One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 501 What will your choice be?

On the sea near Sigma Island.

Because of the aftermath of the battle, the originally calm sea became rough.

It is enough to see how fierce the battle on the island is.

Several naval warships appeared here at some unknown time.

"The King of Evil, a notorious guy named Abalo Pizarro and the rapidly rising Heart Pirates."

Admiral Aokiji felt an icy chill coming out of his mouth.

The most important thing is that the little girl he once rescued seems to be in the Heart Pirates.

This incident left him puzzled as to how Robin completely left his sight and then disappeared for many years.

It always feels a bit inexplicable when it appears suddenly.

"Report to the general, the fighting on the island ahead has stopped."

A naval soldier saluted and spoke to Admiral Aokiji.

"Prepare to land on the island and capture the pirates."

Aoki pheasant immediately issued the order, his eyes calmly crossing the sea and falling on Sigma Island.


The naval soldiers quickly took action, and soon several naval warships began to head towards the island.


An alarm sounded from the lookout.

"Attention, attention, there are pirates approaching!"

"Attention, attention, there are pirates approaching!"

"Attention, attention, there are pirates approaching!"


Admiral Aokiji frowned slightly. There were pirates coming at this time. There were so many of them that it was annoying.

The sea is in chaos due to pirates, and is in unprecedented turmoil.

"Pirate King Roger, take a look. Is this what you expected to see?"

Navy Admiral Qing Zhi sighed in his heart, he naturally knew something about that man.

What's more, one of his teachers, Mr. Karp, often mentioned that man.

Before Qing Pheasant could give the order, a horrified voice suddenly sounded.

"Level 1 alert, level 1 alert, the coming ones are the New World Emperor, the Silberfeller Pirates!"

"Level 1 alert, level 1 alert, the coming ones are the New World Emperor, the Silberfeller Pirates!"

"Level 1 alert, level 1 alert, the coming ones are the New World Emperor, the Silberfeller Pirates!"

The flashing red siren and the navy's radio were working at the same time, and the scene was a little panicked for a while.

Even Aokiji, as a naval admiral, had to face it seriously.

This is not the power of Cats and Dogs, but the Silberfeller Pirates, which even the entire navy is extremely afraid of.

As old rivals, we can better understand the terror of our enemies. Enemies are the people who understand each other best.

Aoki's face was cold, and the navy warships automatically formed a good battle formation.

His eyes were extremely sharp, and soon two Silberfeller pirate ships appeared on the sea.

Needless to say, the high-hanging main flag of the Hiberfield family and the secondary flag make it clear who the other party is?

It is the fanatical and death knights who are famous all over the world.

The difference between this and other imperial regiments is that in addition to the core members of Whitebeard's various divisions, the captains of the major conquerors can bear the name of Whitebeard and fly the former pirate flag.

This is a gesture of surrender.

As for the Hiberfield family, they are both the main flag + the secondary flag.

The main flag is naturally the only iconic flag of the Hiberfield family, while the secondary flag is the unique emblem flag of each knighthood, the special symbols of different military branches...

This is used to distinguish differences and maintain a unified structure while showing the differences to the greatest extent.

Navy Admiral Aoki's eyes quickly locked on the opponent's deck, and for just a moment his heart was shocked.

The man wearing the mask could not avoid his perception even if he covered his face.

"Why are you here~"

Navy Admiral Qing Zhi shouted in a deep voice, the other party actually came to the paradise without telling everyone.

This is definitely a big deal!

Xia Luo smiled slightly. He didn't care about being recognized by the other party and Qing Zhi was very smart.

The other party did not reveal his identity in public, which also shows that the navy has no plans to start a war.

Even if they pretended to let him leave as if nothing had happened, what would the outside world be able to say?

Who can prove it's him?

I have to say that Kuzan is a very detailed guy.

"Kuzan, it's been so many years since I last saw you."

Charlotte spoke gently, like an old friend.

Admiral Aokiji did not reply, but instead asked about an important matter that concerned him greatly.

"Why did Teacher Zefa join the Heberfiler family!"

This is where countless navy and Kuzan are confused.

You must know how huge the impact Zefa's joining the Silberfeller family had on the navy.

How many admirals in the navy have received the favor of Zefa, and it is a true master-disciple relationship in name only.

A character like Ezefa actually chose to become a pirate, which makes people wonder what happened behind the scenes?

Kuzan's eyes were cold. In his opinion, the other party must have caught Teacher Zefa's sore spot and forced Teacher Zefa to join the pirates.

Looking at Kuzan's look, Charlotte knew that this guy was extreme.

"First of all, let me declare that we did not force Zefa to join the Silberfeller family. Secondly, you seem to have made a mistake..."

No forcing!

Got something wrong?

Kuzan looked at the world-famous powerful man with some confusion.

These words made him very confused!

What does it mean?

The corners of Charlotte's mouth raised slightly.

"Zeffer joined the Kingdom of Heberfil, what does it have to do with the Heberfil family!"

Eh? ? ?

Kuzan looked at Charlotte with a dull look, why did he say that so shamelessly?

What's the difference between the Heberfil family and the Kingdom of Heberfil? Isn't this just making a far-fetched argument!

Charlotte knew very well that when the news of Zephyr joining the Kingdom of Heberfil came out, it would definitely have a huge impact on the navy.

Don't underestimate Zephyr's influence. Among the older generation of the navy, Zephyr is also a first-tier existence.

And in today's navy, most of the countless disciples who have benefited from him are naval officers, and there are countless people who are grateful.

Aokiji in front of him is like this!

The Kingdom of Heberfil and the Navy are not real enemies in a fundamental sense.

After all, what the Heberfil family really wants to kill is the World Government!

That is their ultimate goal.

Charlotte was calm and it can be said that Zephyr joining the Kingdom of Heberfil is actually a thorn.

Imagine that a veteran who has devoted his life to the navy is finally ruthlessly abandoned and entrusted with an important task by the Kingdom of Heberfil.

Such a comparison is a huge humiliation and harm.

So when a navy who has suffered an unjust injustice is hunted down by his former partners or leaves in disappointment... will he make the same choice as Zefa to join the Kingdom of Heberfil as a retreat?

Charlotte knows very well how important people's hearts are.

No force can bear the fate of being abandoned by everyone, and Zefa, the former admiral of the navy and the former chief instructor of the navy, joined the Kingdom of Heberfil as a strategy to attack the heart.

The old ancestor's heart-breaking plan is really YYDS!

Charlotte is very optimistic about Aokiji. This admiral of the navy who is still confused in his heart is still looking for justice in his heart.

So he naturally has to add fuel to the fire!

"Aokiji, as an old man in the navy, have you really never questioned the actions of the world government?"

Kuzan looked at Charlotte with an ugly face, but he would never admit such a thing.

"You hesitated..."

Facing Kuzan's silence, Charlotte was unhurried, looking like a pyramid scheme leader.

"If you want to know why Zefa joined the Kingdom of Heberfil, then go and see for yourself!"

"The world's public opinion can be completely changed under manipulation, and if you want to know the real answer, you need to listen and see it yourself instead of being deceived."

Charlotte's voice was very steady, containing some unspeakable wisdom, without too many other emotional expressions.

However, it was precisely this that made the current admiral of the navy more shaken.

He knew too well some of the secret practices of the world government, starting from O'Hara, and then to the current Zefa incident...

One by one, he couldn't help but be shaken and doubtful.

"I'll give you a word..."

Charlotte saw that it was almost brewing, and spoke at the right time.

"The world government cannot represent justice, and not being a navy can still insist on justice in your heart..."

Kuzan looked up at Charlotte, a little stunned, but still said nothing.

Charlotte didn't say much about the next words, too much is as bad as too little, let this guy see for himself!

After all, there is Zephyr, a role model!


Admiral Aokiji decisively ordered a retreat.

He knew that the other party was not here to chat with him but to stop the navy from taking action.

It was not until this moment that he realized that the Heart Pirates were a member of the Heberfil family and that Robin had been in the Heberfil family for several years.

Originally, the serialized comic had Robin's signature but no surname, so he could not confirm it.

Now it is completely certain.

Maybe it is lucky to get the protection of the Heberfil family, so he doesn't have to wander around.

Kuzan sighed in his heart.

The navy warship slowly left, and Charlotte did not stop it.

He gave the shaken Kuzan a vivid lesson today.

When the seeds of doubt are planted, there will be a day when they will take root and sprout.

And he had to admit that Kuzan was actually very gentle in his heart.

As an admiral of the navy, even if Kuzan could not violate the orders of the World Government, he would definitely have no problem fighting him here.

Punishing a navy admiral in his prime is really not worth the loss.

But the other side chose to retreat without considering the admiral's face. Obviously, once they choose to go to war, all the navy soldiers here will die except him.

A guy who chooses to save his life, you can imagine the kindness and justice in his heart.

This is really fate!

A person who ate the coldest fruit has an extremely gentle heart.

The space is distorted, and it is obvious that Hariri is back.

"Boss, this guy is brought back."

Charlotte turned around and looked at the evil king who was handcuffed by seastone, and smiled with relief.

"Well... Not bad, not bad, it's really a lot of harvest!"

The owner of the superhuman island fruit is obtained, which is not much different from the real fruit.

The ability of the Heberfil family to recycle devil fruits is now perfect.

What makes him more concerned is the dialogue with Kuzan.

If there is such a day...

What choice will you make?

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