One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 492 The most evil family in this era

In the empty and luxurious office, Charlotte sat quietly on the sofa, stroking Komaru's golden hair.

Don't tell me, this thing is getting more and more addictive the more you touch it.

In fact, he originally wanted to stay with the two girls, but he was rejected instead.

He told him that men should make progress, and then he was driven away ruthlessly.

This made Charlotte's little plan of waiting for the child to be completely born completely turned into dust.

Of course, he knew very well that Lina and Hancock would do this because they were afraid that their reasons would affect his rest.

I have to say that he was too considerate, but it made him feel guilty!

Charlotte shook her head, suppressed all thoughts, and picked up the newspaper on the table.

Reading newspapers has long been a very important thing to him. After all, he knows many things, but he can't remember the time when they happened.

Coupled with the emergence of the variable Hiberfield family, many things have changed.

The changes in Wano Country, the early appearance of the Shichibukai...

And it has been discovered through Big Bear’s secret report that the world government has strong support for Vegapunk research, and the level of science and technology is improving at a rapid pace...

so! The world is changing subtly.

He needs to identify the specific time in the newspaper when a major event occurred.

In order for him to quickly react and judge the current situation, he glanced around and saw a piece of information that aroused his interest.

【tragedy! ! ! A shocking war broke out on Kraikana Island, and the kingdom was completely destroyed. The current king of the Shichibukai, the world's greatest swordsman, Joracol Mihawk, settled in the ruins of the kingdom...]

Charlotte looked slightly sideways, it really has been a long time since she saw any news about Hawkeye?

It seems that life is quite nourishing!

After a while, Charlotte put down the newspaper in his hand. For the time being, what happened in the world was insignificant and of little significance to him.

There is no unexpected big event happening, it is the best news at the moment.

These big plans of the Kingdom of Silberfeller will take some time to deal with, even with the blessing of those with various superhuman devil fruit abilities.

This process is also not easy.

You can appreciate how difficult it is.

"Brumuru, burubru!"

In the silent room, a series of phone calls suddenly rang and echoed.


"Moses Moses!"

Soon Qiqiya's voice rang on the phone.

"Charlotte, we found out..."

Charlotte took a look at the phone bug and found something! I didn’t finish it in one sentence, what’s wrong with it!


Qiqiya felt that she was a little out of sorts and said seriously.

"It's the news that nature is the fruit of earth."

Charlotte, who was a little unconcerned just now, finally looked serious.

The natural element soil fruit is an important part of his plan, and he has been secretly searching for its whereabouts for a long time.

However, contrary to expectations, there has been no news related to it. Now Qiqiya suddenly mentioned this matter.

It's really surprising.

"Where exactly?"

Charlotte asked the question he was most concerned about. If Chichia got this devil fruit, she would never say that in the phone bug.

"The superpower Alabasta in the first half of the Grand Line!"

Forehead! ! !

Charlotte raised her eyebrows slightly. Alabasta was a place he was not unfamiliar with at all.

Because Crocodile Crocodile, one of the current King's Shichibukai, is in that country.

Coupled with the huge land area of ​​Alabasta, you must know that the other country's land area is larger than the area of ​​​​the Heberfeld continent, and roughly speaking, it is even larger than the area of ​​​​Blue Star China.

In terms of land area alone, regardless of strength, it can indeed be regarded as a superpower.

This is such a large land area, and such information without any more specific points is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"How about more specific news?"

"Albana, the capital of Alabasta, once appeared!"

Listening to Qiqiya's words, Charlotte began to think secretly.

The role of the Natural Element·Earth Fruit to the Hiberfiler family is self-evident.

This devil fruit must be obtained, and the Hiberfield family does not have enough manpower there.

So this is also the main reason why Qiqiya contacted the family.

"I understand. Pay close attention in secret and don't act rashly."

Charlotte gave instructions and hung up the phone. The land area is so large that it is very difficult to find it.

Now the entire family is busy with construction, and most of them are trying their best to barely get away.

It seems that this time he needs to go there in person.

But judging from the current situation, there is no need to be too anxious.

There is no doubt that this requires the help of local power, and it is not easy for the Kingdom of Heberfeld to mobilize on a large scale.

In this way, not only will the target be easily exposed, but it may also lead to unexpected battles.

There are too many uncertainties.

So the manpower chosen this time can only be drawn from the seven major knights in the Knights Temple.

After all, as the elite force of the family, the Knights are always in a state of first-level combat readiness.

Thinking of this, he already had a suitable candidate in mind.

"Inform Mitis that Hariri is here."

The maid who had been waiting for a long time responded quickly: "Yes, His Majesty the King!"

Then Charlotte began to determine the next route.

It would be better to follow the previous routine, starting from the New World, crossing the Calm Belt and turning to the North Sea, and entering the first half of the Great Route from the North Sea Upside Down Mountain.

This time, he did not plan to take the Heberfil Wanli Longteng, as being too conspicuous would cause unnecessary trouble.

It would be too bad if his plan was disrupted.

Not long after.

Mitis and Hariri appeared in the office?

"Your Majesty."

The two spoke respectfully.

"Mitis, Hariri, I order you to immediately mobilize the Zealots and the Skeleton Knights, prepare sufficient supplies, and go to sea with me."

Mitis and Hariri's eyes lit up, and they couldn't help but get excited. It was their responsibility to be able to guard Charlotte.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

As the two left, Charlotte fell into complete calm.

At present, the entire Heberfil Kingdom has a stable organizational structure, so there will be no problem even if they leave temporarily.

The ministers will naturally discuss it.

After all, this world is still a world where force is supreme. As long as there is a fixed and stable structure and strong strength to rely on, there will be no chaos.

As the king of his family, the king of the Kingdom of Heberfil, and the powerful sea emperor, he can't be in chaos at all.

This is also one of the reasons why he can leave with confidence, and the loyalty of the members of the Heberfil family is even more stable.



Half a month later!

North Sea!

The sky is high and the air is fresh, the white clouds are leisurely, and on the sparkling sea, two Heberfil Kingdom Dragon-class Knight warships are flying fast with flags.

At that time, the two Heberfil Family Dragon-class Knights went out to sea together, which naturally caused a lot of waves, but it was not a big problem.

"Brother Mitis, what do you say, Boss, what are you going to do in Alabasta!"

On the deck, Hariri spoke slowly with doubt.

Mitis shook his head, he didn't know.

He was stunned when he learned that he was going to Alabasta. After all, he initially thought that Boss Charlotte was going to take a walk in the new world to show the king's demeanor.

Now it seems that I was just overthinking.

"I really don't know. But it's not important. We'll know when we get to Alabasta."

Hariri agreed with Mitis's words. It didn't matter whether they knew or not.

How could the boss Charlotte's personal command fail?

For example, Alabasta, a superpower, is just a bigger ant in their eyes.

It can't make any waves. Only the Seven Warlords of the Sea need to be paid attention to. There's really nothing to say about the others.

Hariri looked at the sea and said lightly, "The North Sea is too weak! It's a bit boring!"

As someone who was born here, he really felt it now. Whether it was the Four Seas or the Paradise, there was no comparison with the New World.

The difference in force was too big.

The New World had the most frequent and intense battles in the entire world.

Mitis smiled as he listened to Hariri's complaints.

This guy always played with Big Brother Beta and got infected with the bad habit of fighting.

It really fulfilled Mr. Charlotte's words, "If you are close to a red man, you will be red. If you are close to a black man, you will be black." It is really wise.

"By the way, let's find a nearby island to rest temporarily!"

Mitis thought of Charlotte's instructions and spoke.

The time for this trip is not too urgent, so there is no need to rush there, and sailing is hard and boring.

In non-urgent situations, it is still the right way to go to the island to rest as much as possible.

"Brother Mitis, don't look for it. I am very familiar with this place. Maoqiu Island should be not far away."

Mitis paused for a moment, and then he remembered that Hariri was born in the North Sea.

"Okay, lead the way!"

Hariri made an OK gesture.

On Maoqiu Island!

A group of pirates gathered here, eating meat and drinking wine, only a blond man said nothing, and kept swinging strange cards.

"What is the captain doing? Is he playing cards?"

A drinking brother asked in confusion.

"Stupid, the captain is fortune-telling!"

Another pirate who was eating meat couldn't help but scold the guy who had just joined.

He slashed the pirate's head with another "snap", looking disappointed.

You know, it was because of the captain's magical power that they were able to turn danger into safety many times. It was simply a magical ability!

What is playing cards?

The pirate who was beaten showed a sullen look.

At this moment, the young Basil Hawkins kept looking at the cards in his hand, and his elegant and pale face showed a solemn look.

"One hundred percent...disaster is coming!"

He didn't know where the danger came from, was it the navy, the pirates, or something else?

But he never doubted his fortune-telling skills.

Because he had never made a mistake, Hawkins made up his mind that he couldn't stay here.

Young Hawkins just stood up and saw two huge ships approaching the island.

When his eyes were fixed on the fluttering main flag, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"How could it be?"

How could a strong man from the New World appear in the North Sea? That flag is familiar to almost everyone in the world.

That is the most terrifying family in this era, the most evil family in the world, the legendary Hiberfield family...

There are countless legends about them, and they are all rampant in the new world. Even the world government and the navy have nothing to do with them.

The graceful demeanor had long since disappeared, and he had to escape.

Before he could make any move.

A gate appeared out of thin air not far from him.

This scene directly caused the other pirate members to fall into a daze. It was rare to see Devil Fruit users in the North Sea.

This kind of ability is not shocking.

But when Hawkins' eyes fell on the person who appeared, he felt a chill running through his body.

Just the invisible pressure makes people feel like they can't breathe.

Wearing a mask, Charlotte looked at each other with interest. He discovered this group of pirates on the coast.

He naturally stopped by to take a look when he had nothing to do, but he didn't expect it to be Hawkins, the superhuman straw fruit user.

It's really surprising.

The opponent's fruit ability is very interesting and magical, and Charlotte is a little interested in it.

Hawkins' divination skills are naturally different from those of the mermaid Xia Li, and the props he uses should be divination cards such as "Curo Cards".

Looking at Charlotte who appeared and the Saint Disciple Mitis and the Death Disciple Hariri behind him, he finally determined the reason for the divination just now.


Charlotte's indifferent voice sounded, and Hawkins, who forced himself to calm down, immediately started to divine.

He must resist.

Just seeing the ninety-nine percent chance of death and the only one percent survival rate, even his calm character could no longer remain stable.

He has always used divination as a guide for his actions, but today...

"Hey, boy, didn't you hear His Majesty's question?"

Hariri's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He was ignoring their king like this, was he too arrogant and confident or was he too fearless?

Listening to Hariri's words, Hawkins finally realized that the person in front of him was the leader who created the legend of the Hiberfield family.

The true emperor of the new world.

"I...I'm just a little shocked!"

Force yourself to regain your composure and speak.

Charlotte didn't talk nonsense. He looked at the opponent's Devil Fruit ability and knew that he had always been preparing to form a special tracking team.

The opponent is a fortune teller and has the life-saving ability of the superhuman Scarecrow Fruit, which is indeed quite good.

The future will still be called "Supernova", "Era of Extreme Evil", with extraordinary potential.

"Do you want to join the Kingdom of Heberfeld?"

Charlotte's tone was very calm, without any threatening tone.

But Hawkins felt a natural and strong pressure, and the terrifying strength under the calm was frightening.

This is the King of the Sea in the New World.

Hawkins knew that refusal would lead to death.

He has no possibility of escaping, no wonder there is a very low survival probability prompt, it is entirely because the other party wants to recruit him.

Hariri and Mitis are not polite at all, and they are very murderous. If this guy is ignorant, they will take action.

It was obvious that Xia Luo was interested in the other party's ability. If the other party didn't understand what he was doing, it would be no wonder that they were the ones to blame.

To become a pirate, you have to be prepared to be killed.

"I...I do!"

Hawkins hesitantly and unwillingly agreed. He came from a superior family and went to sea purely for his dream.

But now it's all in vain.

Charlotte felt a little regretful.

In fact, he really wanted to see the magic of the straw fruit when the opponent fought.

It's a pity that I missed it.

Charlotte looked at Hawkins and sighed.

"The divination you are so proud of has deprived you of the courage to do something you know is impossible."

I don't know whether the tone was disappointment or regret.

Hawkins' expression changed and he fell silent because he didn't know how to refute.

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