One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 508 Prince and Princess

1514 of the Haiyuan calendar!

After returning from the outside world, Charlotte quietly accompanied the two pregnant women.

He was eager to witness with his own eyes and accompany them to give birth to new lives safely. Charlotte's tender eyes were ready to protect the arrival of his offspring.

This sense of expectation brought Charlotte an unprecedented novel experience, with expectation in tension and a little uneasiness in expectation.

The whole family also maintained vigilance and preparedness in this atmosphere, and the security defense level was increased by several times.

Outside the delivery room!

Charlotte was a little upset and wandered outside anxiously.

That's right, today is the day when the two women give birth. It is a major moment for him to become a father and a grand day for the entire family and the kingdom.

This is the expectation of countless people, just because it is the offspring of Heberphil Charlotte, who is destined to become the leader of a huge force in the future.

The heir, as the key to the inheritance of an entire family, carries the family's inheritance mission and plays a vital role in the stability, development and even growth of the force.

They not only carry everyone's expectations and entrustment, but also the hope for the prosperity and prosperity of the Heberfil family in the future.

Therefore, at the critical moment when the heir is about to be born, it naturally attracted everyone's attention.

This is especially true for the huge Heberfil family.

Charlotte's observation Haki has been released, feeling the emotional changes of the two women.

Even for powerful women, giving birth must endure great pain.

This is also the fundamental reason why he can't calm down.

"Your Majesty, don't be impatient. The two princesses are not ordinary people and this is one of the places with the best medical technology in the world. It will be fine."

Careful Ivan slowly spoke and began to calm Charlotte's emotions that were slightly out of control because of this sudden joy.

Others did not say much, and all agreed with this point of view.

After hearing these words, Charlotte gradually regained his calm. He realized that he was indeed too anxious and nervous.

At this moment...



Two loud cries, one after another, echoed in this space.

The loud and tender voices indicated that this powerful family welcomed their two little masters.

The door of the delivery room suddenly opened, and a nurse rushed out in a hurry.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the prince and princess are born, and both princesses have given birth to children safely."

Charlotte looked surprised, "Okay, okay..." He said several times in a row.

Before he could continue to say anything, the two women were pushed out.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Charlotte approached the two people at a brisk pace, holding their hands on the left and right, and was deeply moved.

The child's birth day is the mother's suffering day, which he agreed with.

Just now, his observation Haki could feel the painful emotions of the two women.

Even as a strong woman, it is a huge pain and test for them.

"It's okay, I do!"

Lina said with a haggard look on her face, after all, she had endured a lot of hardships before giving birth.

"Indeed! I feel happier this way."

Hancock spoke shyly, her love for Charlotte had never diminished and the child was undoubtedly the fruit of their love.

Charlotte was moved, and the two girls' sensibleness made him feel endless warmth in his heart.

After a moment of tenderness, Lina and Hancock were taken away by the doctor to rest.

Following them were two children, a boy and a girl, who appeared in the arms of the nurse.

Everyone was safe and sound, and Charlotte was overjoyed.

Looking at the two children held by the nurse on the left and right, Charlotte hurried over. The small body and the pink little appearance were his two children.

The little guy had already cried tired and pouted his little mouth, sleeping very sweetly.

Charlotte smiled and showed a kind look. After decades of wind and rain, he has become a father!

"Your Majesty, the little prince is born to Princess Lina, and the little princess is born to Princess Hancock."

The little nurse next to him introduced them to Charlotte.

Charlotte nodded slightly. It was worth being happy that the Kingdom of Heberfil finally welcomed the prince and princess.

"Your Majesty, you should name the prince and princess."

Ivan nearby reminded Charlotte that the inheritance of blood can make the power more stable, which is a very meaningful event.

Naturally, the old father should name the name.

Looking at the two sleeping children, Charlotte thought, and after a moment of silence, he slowly spoke.

"The boy's name is Heberfil Sherlock."

"The girl's name is Heberfil Hanna."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Good name!"

Beta spoke slowly, but this time Beta's action was so fast that it was a bit surprising, but soon others also smiled.

"Your Majesty, we have to celebrate it."

Ivan reminded Charlotte carefully.

"No need!"

Charlotte frowned slightly. To be honest, he felt it was unnecessary. Time was too important for the Heberfil family.

"Your Majesty, this is different. The residents of the kingdom need to hear such laughter to appease the people."

Charlotte nodded in response to Ivan's explanation.

"Then the kingdom will celebrate for one day."

Charlotte made a decision. One day was enough.


After Ivan and others answered, the excited Ivan quickly arranged people to inform them of this important news.

The Silberfeller family has welcomed an heir, which is something worthy of everyone's celebration.

This means that the Hiberfield family will continue to prosper.

Upon hearing this good news, countless residents of the Kingdom of Silberfil sent out heartfelt blessings...

"My merciful king, your descendants will definitely inherit your glory and majesty."

"This wonderful country has welcomed an heir. It is the country's luck and the people's honor!"

"King of Hebrews, your glory will shine through the ages!"

"My king's fame will last forever!"

“The glory of the Kingdom of Heberfeld continues uninterrupted!”


The people of the Kingdom of Heberfeld were even more excited than his rightful owner.

I have to say this is a miracle.

A day of carnival, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in this day of national celebration.

Charlotte didn't pay too much attention to the cheers from the outside people.

After spending a few days with my family, I continued to work.

He had other things to deal with quickly, and there wasn't much time left for them.

In the office!

Charlotte held a cigarette in her mouth, sitting on the sofa and lost in thought, thinking about the next big plan.

And on the coffee table in front of him were the two Devil Fruits he obtained this time.

One is the natural-type earth fruit, and the other is the superhuman-type target fruit.

As for the superhuman Shimashima fruit, it has already been eaten by Ayazumi, so naturally it does not appear here.

Just as he expected, the fishman Mianjin met and became very good friends with the ancient giant Oz and the giant Dahl.

The three simple-minded guys have a lot in common and get along very well.

"Your Majesty, people are here."

After Ivan finished speaking, Charlotte stopped her messy thoughts and looked at Ginny's familiar figure.

"His Majesty!"

Ginny spoke respectfully.

"Ginny, there are no outsiders here so you're welcome."

Charlotte spoke softly, now the entire family is paying more and more attention to these external forms.

He prefers everyone to call him boss, which makes him appear more affectionate.

"That's not okay! The rules can't be broken."

Ginny spoke calmly, with a calm look that really made people unable to associate anything with the playful girl she once was.

Seeing this situation, he said no more. This was the common wish of everyone.

"Okay, Ginny, I'll give you this natural fruit. Practice well."

Charlotte picked up the natural earth fruit and spoke slowly.

Ginny didn't show much surprise about this, she had generally guessed.

This is an extremely rare natural devil fruit, and I have to say that Charlotte's courage is extraordinary.

"I will definitely work hard."

Ginny didn't show any sloppiness, and her movements were crisp and neat.

Charlotte is naturally extremely satisfied with Ginny who is now extremely capable.

After a few words of advice, Ginny left his office.

Then the fishman Hachi appeared in his office.

"His Majesty!"

Charlotte nodded with a smile.

As an octopus man with six arms, Hachi is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for the entire family with superhuman and target fruit abilities.

Moreover, the fish-man Hachi is the only true six-sword swordsman in the entire Hiberfield family.

Here he received strong swordsmanship training from his family, and his swordsmanship is extraordinary.

"Eat this superhuman devil fruit."

Charlotte spoke calmly. Faced with this situation, Xiaoba did not refuse and answered sonorously and forcefully.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Xiaoba will definitely live up to your expectations."


Hachi slowly retreated while holding the Devil Fruit.

This Devil Fruit can temporarily solve the accuracy problem of the family's missiles, but it is not a long-term solution.

Firstly, there are only six targets at most. Secondly, it does not last long. Once the marks touched by the palms come into contact with water or wash hands, they will disappear immediately and need to be remarked.

This is undoubtedly a huge trouble. The superhuman target fruit's ability is only temporary.


There was no one else in the office, so Ivan spoke with confidence.

After returning to his senses, Charlotte looked at Ivan and remembered that there was one more thing to do.

"Ivan, expand the size of the entire clone factory."

After listening to Charlotte's instructions, Ivan said without saying a word, "I understand, boss, I will make arrangements right away."

This is something Charlotte has always considered. There is not much difference between clones and normal people. After all, clones have the highest loyalty.

Especially when clones have their own beliefs and emotions, they are perfect clones. In other words, they can also be called new humans.

Based on the firm belief of the Hiberfield family, it is not difficult to provide the clones with religious goals, but emotions need to be determined by chance.

In order to face possible future crises such as shortage of troops, it is imperative to form a large army.

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