One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 507: People’s hearts can only be seen clearly after they are in dire straits.

New World - Dressrosa!

A golden sunflower radiates brilliant light around an exquisite palace on the highest mountain in Dressrosa.

This is the royal palace of Dressrosa, where Doflamingo, the young master of the Don Quixote family, lives.

In the royal palace!

Doflamingo wears pink glasses, a plush coat, shakes the red wine glass in his hand, and looks very comfortable.

He is very satisfied with the development during this period.

There are no decent scientists to use for him. You should know that the scientists have made an indispensable contribution to the development of the Heberfil family.

It is really difficult to become a giant like the Heberfil family.

Because this involves almost all aspects, from military force, technology, medicine, infrastructure, economy, reputation...

The Heberfil family is unique in the world, and their development is too balanced.

It is even difficult to find such a terrible family in history... Now they have established a country.

Even if the World Government does not recognize it, such a kingdom has unparalleled influence.

In Doflamingo's view, the four words [Heberfil] are becoming a symbol, and they will become more and more transcendent in the future.

When the four words Heberfil are mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is this behemoth.

It can be said that the Don Quixote family and the Heberfil family are incomparable in all aspects.

As the leader of the entire family, only Doflamingo can appreciate the power of Charlotte.

The structures of the two forces are actually very similar. Doflamingo has a very deep research on the Heberfil family.

The uniqueness of the Heberfil family cannot be replicated. Where is the difference? This is what he has never understood.

And Charlotte is not just a force but an impeccable vision and layout, which is really daunting.

Doflamingo's thoughts are flying.

A Diamante wearing a fur-brimmed hat, two red facial stripes on his face, a red cloak, and dressed like a native hurried in.

The person who came was none other than Diamante, one of his trusted cadres, the user of the Parahuman Floating Fruit.


Doflamingo stopped thinking after hearing Diamante's call, put down his red wine glass, and crossed his legs with his hands.

"What's wrong?"

Diamante was out of character, and his usual speaking habits disappeared, instead he spoke solemnly.

"Someone from the Heberfil family is here."

Doflamingo was obviously stunned for a moment. Was it really the first time that the Heberfil family had come to his new base in all these years?

It was somewhat surprising to him!

However, he didn't feel anything either.

He had naturally met many powerful cadres from the Heberfil family.

But there were only a handful of people who were worthy of his personal reception.

"Send someone to receive and arrange it properly, and don't slack off."

Diamante couldn't help coughing and added quickly.

"Dover... that distinguished adult is here."

Doflamingo's pupils shrank rapidly. It was still distinguished to be called an adult.

Obviously, it should be the head of the Heberfil family and the king of the Heberfil country.

Doflamingo, who was originally somewhat confident, could no longer sit still and stood up.

What a joke?

If such a big shot is really neglected, I am afraid that the entire Heberfil family will destroy his base the next day.

The majesty of the sea emperor, the reputation of the legendary family head, and the dignity of the huge kingdom, if you really do something that will damage your face.

The consequences are quite terrible.

Just as the four emperors of the sea have reached their current status, their members are far more concerned about whether the majesty of their boss is damaged than the main master.

Thinking of this, even the unruly Doflamingo couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

The most important thing is that Heberfil Charlotte can count the number of times he has met him privately on one hand, and today he actually came here in person.

What happened?


Doflamingo strode forward, still thinking about what went wrong.

The other side!

Three ships were parked in the port.

Charlotte and others began to stroll in the bustling streets, with people coming and going and full of fireworks.

Various toy puppets moving quickly can be seen everywhere on the streets, which makes people who come to this country for the first time feel magical.

"Is this the Dexrosa known as the [Land of Love, Passion and Toys]?"

Yamato couldn't help but marvel at it. Such a peaceful, prosperous and interesting place is really rare.

"It does look good."

Robin, who looked very quiet, also spoke. It should be said that the first impression given by this place is indeed not bad.

Facing Yamato's sigh and Robin's words.

Mitis and Hariri didn't say much. What are these toys?

It is mentioned in the family's intelligence.

These toys are all shaped by the fruit ability of Sugar, a cadre of the Donquixote family.

They include Donquixote family traitors, Dressrosa rebels, pirates in the New World, navy, spies...

Actually, they are all people.

However, this is nothing for the Heberfil family?

Just like the prison of the Heberfil family also holds many pirates, spies and other hostile forces.

This method is common.

Anyway, they knew the result, so there was no need to disturb the mood of those who didn't know.

Suddenly, on the street, teams of Don Quixote family warriors appeared and quickly blocked the entire street.

Doflamingo showed up with family cadres to greet them.

Charlotte smiled slightly. He didn't expect this guy to react so quickly.

"Fufufufu... Lord Charlotte, I am rude. I came from afar and failed to greet you in time. Please forgive me."

Doflamingo's attitude was very sincere. Regardless of whether it was from this guy's sincerity, at least his current attitude was very satisfactory.

"It's been many years since I last saw you, Dover!"

Charlotte said calmly. He didn't care about the so-called pomp. A strong man could not be ignored no matter where he was.

A strong man is the best symbol of status.

With his strength and vision, he no longer cares about these empty praises.

Because he has witnessed the true portrayal of false support from the peak.

His battle with Golden Lion Shiki is still vivid today.

Only dusk can witness devout believers, because people's hearts can only be seen clearly after they are down.

He has gone through decades of ups and downs, and he is no longer the young boy he used to be.

What has been accumulated over the years is not only time but also those unique and magnificent experiences.

Doflamingo naturally felt the indescribable majesty. People who have been in high positions for a long time have long developed a powerful aura without anger.

This is also the baptism of time and the accumulated spirit.

"Please move, Lord Charlotte. I have arranged a grand dinner."

Charlotte glanced at Doflamingo and didn't want to stay here for too long.

He still had too many things to deal with and no time to delay.

"Dover, you should know that I am not here for no reason."

Hearing Charlotte's words, Doflamingo's eyelids jumped, and he felt a little flustered.

"Please speak frankly, Lord Charlotte."

Doflamingo's decisiveness is actually amazing. He can still give the most reasonable answer clearly and accurately when facing him.

It must be said that Doflamingo is a person who cannot be underestimated?

Doflamingo and his group of people who truly witnessed the rise of the Heberfil family knew the glory and terror of the other party much better than those young pirates who had just started their careers.

"Did you provoke the war in the Kingdom of Flowers?"

This plain sentence, like the explosion of a deep-sea torpedo, set off a storm.

He didn't expect that the king of the sea of ​​Heberfil Charlotte came for the affairs of the Kingdom of Flowers.

"Not really!"

Doflamingo quickly denied it.

What a joke, he was just the driving force behind the sale of weapons, and the World Government had nothing to do with him!

The most important thing is that even the head of the Heberfil family asked about this matter, and the issues involved must be very serious.

He would not be foolish enough to be used as a gun by others.

"The World Government is actually behind this, I'm just going with the flow."

After explaining, Doflamingo immediately promised: "However, I will stop the arms trade immediately."

Faced with Doflamingo's answer, Charlotte was very satisfied: "Okay, then the Heberfil family will also increase your authority in the Chamber of Commerce accordingly."

When Doflamingo heard Charlotte's words, he couldn't help but be shocked.

You have to know what the Heberfil Chamber of Commerce established by the Heberfil family is?

The specifications of an absolute super chamber of commerce, unique in the world, and the authority represents the intimacy with the Heberfil Chamber of Commerce.

It is even more difficult to improve this authority.

Because the improvement of authority means that you can buy better and more precious products from the Heberfil family.

This is naturally a good thing for the Don Quixote family. The sale of those broken weapons is not as good as the goods of the Heberfil family!

To be honest, if the Heberfil family is really annoyed and the supply of goods is directly cut off, the loss will definitely be unbearable for the Don Quixote family.

Nowadays, most of Don Quixote's commodity trade is based on various commodities of the Heberfil family.

Charlotte knows very well that it is not advisable to suppress completely by force. It is nothing to destroy the Don Quixote family.

There will be the Zoldyck family, the Vongola family... in the future.

The method of hitting you with a stick and giving you a sweet date is very useful.

"There is another one. I need the Tontata tribe of Dressrosa."

Charlotte is not fussy. He gave away a big cake, and it is completely reasonable to get some additional benefits!

Doflamingo did not refuse Charlotte's request. The Tontata tribe is just a free worker here.

It doesn't matter whether there is or not.

"In this case, it is naturally as your Excellency wishes."

Don Quixote laughed.

An exchange of interests was peacefully and perfectly achieved, as expected.

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