One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 480 The Great Wall of Heberfell

There was a huge crowd, and a large group of elite cadres of the Heberfeller family entered the splendid meeting hall of the Heberfeller family one after another.

Each of the family members sat in their respective positions, wearing unique family black suits, brooches with the family logo on their chests, and the Ring of Heberfeld on their hands...

Everyone had their hands crossed or looked grim, and the atmosphere seemed a bit depressing.

At first glance, it looks uniform and full of momentum.

"What's going on? Why did the boss suddenly convene a family meeting?"

Beta looked doubtfully at Barrett, who was sitting upright next to him.

"I don't know, but if the boss does this, something big must have happened."

Barrett's voice was calm. He knew very well that a family meeting of this scale could not be a trivial matter.

After hearing Barrett's answer, Beta looked at the taciturn Jhin again.

"What do you think?"

"Stand and watch!"

Jhin said with an expressionless face.

"Asshole! Don't talk such serious nonsense!"

Beta couldn't help roaring, Jhin was obviously teasing him.

At this moment, Barrett couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. It was really eye-opening for the cold Jhin to act like this.

Pande on the side couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Not to mention, Jin, you said this with such a serious face, it's really unbearable!"

Mitis couldn't help but interjected: "Pander, you can't be like this! You are obviously very serious."

The slightly heavy atmosphere seemed to be made lighter by this strange painting style.

"Has anything big happened recently?"

After getting back to business, Jhin still expressed his doubts. What he said just now was entirely because he had no clue and answered subconsciously.

"It seems not!"

Mitis thought for a moment and then answered in a deep voice.

Everyone showed doubts. Why on earth did the boss want everyone to gather together?

It’s really unbelievable!


There are only a handful of forces that can be called enemies of the Hiberfiler family because of this possibility.

"Does the Big Mom Pirates want revenge?"

Beta suddenly had an idea and spoke. After all, the biggest friction that had occurred recently was the duel between the two emperors.

In addition, Charlotte Lingling's defeat might really arouse strong dissatisfaction on the other side and initiate a war.

Both Jhin and Barrett were a little helpless.

In this world where force is almost paramount, Charlotte Lingling's defeat is destined that the other party will not go to war with the Hiberfield family and ask for trouble.

This is possible only if the Hiberfield family suffers a serious blow.

"Brother Beta, you'd better eat more walnuts!"

Jhin still spoke coldly.

"Uh... why?"

Beta didn't know why, with a suspicious look on his face. He had agreed to discuss things, but why did he mention eating? It shouldn’t be!

"Um... is it possible that walnuts are good for the brain?"

Pande held his chin with one hand, showing an expression of intelligent thinking.


Tiger finally couldn't hold back his laughter, and then the other guys who were holding back their laughter couldn't hold back their laughter anymore.

Only Beta's face was red, which was really a bit embarrassing!

The serious and depressing atmosphere just now completely disappeared.

"Hey...why are you so happy?"

Charlotte, who walked in, asked doubtfully.

"Nothing boss."

Beta spoke quickly, he didn't want to be beaten to death in public.

Embarrassed toes can squeeze out three bedrooms and one living room.


As soon as Charlotte saw Beta's embarrassed look, she knew that something scandalous had probably happened to this guy.

However, he didn't go into details and went straight to the point.

"Okay, let's have a meeting!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone sat upright and became calm.

Boss Xia Luo personally said that he would not tolerate any nonsense. Even though Xia Luo was usually gentle, he could not tolerate any sand in his eyes when there was something really important.

Looking at everyone's appearance, Charlotte nodded and signaled Ou Li to start introducing the general cause and effect.

After a few minutes, everyone became heavy.

A huge kingdom 800 years ago, an unprecedented huge war, terrifying ancient weapons and a shocking tsunami caused by man-made...

Needless to say, everyone is aware of the seriousness of the problem.

Of course, Beta looked at Tiger strangely, so the fishman was not affected?

Charlotte didn't pay too much attention to Beta's random thoughts, but immediately spoke out a solution.

"First of all, in order to cope with the great changes in the future, we need to find huge mountains all over the world and build a huge wall around the entire Heberfeld continent."

Others listened carefully. Every major decision Charlotte made led the Heberfield family to become stronger and stronger.

In the hearts of everyone, Charlotte's prestige is absolute authority, and this is their "king's" plan.

"I named it - the Wall of Heberfil!"

Charlotte said calmly, "This is the largest defensive wall in the world. It is the Great Wall of my hometown, the Giant's Wall of Maria, and even the Wall of Heberfeld in the pirate world."

It will help the Silberfeller continent resist the arrival of the tsunami, the real iron wall of Silberfeller.

No one has any doubts about this matter. As long as Charlotte gives the order, they will definitely do their best.

He is the glorious leader of the entire family, the founder of the ideal land, and the unique legendary family head.

Charlotte continued in a deep voice.

"Jin, you will be fully responsible for the safety of this mission, Bruno will be fully responsible for the transportation and other work, Talston will be responsible for the correction, and Saga Lido will be responsible for the design structure of the entire city wall..."

Saga Lido was naturally excited. This was another new challenge and once the Wall of Heberfell was really completed, his name would surely leave a great name in the history of world architecture.

Talston and Bruno were also excited because their names would also be remembered by history because of the unique Wall of Heberfell in the world.

With this achievement alone, it is no surprise that they can enter the Hall of Honor of the Heberfell family.

That is the highest honor of the entire family, the entire kingdom, and the entire continent.

This is too great.


The four of them answered in unison.

Charlotte nodded, "Others are fully prepared for the battle, the meeting is adjourned!"

Many family members left the meeting room with solemn expressions and began to enter a new preparation.

The battle that truly determines the fate of the world seems to be not far away.

Charlotte watched everything silently.

Of course, he has other plans. It is not safe to rely solely on the [Wall of Heberfield] plan.

Before this, he had arranged for Qiqiya to search the world for information about devil fruits that can raise and strengthen the Heberfield continent.

If possible, the family can not only gain powerful combat power but also improve the security of the Heberfield continent to a higher level.

Of course, he also contacted the revolutionary army dragon for the giant Jasmine. The opponent's push-push fruit is likely to play an important role in the Heberfield continent.

But unfortunately, the giant Jasmine is now pushing the city and has not come out yet.

This plan can only be shelved for the time being.

There is also a final plan, which is to use the floating fruit to make the entire Heberfield continent fly into the air.

Unfortunately, it cannot be done for the time being.

On the one hand, the Heberfield continent is too huge. It is composed of more than 100 islands from all over the world. It is not continuous in itself. Once the ability is activated, it will directly cause the entire continent to fall apart.

This will be a devastating damage to the roads and railways built on the entire Heberfield continent.

In addition, Bruno's ability of the Floating Fruit is still far from being developed, and now he can only control a dozen islands.

So Charlotte has been focusing on training Bruno's ability.

Even if Bruno's ability is sufficient, there is naturally a prerequisite, that is, the Heberfield continent needs to be completely connected.

Then there is no doubt that the seed of the sacred tree Adam can do this.

This needs to be searched with all efforts, but unfortunately there have not been many clues.

It is estimated that the seeds are really only in Elbaf, but the Heberfield family has never been involved there, and the other party is xenophobic and difficult to enter.

If the Heberfield family breaks in, it is easy to cause a terrible war, which is not conducive to the Heberfield family's accumulation of strength.

Getting involved in the war will only slow down the development of the Heberfield family.

This is a headache.

Charlotte's eyes flickered. Perhaps the key to breaking the situation lies in Red Hair. At that time, there is a high probability that he can easily achieve the results he needs with the help of the other party.

And now there is enough time, and other plans still need time to continue to operate patiently.

"Charlotte, are you okay!"

Hancock looked at Charlotte who was thinking, and couldn't help but speak.

Facing Hancock's concern, Charlotte came back to her senses and smiled at Hancock.

"It's okay, don't worry."

"Really?" Hancock was a little worried. This man always reported good news but not bad news.

"Of course, don't you still believe me? Oh, I'm so sad!"

Charlotte's acting skills soared and she pretended to be sad.

Seeing Charlotte's look, Hancock hurriedly said: "No, no, I'm just worried... How could I doubt you?"

Hancock explained in a hurry. She didn't want the man she loved to doubt like this at all!

She looked so anxious that she almost cried.

"No, I'm just kidding."

Charlotte laughed loudly. When she saw the other party's look, Hancock realized that she had been tricked.

However, she was not unhappy about this. Instead, she covered her cheeks with her hands and was very shy.

"Charlotte is actually playing games with me! You really love me too much!"

Charlotte knew that Hancock had conquered herself when she saw the other party's look.

Not to mention that this look is weird and cute, and it is also super worry-free.

It was completely different from Lina's peace of mind.

"Okay, let's go! Let's go see what Lina is busy with recently?"

Charlotte spoke calmly. Recently, Lina has been very busy and has been in power.

Together with Ivan, they are responsible for the management and organization of the entire kingdom, and the workload is huge.

"Okay~" Hancock smiled sweetly, took Charlotte's arm with a happy face, and walked out.



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