One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 410 The Well-Deserved Terrible Family (At the end of the month, please ask all bosses for yo

The sparkling sea, the seagulls soaring low, the blue sky, and the beautiful scenery.

Dozens of special ships appeared on the sea from the distant sea level.

Looking closer, it turned out to be a group of huge snail warships, flying the flag of the Vinsmoke family.

It's quite interesting. Such a special battleship is naturally from the famous family power in Beihai.

Vinsmoke Gaji stood on the bow of the main ship, looking ahead at the southern border island of the Hiberfield family.

"That's where one of the most powerful families in the world, known as the most evil family, the legendary family, controls."

His eyes sparkled. It had been more than ten years since he had reached cooperation with the Hiberfield family.

The current Heberfiler family is powerful beyond imagination.

He then ordered to apply for entry to the defenders of the Hiberfield family here.

Now any ship that wants to go to Lati Island needs a permit, or it can enter without any restrictions only after being invited by Charlotte.

Breaking in by force is foolish and will result in death.

His Vinsmoke family does not have the strength to forcefully invade the territory of the Yonko of the New World without any harm.

It's safest to follow the rules.

South - Border Island!

The interior of the fortress on the southern border island of the Hiberfield family.

Vinsmoke Gaji met the guardians here.

The elite cadre of the Hiberfield family, the daughter of Bee, Baomei, has a bounty of 570 million beli.

Bao Mei glanced at Vinsmoke Gaji silently. In her eyes, the Vinsmoke family was a famous family in Beihai.

Such a force is nothing in the eyes of the Hiberfield family, let alone causing any splash on their territory.

But for such a powerful force to go to Lati Island, she must agree with the immigration application department.

This is the rule!

After all, it would be a headache if some idiot with no brains really caused trouble.

For the Vinsmoke family's entry application, she naturally needs to meet. This is her responsibility and right.

"Mr. Vinsmok Gage, I wonder what you are going to do on Lati Island?"

Baomei asked the other party's reasons for traveling on official business, and his tone was calm.

"Seeking cooperation with the Hiberfield family!"

Jiazhi said neatly, he was not dissatisfied, this was all a process, and this was true for all external forces that were not weak.

This shows that it is not bad in the eyes of the Heberfeller family, and it is also a kind of affirmation to be recognized by the Heberfeller family.

As for the other party's attitude, he has capital and has not shown any bad attitude to make things difficult.

So what?

Baomei nodded and stamped the entry permit to pass.

"Congratulations, Mr. Gaji, have a nice trip."

Bao Mei smiled elegantly and rationally, and the younger brother beside him handed the document to him.

Even though the other party seemed approachable, Gaji didn't make any excuses.

This is the territory of the Hiberfield family, but they don’t have the luxury to do so.

The Hiberfield family has come to this day not only through kindness but also through countless bloody killings.

The other party can become an elite member of the Silberfeller family, with a bounty of more than 500 million for the great pirate.

It can also guard important border islands. The opponent's strength is definitely something that cannot be underestimated.

"Thank you, Ms. Baume."

Gaji was very polite, but even though he seemed majestic, he had to be cautious.

The application was processed quickly, and the main battleship of the Vinsmoke family was allowed to enter, while the others naturally stayed at the port of the southern border island, waiting for the return of the family leader.

Vinsmoke stood on the bow of the main ship, accompanied by four children with different hair colors, curiously looking at the surrounding environment.

Although there is an endless sea, there are so many legends about this family on the sea that are outrageous.

This is the territory controlled by the legendary Hiberfield family. Naturally, people can't help but wonder, what is it like here?

A huge Hiberfeller dog-class battleship approached. This is the most basic patrol battleship of the Hiberfeller family.

The bow of the ship is a huge dog head, flying the unique flag of the Heberfeller family, which is very easy to identify.

Nowadays, as Silberfeller becomes more powerful, its family battleships are roughly divided into seven specifications.

They are Cat-class transport ships, Dog-class patrol ships, Wolf-class battleships, Tiger-class cadre ships, Dragon-class knight ships, and King-class exclusive ships.

And the unique and irreplaceable Heberfiler Wanli Longteng, the main ship of the family is also exclusive to Charlotte.

Starting from the Tiger-class cadre ships, they all have unique names and characteristics.

Just like Bao Mei's ship is the Tiger-class Bee Lady, Bob's ship is the Tiger-class Rhinoceros...

The only people who can do this on such a large scale are the Navy and the Hiberfield family.

Because this requires huge funds and a strong shipbuilding industry, both of which the Heberfeller family has.

Their products were sold all over the world, and the shipbuilding company of Hiberfeller became famous all over the world.

It must be said that the power of the Heberfeld family is reflected in many aspects.

Among the forces of the Four Emperors of the New World, the Silberfeller family is completely unique.

After checking and confirming that everything was correct, the dog-class patrol ship released the Vinsmoke family ship and continued patrolling.

There are many such dog-class patrol boats.

"It's really becoming more and more formal. This kind of force is the most terrifying."

Vinsmoke Gaji lamented that his Vinsmoke family could not reach this level.

The ship kept moving forward.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark, and a large shadow fell down over their heads.

The Vinsmoke family and others looked up, and everyone's eyes were shocked.

It was a huge island floating and moving in the sky.

Needless to say, this is Bruno, the very famous superhuman superman of the Silberfeller family, with the ability to possess the Fluttering Fruit.

The Silberfeller family's plan to build land was well known to everyone, and such actions could not be hidden at all.

This is the horror of the Silberfeller family. Even such a powerful Devil Fruit user is only used to move the island.

The shadow came and went as quickly as it came, disappearing from the horizon in a short time, and it was impossible to calm down for a long time.

Soon, a fixed channel was extremely busy.

Vinsmoke stared at the large number of merchant ships coming and going. The business here was too developed.

He became more determined and must strive to achieve cooperation with the Hiberfield family.

Ever since Don Quixote's family entered the new world, he has been greedy for the huge cake.

Once a cooperation is reached, his funds will not be short of money, and he can continuously produce a large number of soldiers, continue to deepen research, and realize the glory of the Vinsmoke family.

Giant birds flew across the sky, and the figures above exuded bursts of murderous aura.

"Knights of the Holy Lance!"

Gaji was a little surprised to meet the famous knights of the Silberfeller family.

His eyes were extremely sharp, but the next moment he felt a chilling murderous intent.

On top of a giant bird that looked like an evil spirit, a woman passed by and glanced at him, then walked away.

"How terrifying! That is the leader of the Knights of the Holy Lance - the Gunman, Wenke..."

Being able to feel the other party's terror even from a distance is really amazing strength.

The Knights of the Holy Lance are world-famous for their superb shooting skills and have become a feared knighthood.

The powerful role of snipers was vividly demonstrated, thus promoting a wave of snipers.

Jiazhi was amazed that in just over ten years, the power of the Heberfiler family exceeded his imagination.

And what they saw was just the tip of the iceberg of the Hiberfield family.

But it still gives people an unfathomable feeling.

There are more powerful and named cadres of the Hiberfield family who have not yet appeared.

How much strength is hidden in the secret, I am afraid only the head of the Silberfeller family knows.

This is the real horror family!

The Hiberfield family is truly a terrifying family.

Three days later!

The weird-looking Vinsmoke family's snail ship finally arrived at Lati Island.

Today, Lati Island is far better than before. It can be said that today's Lati Port is definitely the busiest and most prosperous world-class port in the world.

Naturally, the arrival of the Vinsmoke family has already been reported.

Naturally, there are dedicated personnel at the port to receive you.

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