One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 414 One of the most dangerous places in the world

On the comfortable sofa, Charlotte was enjoying the latest comic series and was addicted to it for a while.

Ivan walked in at some point. Komaru looked at him and then turned over and continued to sleep.

Just as Charlotte put down the newspaper, Ivan beside him slowly spoke.


Hearing Ivan's familiar voice, Charlotte was a little surprised.

"Ivan, why are you here?"

Ivan showed his teeth and smiled slightly, "Boss, I thought of another good idea, so I came here to ask for permission."

Good idea?

Charlotte felt that she hadn't heard such words from Ivan for a long time, but she had to say that those comments were indeed very good.

Provided a lot of powerful assistance to the family.

He became interested and slowly picked up the coffee and took a sip. He also wanted to hear what Ivan's idea was.

"Tell me!"

Ivan smiled, "Boss Charlotte, now the Hiberfield family needs a grand auction!"


Charlotte tilted her head. Does it make sense to do this? He really couldn't figure it out for a while.

For unknown reasons, Charlotte didn't hold back and asked straight to the point.

"Tell me your intentions and plans in detail."

Ivan naturally said impatiently.

"Boss, now the Silberfeller family has many scientific research products. Some high-end supplies can be sold. At the same time, doing so can also increase the family's influence in the world."

Ivan said calmly.

Regarding this point, Charlotte nodded slightly. It was indeed time for some of the higher-end products of the Heberfeller family to be put on the market.

Whether it is to increase influence, make money or open up a larger product market, it is quite good.

"anything else?"

Charlotte did not agree immediately. He believed that Ivan must have his own ideas.

Looking at the extremely calm Charlotte, Ivan was also impressed by Charlotte's sparkling eyes.

"Boss, I am planning to launch luxury goods under the Heberfeller family brand during this period."

Forehead? ? ?

Is this thing really useful in the pirate world? He really had no idea at all.

Ivan only had preliminary plans for luxury goods, mainly because of the madness of the noble women, which gave him a lot of insight.

Naturally, such an idea came up. Of course, the most important thing is not this matter but the auction itself.

Ivan tidied things up slightly and said.

"Boss, I plan to invite all major forces, including the other three emperors. The auction will definitely become a well-known auction by then."

Charlotte looked at Ivan in confusion. Isn't this too grand? Those are the Three Emperors of the New World, now the world's top powerhouses.

Inviting them all at once was really crazy, and he didn't even know what to say.

This idea is quite crazy.

Ivan is very excited. There is no doubt that if this time it is successfully held, the legend of the Heberfeller family will naturally add another layer.

It's crazy that the emperors of the new world can gather on Lati Island. Even the world government and the navy would be shocked.

Charlotte thought for a while, but this problem was not actually a problem for him. What he valued was cooperation.

The Silberfeller family cooperates closely with Kaido, and he and Edward Whitebeard are also acquaintances. The only problem is that woman who goes crazy at any time.

He wanted to unite the four emperors invisibly and share common interests in cooperation.

If all parties have demands, there is an opportunity.


Charlotte agreed, but the next arrangements must not be careless.

Ivan was extremely excited.

But naturally, to reflect the importance of the Silberfeller family, Charlotte arranged it directly.

"Ivan, you will be responsible for all procedures, entertainment and other matters of this auction."

"At the same time, notify Barrett that Jhin and Beta will set out with the Skeleton Knights, the Holy Lance Knights, and the Mad Faith Knights to send a solemn invitation to the Three Emperors."


Ivan shouted solemnly.

Various cadres of the Silberfeller family also suddenly received this shocking news.

What will it be like when the Four Emperors gather together?

Now the entire Lati Island is in motion.

All the powerful cadres of the family are busy preparing for this auction event.

From security, to reception, to catering...

This was an opportunity to show the world the power of the Hiberfield family, and even the Vinsmoke family, which had not yet left, directly chose to stay.

Waiting for the event to arrive.

Sphinx Island!

This is the headquarters of the Whitebeard Pirates and the hometown of Whitebeard Newgate.

At the port, two ships flying the flags of the Heberfeld family appeared.

One is the King-class Hibberfeller Behemoth King, and the other is naturally the Dragon-class Hibberfeller Fanatic.

Beta and Metis landed on the island.

The grass is long, the sky is blue, and birds are passing by, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

There is no war and hunger here entirely because of Whitebeard's protection and financial support.

The Whitebeard Pirates are not rich for many reasons. They don't charge protection fees, they don't do business, and they have to provide their hometown with the finances they get from plundering pirates.

"Besides the environment, it's really a bit barren, isn't it?"

Mitis spoke calmly.

The appearance of Beta and Mitis quickly attracted the attention of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The blue flames fell quickly from the sky, it was none other than Phoenix Marco.

"Why are you here?"

Marco looked at Beta and Mitis in confusion. They were old acquaintances when they held the banquet together.

"We want to see Captain Whitebeard."

Mitis opened his mouth to answer, and Marco glanced at him, "Let's go!"

Not long!

White-bearded Edward Newgate leaned on the huge seat, which was ridiculously high even when he was sitting.

"Gula la la! It's been a long time since we last seen the Silberfeller family."

Even Beta, who had a somewhat hot temper, became restrained and cautious when facing the man in front of her.

"Captain Whitebeard is well."

Metis is graceful and poised.

"Tell me, there must be something wrong with that boy?"

The old man with the white beard naturally knew that something was wrong with them.

"You are invited to participate in the Silberfeller Family Auction! Of course the most important thing is cooperation..."



Cake Island!

BIG MOM Charlotte Lingling looked at the invitation in her hand and laughed:

"Mamamama, you are so arrogant!"

Barrett and Hariri looked at each other without saying a word, and the invitation letter had been delivered.

It's not up to them to decide whether to go or not.

"Go back and tell your master that I will be there."

Charlotte Lingling leaned down and said with glaring eyes, her face looked ferocious and terrifying.

Barrett and Hariri returned the favor and left.

Wano Country!

Ghost Island!

Kaido Kaido looked at the invitation and smiled.

The products of the Silberfeller family are indeed useful, and his Beast Pirates have grown a lot as a result.

Plus the close connection that already exists between the two.

"Okay, I will come as promised."

Kaido laughed heartily.

"Thank you, Lord Kaido."

Jhin spoke calmly, while Wenke remained silent.

Kaido suddenly changed his words and looked at Jhin with burning eyes.

"Jhin, do you want me to give you and Abeyena some time together?"

As soon as these words came out.

Jhin seemed to be embarrassed, and some inexplicable gossipy look appeared on Wenke's calm face.

"Ah! Um...I still have something to do. Lord Kaido takes his leave."

Jin Luohuan ran away, unable to bear the sight of him.


The Don Quixote family!

Doflamingo crossed his legs and his eyes shone brightly. As a partner of the Silberfeller family, he was naturally invited, although it was not very formal.

But there is no doubt about the value of this invitation. Of course, he cannot go there openly. After all, he is still the king of the Qibukai.

He must go to this auction of the Silberfeller family.

He also wanted to see how many unknown treasures the Silberfeller family had. There was no doubt that this was a big deal, how could he miss it.

"Fuh, fu, fufu...!"

Doflamingo showed a slightly crazy and evil smile.

In addition to the forces that they solemnly invited, the Hiberfield family naturally also conveyed the news that the Hiberfield family was preparing for a grand auction to all parties.

Powerful forces from all over the world discussed it and then prepared to set off.

The things of the Hiberfield family are not to be missed, not to mention that many forces also want to take a real look at the legendary Hiberfield family.

How powerful is this powerful, terrifying, and legendary family? It has caused quite a stir on the sea.

Lati Island!

There was a lot of turmoil in the outside world because of the auction, and Charlotte drank coffee calmly.

Today's Heberfiler family is so powerful that some disturbances are not a big deal.

What if the world government and navy find out?

They dare to go straight to Lati Island. Just kidding, they are really not afraid of going back and forth.

Therefore, Charlotte is very relaxed about external disturbances.

Charlotte drank red wine with a comfortable look on her face, very comfortable.

"Charlotte, you don't seem worried!"

Redfield spoke calmly.

"There's nothing to worry about."

Charlotte responded calmly.

For a moment, Redfield was a little stunned.

Then he shook his head and said: "The Three Emperors are so mad that Lati Island cannot bear such a battle."

Hearing this, Charlotte only paused slightly.

"The only thing I'm a little worried about is the woman Charlotte Lingling. She's in a very wrong state."

Redfield became interested, "What's wrong?"

Charlotte looked at Redfield and explained calmly.

"Soul... Her soul seems to be twisted. I can't see through it. There is a crazy evil hidden in it that seems to suppress the nature, but I can't confirm it."

After all, that was the strength of the Four Emperors, and it was normal for the Haki to lose power. The last time he noticed it was entirely because of the violent fluctuations in the opponent's emotions, which gave him a chance.

Redfield fell silent. This was the first time he had heard of this situation, which was a bit incredible.

Charlotte looked at the silent Redfield and shook her head.

"Forget it, forget it, don't think about it anymore, if he really gets crazy, the two of us can just deal with him."

Redfield laughed. It would be nonsense if the two of them couldn't suppress a Big Mom.

This is the headquarters of the Silberfeller family. There are so many masters here. It can be called one of the most dangerous places in the world. It is a real dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

Even if Charlotte Lingling really goes berserk here.

The result will inevitably be death without a burial place.

At most, the loss is a bit heavy, that's all.

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