One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 446 Far ahead

Chapter 446 Far ahead...

The result of Sanosman's battle completely caused a big explosion in the world.

Countless people have started earth-shaking discussions about this.

"The navy almost launched a full-scale attack, but it resulted in a disastrous defeat."

"The Silberfeller family is the most terrifying pirate group in the world!"

"Whitebeard really is the strongest man in the world."

"When will the sea return to calm?"


Especially the excessive bounty of 5.3 billion Baileys in Heberfield Charlot is even more frightening.

You must know that every step up to a bounty of more than 5 billion is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Because this bounty is entirely to evaluate the threat a pirate poses to the world.

It is completely different from other bounties.

In addition, almost all the famous cadres of the Hiberfield family have received substantial increases in their rewards.

Redfield's bounty is a total of 4.3 billion Baileys.

The other four kings each have a bounty of more than 2 billion beli, and the highest one, Barrett, has a bounty of 3.8 billion beri.

In terms of the bounty amount, the Hiberfield family is truly unsurpassed.

The impact of this battle was so huge that it exceeded everyone's imagination.

This shocking incident caused the navy's prestige to decline again.

The world is beginning to doubt whether the navy is still capable of truly protecting the world.

The navy suffered a disastrous defeat, with only less than 20,000 elites remaining among the 100,000 elites. What was even more unprecedented was that the first marshal in the history of the navy died on the battlefield.

Countless people have lost their natural trust in the navy. Such a blow has a far-reaching impact.

This time the Navy simply hit rock bottom.

Everything is incredible.

The power of the four emperors has refreshed the world's understanding, and this time the Hiberfield family is undoubtedly the most terrifying.

The combat on display is shockingly messy.

The pirates who were originally suppressed by the navy sharpened their swords and caused endless killings on the calm sea.

This battle is also known as the Battle of Sanosman.

It completely established the unparalleled authority of the Heberfeld family in the world, and was recognized as the most powerful force among the four emperors.

The strongest and most terrifying pirate family in history.

It is the strength of the real fault, far ahead.

Pangu City!

Between rights!

The Five Old Stars responded in silence.

They expected failure, but they never imagined that the defeat would be so tragic.

Cyborg Sora, one of the legendary strongmen on the sea, became the first naval marshal in naval history to be killed by pirates.

This has never happened in eight hundred years, which is jaw-dropping.

Even in the era of the brutal Rocks, such an outrageous thing never happened.

The Four Emperors are more troublesome than expected, and the most worrying one is undoubtedly the Silberfeller Pirate Family.

Now the sea is in turmoil again due to the death of Navy Marshal Cyborg Sora and the loss of a large number of naval elites.

"Many franchised countries have already asked for help, and now we need a new naval marshal to handle these matters."

Saint Wuchuli spoke slowly. Such a bad result as the massive losses of the navy also made the pirates rampant.

Especially without the unified command of the naval marshal, the huge naval system inevitably fell into chaos.

This is the huge consequence of failure.

Saint Satan thought for a while.

"The Warring States General is very good, let him be promoted to the position of Navy Marshal!"

The other five old stars nodded, and Seng Guo was a good person in their impression.

Warring States is a man of good strength, and his calm style is very suitable for the current situation. The most important thing is that he is dedicated to his duties and very obedient.

After all, the post of naval marshal is of great importance, and only those who resolutely implement their orders can use it with confidence.

Moreover, Cyborg Kong had mentioned the matter of Warring States before and recommended that Warring States should take over his position as marshal.

"Then let me know!"

Nassurang Sheng said calmly, the matter of joining the country cannot be delayed any longer, and the pirates cannot be allowed to continue to be arrogant.

It’s not like the Four Emperors of the New World.

Naturally, what concerns them the most is that they are afraid of affecting the Tianshangjin of the franchised countries, which would cause a headache.

"I think the navy is actually too weak now. It's time to start a global conscription."

Saint Peter spoke slowly.

The other Five Old Stars were hesitant for a while. Too much naval power was not a good thing.

But then I thought about the Four Emperors of the New World. Their strength is indeed too powerful.

"Okay, seconded."

Saint Mazhi nodded and agreed to the proposal.

Even if the navy recruits troops, it will not get out of control because of the existence of the New World Yonko and the Shichibukai.

And the navy, which is the most weakened, cannot play its due role.

Effective checks and balances among the three parties cannot be formed.

The performance of the Shichibukai made them somewhat dissatisfied, but now they had to retain the Shichibukai system in order to restrain the New World Yonko.

The remaining three Five Old Stars looked at the statements of their two companions and chose to agree.

The navy also needs to protect each participating country and maintain the stability of the sky.

“Then let’s notify them together!”

As soon as the words fell, the whole room became completely silent.

Navy Headquarters Marinevando!

This battle had a terrible impact on naval morale.

The top brass of the navy were wrapped in various bandages and remained silent.

There are now less than 20,000 of the 100,000 elite navy soldiers left. Such a loss is depressing and suffocating.

The navy has completely lost the possibility of conquering the New World. Such a blow is not small.

The New World has completely become a paradise for pirates. Except for Vice Admiral Garp who protects Egghead, almost all others are concentrated in the headquarters.

They are now facing a large-scale shortage of manpower.

What should be done next?

The entire navy has become a little confused.

The death of Admiral Steel Bone Kong has shaken countless navy.

As the highest-ranking general in the navy today, Sengoku is also a headache.

If the Admiral of the Navy cannot be established quickly, the chaos within the Navy will inevitably be great.

Soon the news from the World Government arrived here.

"The World Government has decided that Admiral Sengoku will take over the position of Admiral of the Navy from today."

As soon as the voice fell, the senior navy officials breathed a sigh of relief. With the Admiral of the Navy, there is a backbone.

In addition, no navy is dissatisfied with the prestige accumulated by Sengoku.

The succession of the marshal position was smoother than expected.

Zhan Guo was shocked and felt a heavy responsibility.

He needed to revitalize the navy's morale, and the next step would be a series of powerful and big moves.

Zhan Guo's eyes flashed with brilliance.



Three days later!

Lati Island!

In the office!

Charlotte leaned on the sofa and listened to Ivan's report.

The Heberfil family really stole the show in this battle, which can be regarded as equally huge.

All the knights suffered losses to varying degrees, and the strength of the navy should not be underestimated.

"Boss, now the family members who died in the battle have been arranged."

Charlotte nodded slightly. It took three days to complete the aftermath work. It can be imagined that the loss was not small.

Moreover, because of the problems with the cooperation of the Four Emperors this time, it also caused a lot of problems for the Four Emperors Alliance, which was not reliable.

Whitebeard was quite dissatisfied with Charlotte Linling.

And Charlotte was also very dissatisfied with Charlotte Linling.

This woman never showed up until the end of the battle, and people had to consider whether she had other plans.

Charlotte had a headache, he rubbed his swollen head and said.

"The major knights should make preparations to replenish their manpower!"

"Okay, I'll notify them now."

Ivan bowed and left, and began his busy work.

Charlotte sat there quietly. Although the loss was not small, this time the blow to the navy was also quite perfect.

At least the navy will not easily step into the new world in a few years, let alone start a war.

This has won an opportunity for the Heberfil family to recuperate and develop vigorously.

"Charlotte, there is a new newspaper."

Lina walked in, holding the latest newspaper on the sea.

Originally, Charlotte didn't care, because they usually promoted the power and terror of the Heberfil family...

There was no intention at all, and I felt annoyed after reading too much.

Seeing Charlotte's look, Lina spoke directly.

"Charlotte, there is big news this time, the navy has a big move."

Hearing this, Charlotte paused slightly.

The navy has a big move?

Without saying a word, Charlotte took the newspaper and read it.

[Shocked! ! ! Huge changes have taken place within the Navy...]

[Former Navy Admiral Sengoku takes over as the new Navy Admiral, the Navy promotes three Admirals...]

Akainu - Sakaski

Kizaru - Borsalino

Aokiji - Kuzan

Charlotte was slightly speechless, wow, the Navy has undergone a major change.

The era of the Navy's three natural Admirals has arrived, it's really a big move.

After being slightly surprised, he continued to look.

[Marshal Sengoku has opened the world conscription, and now two monster-level masters have joined and become candidates for Navy Admirals...]

Charlotte narrowed his eyes slightly, it was really a big deal, a full four Navy Admirals candidates.

Admiral candidate Momotosagi - Teien!

Admiral candidate Chaton - Kake!

Admiral candidate Fujitora - Issho!

Admiral candidate Green Bull - Araki!

There are also acquaintances, the Navy has directly restored most of its vitality with a large wave of conscription, and its foundation is as terrible as ever.

After that, the naval officers were promoted on a large scale, and vice admirals, major generals, and brigadiers emerged one after another.

This felt more intense than the previous decisive battle, but it would take time for the navy's elite to be replenished.

However, he was not worried. The navy would not rashly attack the New World easily now.

Because if they were defeated again, the prestige of the navy would be completely wiped out. In addition, with the strength of the Four Emperors, even if the navy really went all out.

The result would be the same.

However, such a large action by the navy was really bold. At least this guy, Zhan Guo, could make such a decision in a short time.

It can be seen that his means were extraordinary.

This is a very difficult and tricky guy.

The strategic wisdom of Buddha Zhan Guo should not be underestimated.

Charlotte thought for a moment, and the Heberfil family must continue to accumulate strength.

The next period of time will definitely be much calmer.

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