One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 490 The Organizational Structure of the Kingdom of Heberfil [Added update, thanks to the bos

Three days later!

The splendid Royal Palace of Hebrews.

This was the first formal king's meeting held by Charlotte after the establishment of the kingdom.

Everyone's eyes were serious and their bodies were sitting upright, waiting for Charlotte's arrival.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Beta asked with some confusion.

"Beta, be careful with your words. In formal occasions, you should address the boss as Your Majesty." Barrett reminded him in real time.

Now that the Kingdom of Heberfeld has been established, His Majesty must be called His Majesty in formal occasions, but a more affectionate title can be used in private or separate reports.

The outside world must pay attention to these rules. The system of the Kingdom of Heberfeld is too large.

If we really continue to mess around, chaos will easily occur and the consequences will be disastrous.

"Yeah, I got it."

Beta spoke solemnly, knowing the importance of the matter clearly.

As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules.

Essentially, the Silberfeller family is no longer a pure pirate group and Charlotte has also said that.

Pirates cannot last forever. If the Silberfeller family wants to exist in this world for a long time, transformation is an urgent matter.

Everyone waited quietly. Everyone knew that this meeting must be very important, and it was very likely that something big would be announced.

Not long!

Charlotte attended the meeting in formal attire.

Many family cadres all stood up.

"His Majesty!!!"

A neat voice sounded, and he put one hand on his chest. He was very powerful, and his mental outlook was very good.

"sit down!"

After Charlotte sat down, her voice sounded faintly!

After taking a look, he crossed his hands and said calmly: "This time we hold a meeting in the name of the kingdom, there are some things that need to be announced."

Then he looked at Ivan: "Ivan, come and announce it!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Ivan suppressed the excitement in his heart, slowly stood up, looked at everyone, and took out the list that had been discussed.

"His Majesty's royal decree appoints thirteen ministers of the kingdom."

"Appointment: Finance Minister - Aaron Ivan, to take charge of the finance and commercial power of the Kingdom of Heberfil."

"Appointment: Minister of Science and Technology - Sakya Yar, to take charge of the scientific and technological development of the Kingdom of Heberfil."

"Appointment: Lina, the Minister of Justice, is in charge of judicial proceedings in the Kingdom of Heberfil."

"Appointment: Minister of Medical Affairs - Gillian, in charge of the medical power of the Kingdom of Heberfiler,"

"Appointment: Minister of Culture and History, Ouli, is in charge of historical research on the cultural development of the Kingdom of Heberfeld."

"Appointment: Minister of Police - Baomei, in charge of the security of the Kingdom of Heberfil."

"Appointment: Minister of Agriculture - Mok, in charge of the diet and agricultural development of the Kingdom of Heberfil."

"Appointment: Minister of Academic Affairs - Zefa, in charge of the education and training of the Kingdom of Heberphele."

"Appointment: Minister of Environment - Bruno, in charge of the environmental resources of the Kingdom of Heberfil."

"Appointment: Minister of Military Affairs - Redfield, in charge of the standing military affairs of the Kingdom of Heberfield."

"Appointment: Minister of Construction—Sakya Lido, in charge of the infrastructure construction of the Kingdom of Heberphele."

"Appointment: Sea Secretary - Tiger, in charge of the customs inspection power of the Kingdom of Heberfeld."

"Appointment: Minister of Visit - Bob, in charge of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Heberfeller."

The appointments of a total of thirteen ministers of the kingdom were announced in succession, and I have to say that this is shocking news.

Of course, many family cadres had no objections to the decision, which was the result of careful consideration by the family.

In addition, many people only know how to fight and manage, especially when it is very tiring.

Anyway, for everyone, as long as they are still a member of the Silberfeller family, there is nothing to worry about.

Ivan took a closer look and continued.

"Next, the four major violent institutions of the Kingdom of Heberfeld will be formed."

After the words fell, everyone was shocked. They had already received the news of the establishment of the four major organizations, but they only announced it today.

"From today on, we will establish the Temple of Conquest, the Temple of Knights, the Temple of Shadows, and the Temple of Prison Suppression."

The others nodded silently. The four major organizations naturally corresponded to the general army of Heberfiler, the major knights, the intelligence root organization and the Great Prison of Heberfiler.

Ivan continued.

"The Conquest Temple has four commander-in-chief, navy general, air force general, and army general..."

"Appointment: The Devil King - Barrett as the Commander-in-Chief of the Conquest Temple, the Thunder King - Jhin as the Air Force General, the King of Behemoths - Beta Army General, the Shura King - Pande Admiral... "

Everyone else nodded silently. These years of continuous training, learning, and fighting... have already made the four of them stronger.

Moreover, he is the family's top combat power, reputation, and bounty. Naturally, no one has any doubts.

"The Knights Temple is under the jurisdiction of the palace master and the commanders of the seven knights..."

"Appointment: Empress - Boya Hancock as the Master of the Knights Temple...

Leader of Fanaticism——Saint Disciple Metis...

Leader of the Skeletons - Disciple of Death Hariri...

Dragon bloodline leader——Dragon Disciple Gulea...

The leader of the holy spear - the disciple of the spear, Wink...

The Commander of the Sword—Sword Disciple Chizo...

The leader of the beast girls——Tiger Disciple Sammy...

Shooting Commander - Boya Sandasonia, Deputy Commander Boya Marigold..."

No one is surprised by this result, it is a matter of common sense.

"The Prison Temple has jurisdiction over the director, deputy director, chief interrogator, chief warden, and chief jailer..."

"Appointment: Stina as director of the prison..."

Time continues to pass, and everyone is very patient. This is the structural system of the entire Kingdom of Heberfeld, which has an immeasurable and huge effect on the family and the kingdom.

Ivan finally spoke and mentioned the last violent organization, the intelligence organization "Root".

"The Shadow Temple has the general commander, deputy general commander, chief captain, deputy chief captain..."

"Appoint: Qiqiya, the leader of the Root Organization, as the chief executive!"

As for the appointments of Deputy Chief Rosinandi, Chief Captain Kaku, and Vice Chief Khalifa, they were not announced in public.

Although the Silberfeller family's confidentiality is impeccable, the fewer people who know their identities, the safer they are.

This important meeting was held for a long time, and it can be said that it laid the organizational structure of the entire Kingdom of Heberfeld in the future.

Ivan looked at Charlotte.

"Your Majesty, the reading has been completed."

Charlotte waved her hand and motioned for Ivan to sit down.

"Okay, the meeting is over."

He immediately announced the end.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Everyone bowed respectfully, stood up and left slowly.

Charlotte watched everything silently. This kind of large-scale adjustment was very troublesome. He spent a lot of energy at the beginning.

Looking back now, I feel like I have a headache. Fortunately, I have my right-hand assistants Lina and Ivan.

Of course, in fact, the entire organizational structure of the Kingdom of Heberfeld is adjusted according to the world government.

The rest of the future development will be continuously added on this basis, and the effect of such a decision is huge.

He is already doing his best to lay a solid foundation for the Kingdom of Heberfil.

The great internal adjustment of the Kingdom of Silberfeller and the perfect appearance of various institutions also attracted widespread attention.

Such a move has to be said to be bold. This is a truly huge country.

Rather than a top power that simply rules through force.

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