One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 511 Maybe there is some possibility

Three days later!

Salzburg Island turned into a dark wasteland. This shocking news directly caused a strong sensation on the sea.

In particular, the Kingdom of Heberfil solemnly issued a statement to the world, taking full responsibility for the incident on Salzburg Island.

The purpose was to test weapons, also known as national weapons.

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that this was a naked threat, yes, a threat.

Such a deadly weapon was thrown down, and an island was directly turned into wasteland.

Although it did not sink, 99% of the countries in the world could hardly withstand such an attack.

The most important thing is that the thing can launch a long-range attack from the mainland, which is the most daunting and terrifying thing.

It's like the war hasn't started yet? Others directly enlarged it at home and wiped out the army. What a fart!

How can it not be frightening that the King of Heberfil, who is already powerful, has now developed such a weapon.

The emotion of fear swept the whole world like a storm, and the world called it the "Heberfil Sin Missile".

A small missile can destroy an island, and everything on the island ceases to exist, leaving countless people sleepless all night.

The Kingdom of Heberfil is also called a mad country by the world.

How can such a ruthless weapon be created without a bit of madness?

Red Earth Continent, Pangu City!

The five elders of "Between Powers" are standing or sitting, and everyone looks a little serious, with their eyes firmly fixed on the screen in front of them.

The scene is very dull and depressing.

The screen is playing the scene of the explosion of the missile weapons of the Heberfil family.

Saint Wouchuri, leaning on his crutches, said gloomily.

"The Kingdom of Heberfil has developed such a ruthless weapon, which is unforgivable."

The performance of the Heberfil family over the years has been too dazzling, from the Roger era to the current Four Emperors era.

What happened during this period of time has always given the world a strong shock.

It must be mentioned that they are actually deeply afraid.

The outside world is not particularly clear about the current strength of the Heberfil Kingdom, but they, as the controllers behind the world, are very clear.

The World Government seems to be in a passive and weird atmosphere facing the Heberfil Family.

It is simply incredible. The most important thing is that they have never taken pirates seriously.

Except for the person who can inherit the will of the first pirate that appeared in the world 800 years ago.

The pirate group that has never been their primary target has now become a behemoth that can shake the world.

A weapon can actually influence the situation in the world to a certain extent.

The threat brought by the other party's missile is really amazing.

As many people think, this is a unique pirate group.

Whether it is the Rocks Pirates, the Roger Pirates, or the Golden Lion Pirates, or the Whitebeard Pirates...

There are many pirates in the world, and none of these former and current pirate groups can be compared with the Heberfil Pirate Family.

This force is far beyond the past. Maybe there is a possibility that it will gradually develop like the huge kingdom 800 years ago.

The Heberfil family is really different from any previous force.

Not only is it powerful in military force, but it is also very smart and good at business. How can they not see the intention behind the other party?

To be clear, Charlotte's goal has been achieved, and they finally began to look down to the "lower world".

The authority of the world government has been greatly questioned, and many world member states are seeking their help.

However, facing such a situation, they are also somewhat helpless.

Except for Lord Yim, they can't use that weapon at all.

Especially now that the countdown to the predicted time has begun, Lord Yim is about to wake up.

At that time, Yim will make his own decision on how to deal with the Heberfil Kingdom. Now he needs to figure out the principles, limitations and other issues of the other party's weapons.

Saint Satan held his crutches with both hands, wearing a black flat hat, and his hands couldn't help but tighten the crutches in his hands and said in a deep voice.

"We need specific information about that weapon."

The emergence of missiles may even change the world's war situation.

As the god of scientific defense, he is naturally very concerned about this thing. Although its power is not as good as ancient weapons, it should not be underestimated in terms of results.

The most important thing is that this is a weapon that has never existed before.

Because of this weapon, they even have to strengthen the protection of the holy land of Mary Joa.

No one knows whether the missile weapons of the Heberfil family will sneak attack the Red Earth Continent.

This is a fact!

What they have always needed is the balance on the sea to maintain the world government's control over the world.

Now this conventional rule is slowly being broken.

The Heberfil family is getting bigger and bigger, and this result is not what they want to see at all.

The "god" who is high above and has never paid attention to the world has really been noticed by the actions of the Heberfil family at this moment.

The terrible consequences caused by it are a bit unimaginable.

The long-haired and long-bearded Mazi Saint then spoke.

"There is news from the Heberfil Kingdom that they are collecting information about missiles. There should be some clues at present, but it will take some time."

Of course, Saint Maz did not specify the situation here. For example, Rob Lucci, who was originally related to CP9, had already sneaked into the Kingdom of Heberfield.

The person in charge of delivering the information for the time being was Kaku. Even if he said it, no one would care. What they needed was the result.

It doesn't matter if all CP9 are dead, just keep sending people.

Hearing this, the other four five old stars also nodded silently. Although this result cannot be completely accepted, fortunately it only takes a little time.

You must understand the opponent's weapons.

They need this intelligence to deal with the dangers posed by the missiles and some subsequent countermeasures.

The bald man Nashou Langsheng, who was carrying the first Onei Tetsu, leaned sideways and rubbed his chin with one hand.

"How's it going on the Vegapunk side?"

"It would be better to speed up the development of weapons of mass destruction, because it would be too troublesome to use."

Naturally, they knew very well what the things mentioned by Saint Nassurang were.

With a tacit understanding, everyone did not continue to mention that thing.

After all, that weapon was something handed down from that kingdom 800 years ago.

Representing one of the top technological representatives of that country at that time.

"It is under full development. The first generation of pacifist has been developed. It is time to find time for an actual battle."

Saint Satan added.

In fact, he has always noticed a problem, that is, Vegapunk does not seem to be enthusiastic about weapon research and development.

"Then as soon as possible!"

Following Saint Satan's wishes, Saint Nassurang spoke calmly.

"This is no problem, and the thing that imitates the ancient kingdom and can create eternal energy is coming soon!"

Saint Satan continued to speak calmly.

Hearing this, the other Five Old Stars' pupils were obviously shaken, that thing was really going to succeed.

It is definitely a great good thing for them. The powerful weapons they have hidden all this time can be put into use.

"What's the confidentiality and security like there?"

The short-blond Saint Peter asked a key question. There must be no mistakes in the news of such a powerful weapon.

If there had been an accident, it would have been one of the worst events in history.

Saint Satan looked sideways and said, "Admiral Kizaru and naval hero Garp are all sitting in that place."

Then the voice changed.

"If it's not enough, then send more manpower and let the generals go to strengthen the defense there."

Listening to Saint Satan's suggestion, several other Five Old Stars looked thoughtful.

"Who is suitable?"

As the world's leaders on the surface, they naturally have a lot to consider, and the problem of being defensive is not a big one.

Except for the Silberfeller pirate family, the sea is generally in a state of balance.

"How about green cow and tea dolphin?"

Saint Pit slowly spoke out his suggestions. Those two guys were in line with their taste and were very loyal to the Tianlong people.

Several others fully agreed that only obedient guys could gain their trust.

"Yes, then let the Green Ox and the Tea Dolphin go together."

Saint Nassurang spoke up.

"Then let's decide!"

Saint Satan immediately expressed his support, and they must ensure the safety there.

No, to be precise, it should be to protect the safety of that weapon.

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