encountered in the outside world.

"Charlotte, Wink is here."

Lina reminded the somewhat dazed Charlotte.

Charlotte looked up and saw that Wenke was already standing in the office.

"Boss Charlotte."

Wen Ke spoke respectfully, she had nothing but deep admiration for the person in front of her.

If it weren't for Charlotte, she might have been a brainwashed war madman, and she wouldn't be as enlightened as she is now.

Charlotte's lofty ideal hometown is the perfect pursuit for which she will strive for her whole life!

War is still too narrow-minded.

Moreover, the big family of the Hiberfield family made her addicted to it. It was a peace of mind that she had never felt before.

Privately, everyone calls the Hiberfield family the "Orphans' Home", and it is the pure land in everyone's hearts.

It is undisputed that the eldest brother Charlotte is the patriarch of this family. He protects everyone from wind and rain all the time and protects the peace here.

"Thank you Wink, the battle in Holy Land Mariejoia was good this time."

Listening to Charlotte's praise, Wenke also beamed. It was really wonderful to be praised by Charlotte's boss.

"Boss Charlotte, this is your duty as a member of the Hiberfield family."

Wenke put his fist on his chest and spoke solemnly.

Looking at Wenke with a serious look on his face, Charlotte smiled helplessly. With this look on his face, did he still think he was a powerful leader?

Charlotte paused and said.

"I decided to form a knighthood with snipers as the core. What do you think?"

This was what he had been thinking about since his retreat from the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Snipers are very powerful at long range, whether suppressing or cutting off enemies. They need a powerful sniper knights.

It can provide strong cover and support for members of the Heberfiler family in large-scale battles.

Especially the Pirate King himself has terrifying sniper power.

Like Ben Beckman of the Red Hair Pirates, Jesus Bu, Van Oka of the Blackbeard Pirates, etc.

It is enough to illustrate the extraordinary nature of the sniper profession.

At present, the only sniper the Silberfeller family can use is Wink.

This is also the most powerful sniper in the entire Silberfeller family.

Wenke couldn't help but feel a little excited and said.

"Boss Charlotte, I think it is very necessary. Snipers can form a huge deterrent at a long distance, cause strong psychological pressure on the enemy, and can also carry out long-distance assassinations..."

When Charlotte heard that the head of the analysis was Dowink, she couldn't help but nod secretly.

"Yes, Wink, I now appoint you as the leader of the Sniper Knights, and you will be selected by yourself."

Wenke was overjoyed and said loudly, "Promise to complete the task."

She even puffed up her chest as she spoke, which made her eyes hurt. The generosity of these female family leaders was astonishing.

"Boss Charlotte, can you please give the knights a name?"

Wenke said with some embarrassment. After all, being named by Charlotte is a great honor for everyone in the Knights.

This is like an old tradition that has been continued, which always makes people inexplicably excited.

That was the desire and importance given to him by Boss Charlotte, which could not be compared with ordinary people.

Charlotte turned her head and looked at Wenke's serious and pious face, feeling a little confused.

Does it really matter whether he is named or not? There's no buff bonus, it doesn't improve combat effectiveness at all!

And doesn’t the name Sniper Knights sound good? Is it necessary to have a special name?

After thinking for a while, Charlotte agreed. Now everyone in the sea knows the resounding names of the major knights of the Hiberfield family.

The word "Knights" has subconsciously become another important symbol of the Hiberfield family.

Among them, the leader of the Knights is also called a [Saint] by the outside world!

Just like the saint's disciple-Metis, the death's disciple-Hariri, the sword's disciple-Qianzang, the dragon's disciple-Gulea.

This thing is similar to the unique titles of senior cadres of each pirate group, such as "Three Disasters", "Three Generals", "Four Kings", "Flying Six Cells"...

If it sounds too unpleasant, it is indeed a bit embarrassing and the Sniper Knights are somewhat difficult to pronounce.

After thinking for a moment, Charlotte slowly spoke.

"Then let's call it...the Knights of the Holy Lance!"

"I hope you can become the family's invincible sniper rifle."

Charlotte spoke in a deep voice. He felt pretty good about this name, and it was obviously very classy.

Knights of the Holy Lance!

Wenke's eyes lit up, it was such a good name, and Wenke, who was satisfied, couldn't help but tremble.

She must work hard to build this knighthood, just like other knighthoods that are now famous.

Every time he appears, he shocks outsiders and is the force that intimidate Xiao Xiao.

"Okay Wink, let's get ready!"

Charlotte looked at the slightly crazy Wenke and said, he didn't know why everyone was like this.

If you don’t know, you might think you have cerebral thrombosis?

As for the Knights of the Holy Lance, they really need to form the combat effectiveness they deserve as soon as possible.

The sooner he forms his combat effectiveness, the sooner he becomes the backbone of the defense of the Hiberfiler family.

Wenker's performance in the Holy Land of Mariejoia was pretty good, especially with the blessing of the dragon. His high-speed and flexible movement and long-distance fire support cannot be ignored.

It is also common to see miraculous feats, but it is a pity that Wenke's strength is not strong enough, otherwise even a general with such strength would have to weigh a few points.

"Okay, boss."

After saying that, Wenke hurried away with Charlotte's order.

Charlotte's eyes narrowed slightly. It seemed that the Silberfeller Military Academy was going to open a few more sniper-related professional training courses.

As soon as the news of the formation of the Knights of the Holy Lance was conveyed to the Hiberfield family, the entire family members became excited.

This is a new knighthood that was personally appointed by the boss Charlotte, which makes family members who have long wanted to join the knighthood get ready.

The unique costumes, logos, weapons, equipment, and training methods of each knight order attract everyone, especially the status represented by the "knight order" itself is the envy of others.

"I decided that I must become a member of the Knights of the Holy Lance."

A family member roared passionately, his eyes filled with fiery color.

Colleagues who graduated from the Hiberfield Military Academy in the same class as him are now in the Skeleton Knights and are completely different.

A large number of young people from the Heberfield family nearby clenched their fists, and certain restrictions would inevitably be relaxed on the recruitment of new members of the first Knights.

It will be exponentially more difficult to join later, so this is the best time.

Compared to the lively Heberfeld family, the sea continues to ferment due to the Shichibukai incident.

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