One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 440 The end of the pirate era

On the front battlefield on Sanosman Island.

One hundred thousand navy elites and the two emperors' nearly 40,000 pirate coalition were engaged in a continuous war.

The red sun is like blood, the war songs are passionate, the cannons are booming, and the scene is tragic.

The young warriors fought tooth and nail for their beliefs.

This is a war destined to be bloody, a glorious battle that will be recorded in history.

There are only a handful of such grand wars in the world of pirates.

A brutal battle involving hundreds of thousands of people is taking place in this world.

The tragic scene broadcast in real time shocked, frightened and numbed countless people

How amazing, how magnificent!

"Kill and end the pirate era."

The naval commander waved his sword and shouted passionately.

"Brave navy soldiers ~ fight!!!"


The naval soldiers raised their weapons high and launched the charge with determination.

Earth-shaking roars resounded throughout the world, responding to the navy's provocation.

"Warriors, move forward for the sake of the family!!!"

The high-pitched and excited voice shook the entire audience and echoed across the battlefield.


The shouting pirates let out an unyielding roar.

Even if the strength of the troops is disparity, even if this battle may never return home.

But for the sake of the family and the happy family members, no one backed down.

Soldiers from both sides rushed towards each other like a tide.

"Boom boom boom!"

Not far away, a line of terrifying heat penetrated the battlefield. It was the Dragon Blood Knights of the Heberfiler family.

The hot breath of terrifying destructive power pushed out horizontally, and the ground was plowed into ravines, flattening everything in front of it.

The destructive power is astonishing.

The powerful generals in the navy jumped out and resisted the attack with all their strength.

"For the sake of the butcher whose family has turned into hell, attack!!!"

Gurena, in her human-animal form, took the lead and ran wildly with the mace on her shoulders. Behind her were the members of the Dragon Blood Knights who had been preparing for a long time and followed them with roars.


Gulena shouted loudly, and slammed out the mace in her hand with majestic power.

There was a loud "boom".

Astonishing power spurted out, earth and rocks flew, and the ferocious output instantly shook up a large area of ​​the navy.

"Damn pirates, don't be so arrogant."

With a loud shout, Vice Admiral Ghost Spider pulled out his saber and stepped forward, fighting directly with Guilena.

The elites behind the two of them started fighting each other crazily.

A member of the Half-Dragon Knights whipped a naval soldier away with his tail, and the next moment more marines rushed up.

Blood and fire are flying!

The two sides fell directly into a fierce battle.

The Metis on the other side had wild eyes. Although the navy was large in number, they had no fear due to their firm faith.

"Give our hearts and move forward for the Hiberfield family~"

Mitis's voice seemed to be filled with some kind of terrible magic.

As soon as the words fell, an invisible pure white energy enveloped the entire Kuaishou Knights in an instant, like an inexplicable beast, stalking the battlefield.

"Follow me and stop him."

Vice Admiral Mole shouted.

A large number of marines responded behind him, killing the Knights of Fanatic Faith.

Mole swung out his sword, and a terrifying slash struck in the air.

However, when faced with the strange white energy, he was directly held back.

His pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Mitis looked disdainful.

His ability is combined with everyone's pure faith, and it is a combined attack technique exclusive to everyone in the Knights of Fanatic Faith.

It's not something that a lieutenant general can shake.

Under this combined attack technique, everyone's defense, speed, strength, recovery... will be greatly enhanced, and they can even share the damage together. You can imagine how powerful it is.

And this exclusive combined attack skill Mitis prefers to call it a legion skill.

In just the blink of an eye, several more navy vice-admirals led the navy to attack.

The Knights of Fanaticism led by Metis were finally blocked from charging forward.

The battlefield was in chaos.

Hariri directed the silent Skeleton Knights to launch fierce attacks one after another.

They are the most fearless legion in the family, and they are always expressionless in the face of cruel battles.

A naval lieutenant chopped down a member of the Skeleton Knights before he had time to cheer up.

The next moment, the fallen member of the Skeleton Knights had crazy eyes and shouted, Long live the Hiberfield family.

Then he detonated the bomb without hesitation.


There was a strong explosion, and a blast of flames rose up, engulfing more than a dozen marines around him. The naval lieutenant commander also died.

This bomb was specially developed by Caesar Courant for the Skeleton Knights. It may seem small but powerful.

"Crazy people, what a bunch of crazy people!"

The nearby navy who was lucky enough to survive couldn't help but speak.

Who could have imagined that the Skeleton Knights of the Heberfiler family would perish together just because they had a disagreement.

There is no doubt that such an approach requires great courage. What kind of crazy belief does it take to do this!

The desperate Skeleton Knights are going all out to attack the naval formation, trying to open up an opening for the family members in the rear to attack.

"The Skeleton Knights continue to charge in the name of death."

Hariri roared wildly, and the silent members of the Skeleton Knights acted instantly.

"Boom boom boom!"

Continuous explosions swept across the battlefield, and the fearless charge made people feel numb.

How did they achieve such calmness in the face of death?

Countless marines couldn't help but express their inner doubts.

Before they could react, another powerful knight group from the Hiberfield family rushed into the battlefield not far away.

With superb swordsmanship and terrifying slashing attacks, he directly broke through several naval attack lines.

Lieutenant General He, who was in charge of commanding at the rear, naturally discovered the Sword Knights of the Hiberfield family.

"Order Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan and Major General stop the enemy."

The messenger behind him immediately began to convey orders.

Qianzang's eyes were sharp as he looked at the besieging naval officers and thousands of elite navy soldiers.

His low and hoarse voice sounded.

"The glory of my Lord is with you! Dedicate our loyalty and move forward with glory!"

"Knights of the Sword—Forward~Forward~"

"Kill, kill, kill~"

The Knights of the Sword are full of murderous intent, and the swords in their hands will destroy all obstacles.

The two sides moved towards each other at high speed, roaring wildly and colliding with each other.


A series of crisp and melodious weapon collision sounds continued to sound.

A member of the Knights of the Sword kicked a naval soldier over, killed him with a sword, and moved on.

Surprisingly, a group of women's regiments appeared on the battlefield, which made the naval soldiers feel a little contemptuous.

"The Pirate Legion was at their wits' end and sent a large group of women to the battlefield."

A lieutenant colonel in the navy couldn't help but mock, saying this is not a place for women.

Just in the blink of an eye, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Before he could see it clearly, the sharp claws scratched and the head flew out.

Many sailors around were shocked, "Damn it~"

Sammy directly transformed into the awakened form, and the black flame cloud looked very domineering. At the same time, more than a dozen members of the Beast Girl Knights transformed into human-animal states.

An attack as fast as lightning, powerful and sharp.

"Damn it, it's the Beast Girl Knights!"

The navy reacted and finally let go and shouted loudly.

After all, the one that appears least frequently in the Silberfeller family belongs to the Knights of Beast Girls, which is very mysterious and rarely known to the outside world.

All they knew was that they were a group of women, which was why the navy didn't react immediately.

The leader of the Beast Girl Knights, Tiger Disciple Sammy, has a bounty of 460 million beli.

The plump and proud figure is eye-catching, but no one dares to look down upon it at this moment.

That ordinary animal fruit ability user is incredibly fast and kills extremely ferociously.

Especially when strange black flame clouds appeared around them, the attack was even more shocking and full of domineering feeling.

The nearby naval vice-admiral Dalmesia, in the form of a human-animal Dalmatian, arrived at great speed and fought with Sami.

The speed of the two was as fast as lightning, and the afterimages passed by, bursting out with astonishing destructive power.

As powerful animal awakeners, the members of the Beast Girl Knights are best known for their speed.

Each time it took away the lives of naval soldiers, which also attracted more attacks by naval admirals.

A member of the Beast Girl Knights was in danger during the siege. A saber emitted a cold light and was stabbed directly into the back.

If you can't dodge this blow, you will definitely lose your life.

At this very moment.


There was a crisp explosion, and the naval soldier who was sneaking around was instantly shot in the head.

That's right, this is the official Knights of the Holy Lance who are responsible for long-distance support of the Hiberfield family.

They launched long-distance support with guns on the battlefield, but the Knights of the Holy Lance were the best at it.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of gunshots was like a demonic sound calling for life, and each naval soldier died immediately and could no longer die.

This scene also made General He look cold.

The Knights of the Silberfeller family are the most difficult to deal with. Not only do they have their own characteristics, but they are also extremely powerful.

Far beyond ordinary pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates relied entirely on their cadres for support. The pirates under their command were disorganized and suffered huge losses.

But the Silberfeller family is completely different. Their professional fighting qualities are extremely terrifying.

He is the soldier who least resembles a pirate.

"Order, Navy soldiers with superb gun skills must gather to fight back."

Lieutenant General He ordered calmly.

If quality doesn't compare, then quantity wins.

The navy has a natural numerical advantage.

As the navy's snipers gathered, the attack on the Knights of the Holy Lance began immediately.

For a time, among the huge number of naval guns, the Knights of the Holy Lance could only temporarily give up cover and concentrate on dealing with the navy's snipers.

It must be said that the current development of the navy has a huge foundation.

As long as you go all out, you can form an extraordinary force from the huge naval numbers.

Wenke's eyes were cold. She didn't take naval snipers seriously, but the number was too huge.

Even though they were quite different in strength, the huge gap in numbers was enough to hold back her Knights of the Holy Lance.

Her eyes instantly locked on Lieutenant General He.

Wenke squatted half-crouched, and the silver gun in his hand was set up in an instant.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and the bullet flew out of the gun barrel.

"Double speed, twenty times attack!"

In an instant, the speed of the bullet increased dramatically, sending shock waves through the air, leaving a long flaming tail.

The scene in the air was extremely terrifying.

"One of the Six Saints of Silberfeller is a gunman, Wenke, who is good at sniping the most difficult people from long distances."

General He's eyes were solemn, and when she raised her hand, the sky took on a new look under her power.

The arriving bullet was instantly baptized by the invisible force and stopped in mid-air, which was strangely touching.

The invisible thin and clear water lines enveloped it into a transparent net, only the bright flashes could be detected.

The stagnant bullet exploded instantly, setting off a huge smoke explosion, disrupting everyone's vision.

However, it was obvious that such an attack had no effect on Lieutenant General He, but it also made it impossible for her to dispatch the navy based on the judgment of the battlefield situation.

Wenke kept a close eye on Lieutenant General He and must not let him continue to control the navy's movements.

The Skeleton Knights rushed into the depths of the naval camp. Now surrounded by the navy, it can be said that they are already behind bars.

The large number of navies is really a headache.

However, Hariri did not have any uneasiness. His ability destined his Skeleton Knights to be the fastest moving force.

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, it was just right here.

"Space door - open!"

A loud shout rang out, and a dozen huge cracks suddenly opened in the air.

Such a scene shocked countless people.

The next moment the crack opens.

Huge figures rushed out from the cracks, like evil ghosts crawling out of the cracks in hell and descending into the world.

"Ancient giant... giant!!!"

The navy exclaimed that those colorful guys with tall and horny heads that looked like evil spirits turned out to be ancient giants.

Yes, this is the product that the Silberfeller family failed to develop. Before he left, he locked these guys into the space he created.

The crazy ancient giant was directly inspired with strong ferocity and roared like a beast.

There is no sense at all, he runs rampant on the battlefield and attacks wantonly.

Coupled with its height of tens of meters, and the dozens of meters long weapon in its hand that slapped the ground crazily.


Violent explosions were heard all the time, and the navy suffered heavy losses for a while. One can imagine the ferocity of these big guys.

The sudden change instantly caused chaos on the battlefield.

The large-scale appearance of ancient giants is quite destructive.


Shocking shouts rang out from the giant vice-admirals in the navy.

"The giant lieutenants are coming."

The navy cheered excitedly.

The giant Lieutenant General John Giandot in a captain's uniform and holding a giant sword, the giant Lieutenant General Longzi wearing an iron mask, Laculova wearing a white navy hat...

The powerful attack directly knocked down several ancient giants, and they were momentarily overwhelmed by the navy's attack.

Harry watched all this expressionlessly.

It doesn't matter if the entire army of those ancient giants is destroyed.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he waved with one hand.

"Space Gate of Hell!"

A ghost-like gate appeared out of thin air, and the Skeleton Knights entered directly and moved the battlefield.

Hariri was not about to lose his knights in a naval siege.

Let the defeated ancient giants kill everyone here!

Now the entire Sanosman Island has completely turned into a hell on earth.

Every moment is accompanied by the withering of life. This is a battle where you die or I live.

Both sides are fighting with all their strength.

Blood dyed the land red, broken weapons could be seen everywhere, and broken flags fluttering in the wind silently told the cruelty and desolation of the battlefield.

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