One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 524 Promise! Seed! History!

It’s 1519 in the Haiyuan calendar!

Since the war between the old and new emperors, the red-haired pirates have been constantly adventuring, and during this period they have naturally determined their territory.

New world, Elbaf sea area.

A group of powerful and unruly pirates looked at the super tree that was rare in this world.

The vast and boundless huge tree canopy breaks into the clouds high in the sky, casting large shadows, blocking the sky and the sun.

The leader is none other than the red-haired Shanks.

He stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the giant tree in the distance, and couldn't help but be a little shocked.

The sacred tree Adam is truly a rare sacred tree in this world!

The reason why the red-haired pirates came here was naturally to make a promise.

After unfortunately losing the battle with Charlotte, Charlotte also made a request.

That is, they need to find a seed of the divine tree Adam for him.

As for the location of the seeds, it is naturally Elbaf, the legendary hometown of the giants.

They also spent a lot of energy to find Elbaf's eternal pointer before arriving here.

The flag with a skull with three scars flying high heralds the arrival of the Fifth Emperor's red-haired pirates to this continent.

Over this period of time, the red-haired pirates continued to take risks and fights. Not only did the bounties increase crazily, but their strength also improved a lot.

The same cannot be said.

Red-haired Shanks, who has bright red hair and a sword at his waist, is smiling all over his face.

Ben Beckman, who had black hair tied into a ponytail and held a revolver, poked his scalp with the gun.

"Shanks, are we really going to enter Elbaf?"

Elbaf is extremely repulsive to the outside world, and entering it with such arrogance can easily trigger a fight.

It’s hard to say what will happen if a force that doesn’t know its depth comes in recklessly?

Red-haired Shanks held the handle of Griffin's knife at his waist with one hand and said calmly.

"Well, it's decided."

Hearing that Ben Beckman did not speak to persuade, the captain decided that they would just accompany him.

The reminder just now came entirely from the responsibility and trust of a partner and the royal deputy.

Shanks' eyes flashed with an inexplicable look, this was the taste of adventure!

Even if it wasn't for that agreement, he still wanted to see this mysterious Elbaf.

In particular, there is actually a road directly to the Sky Island above the sacred tree Adam here.

Known as the "Road to the West".

However, he did not go to Sky Island from that route.

“I can’t wait for the adventure.”

The big fat man, Lucky Lu, bit into the barbecue in his hand, showing his white teeth and looking excited.

Adventure and food are his favorites!

"Raqi Lu, I can't stop your mouth even if I eat it!"

The curly-haired sniper Jesus Bu, holding his sniper rifle, spoke mercilessly.

"Tch, doesn't Jesus Bu want to do that too?"

Lucky Lu spoke carelessly while biting the meat.

We are all guys who are passionate about adventure at heart, and Jesus Bu can't deceive him no matter what he thinks.

Jesus Bu was not angry after being mercilessly exposed by Lucky Lu.

Shanks shook his shoulders, and then laughed boldly.

"Brothers, let's go Elbaf!"


Everyone in the red-haired pirate group cheered in response, and the ship quickly set off towards the Elbaf continent.

That must be a wonderful adventure!

Two months later!

Ratti Island Office!

Charlotte looked at the report in the newspaper and chuckled.

[The fifth emperor of the sea, Red-haired Shanks discussed with the giant prince Loki in Elbafu and reached an alliance. Elbafu became the territory of Red-haired Shanks...]

To be honest, regarding Morgans' report this time, Charlotte had to say that the guy's intelligence speed was top-notch.

The giant prince Loki can spar with Shanks, and Charlotte has already obtained relevant information from Chichia.

And from an intelligence point of view.

It is very likely that the two sides ended up in a draw.

This has to make people imagine, the power of the giant family is really extraordinary.

He didn't know whether Shanks was going all out, but it had no effect on him.

It is enough that there is no conflict of interest between Elbaf and Heberfil, the two most powerful kingdoms in the world.

Charlotte didn't care about other things. Whether the fight between the two was fair or not had little to do with him.

What he is most concerned about now is whether the other party can bring back the seeds of Adam, the sacred tree that he has longed for?

There is no doubt about the role of the seeds of the divine tree Adam on the continent of Heberphele.

But he should soon know all the answers, because he received news that red-haired Shanks had already left Elbaf.

Coming towards the Kingdom of Heberphele.

at the same time!

On the boundless vast ocean, the red-haired pirates' ship, the Red Firth, rode the wind and waves and advanced rapidly.

"Shanks, we are almost arriving at the Kingdom of Silberfeller."

Ben Beckman held his cigarette in his mouth, exhaled a trace of smoke, and spoke in a slightly deep voice.

After continuous sailing from Elbaf, they finally appeared in the waters near Heberfeller.

"It's really tiring! After this time, we will go back to Donghai and have a good rest."

Shanks seemed to have thought of something, with a smile on his face.

"You can see that little guy again."

Ben Beckman's calm face also had a rare hint of softness.

Soon the Red Firth successfully arrived in the waters of Silberfeller.

"what is that?"

The red-haired pirates looked stunned for a while. They were not like this when they came before!

The entire nearby sea area is covered with clouds, thunder is raging wildly, whirlpools in the sea are emerging irregularly, and huge waves are constantly breaking out.

The scene was extremely unusual and astonishing.

It is obvious that any ship that trespasses will be destroyed by the extreme force of nature.

Is this also some of the methods of the Hiberfield family?

Just when they were stunned and confused.

A giant dragon appeared high in the sky and kept circling, making a shocking roar that attracted everyone's attention.

The next second, a figure landed steadily on the deck of the Red Firth.

The person who came was none other than Admiral Pand, the Shura King of the Heberfiler Family.

"Shanks, long time no see."

Pande said hello.

The other party is one of the Five Emperors of the Sea and an old acquaintance, so it is normal for him to pick him up in person.

Shanks also said cheerfully, "Long time no see, Pande."

"Let's go! I'll take you in."

Under Pande's guidance, everyone quickly moved forward along the safe route.

"Pander, is this fixed extreme weather also the work of your family?"

Shanks asked curiously.

"Well, this is the Shield of Silberfeller. Its purpose is to use extreme weather to block malicious enemies. Only the correct route can successfully reach the Silberfeller continent."

Sure enough, everyone couldn't help but feel horrified upon hearing Pan De's introduction.

The mysterious Heberfiler family always has amazing methods that surprise the world.

Everyone looked at the violent extreme area outside the safe route. This is really a big deal!

No one knows how the Hiberfield family did it?

It’s really unbelievable!

Soon, the Red Firth arrived at the first pass, the border outpost!

The defensive fortress built with an entire border island as its core is shocking and huge.

Great and extremely great!

Standing before us, even the Red Firth looks small.

"Only through the Gate of Justice in Heberfeld can you continue to the Mainland of Heberfeld."

Pande spoke softly, while the others remained silent.

The power of the Kingdom of Silberfeller is really more and more frightening the more you look at it.

With Pan De leading the way, there was naturally no inspection of the ship.

Symbolizing the door of justice in Heberfiler, it slowly opened.

The Red Firth passed the first level and moved forward.

Not long after leaving the border outpost fortress, a hazy and huge shadow could be seen in the distance, like a hidden ancient beast.

Needless to say, everyone knows that it should be the world-famous Heberfeld Wall.

Everyone couldn't help but think of the four words "Strongest Defense".

With so many Heberfiler families, their strength and foundation really dwarfed all other forces.

Fortunately, they just prefer to take risks. They don’t envy the methods of the Silberfeller family, not at all...

The power of the Kingdom of Silberfeller is clearly reflected at this moment. How powerful it is to constantly refresh the world's understanding.

Create all kinds of incomprehensible miracles!

Finally, the Red Voss arrived at the last hurdle on the Silberfeller continent.

The spectacular and magnificent triumphal arches are arranged in a row to form a straight passage.

The Arc de Triomphe is engraved with a large number of emblems of the Hiberfield family.

And here is an independent family technology - Skytop!

Once you forcefully break through, you will definitely suffer automatic counterattack from Cangqiongyunding.


There was a loud noise, and a powerful thunder beam burst out from the Arc de Triomphe, shooting down a huge bird.

The red-haired pirates were confused and couldn't understand anything.

"Don't be surprised. As long as you pass through normally, you won't be subject to automatic attacks by the defense system here."

Such an exaggerated and tight defense is astonishing.

The steady and deep Ben Beckman couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

Lucky Lu stared, opened his mouth, and couldn't help but speak aloud.

Others also nodded secretly, it was more than an exaggeration!

It was simply outrageous that his mother opened the door for his outrageous father. It was so outrageous!

There has probably never been such a perverted defense in the entire history of the pirate world!

Impel Down City, Judiciary Island, Holy Land Marie Joa... Simply comparing the defense strength and level are not enough!

The Hiberfield family who did this kind of thing are all perverts, a bunch of perverts!

Whoever a good person figured out such a defense system, even if the peak combat power on the sea comes, he will lose a few teeth!

It doesn't leave any chance for the enemy to survive, and it's hard to figure out how many methods there are behind the scenes.

The most important thing is that the Hiberfield family is surprisingly powerful and martial.

Where are the ways for other forces to survive here!

It feels like someone who is not in the same world, nothing but shock.

Fortunately, I was shocked, and the whole journey was very smooth and unimpeded.

In the office!

Charlotte and red-haired Shanks sat opposite each other, while the others were arranged to rest.

"Teacher Charlotte, it's been a long time since I last saw you."

The voice of red-haired Shanks sounded in the quiet office.

Husky and magnetic, with an indescribable charm, Shanks also began to show his unique charm.

"It's amazing how time flies and how much you grow."

Charlotte tilted her head and spoke calmly. The relationship between the two did not need to be kept secret.

Just say whatever you have?

But facing Charlotte, Shanks put aside his usual unruliness and looked very humble.

"Teacher Charlotte's ability to laugh is far worse than yours."

Shanks recognized Charlotte's strength from the bottom of his heart, especially in this meeting, he could sense that Charlotte had become stronger again.

The strong vitality is the most obvious, just like a blazing flame in the dark night.

Eye-catching, gorgeous...

The person in front of him is the real monster!

"How modest, Shanks."

Charlotte had a warm expression on her face. Not only was Shanks' talent amazing, but the opponent's extraordinary bloodline bonus was also a factor that couldn't be ignored.

In the world of pirates, the bonuses brought by powerful bloodline are completely different.

The most obvious one is the three generations of Monkey D. Cap.

From the navy hero Monchi D. Garp to the leader of the Revolutionary Army Monchi D. Dragon to the future Pirate King Monchi D. Luffy.

This family occupies the top three positions in the pirate world, especially the son of destiny - Wang Luffy, who has an unlimited future.

To say that there is no bloodline blessing, he doesn't believe it.

Take a look at the other descendants of strong men, they are not weak, such as Katakuri, Yamato, Ace...

"Teacher, I brought the seeds you asked for."

Shanks spoke, bringing Charlotte back from his thoughts.

Charlotte was not surprised by his words. After all, he had already received the information, and Shanks was a person who kept his promises.

Charlotte looked at the box containing the seeds of the divine tree Adam, and laughed happily without making any attempt to hide it.

"It's really hard work, Shanks."

Shanks shook his head.

"Teacher Charlotte, I will keep your kindness in my heart, and this thing is also the promise I made after losing, but I can't repay your kindness."

It is difficult to explain clearly in one sentence or two the kindness of preaching and teaching, which affects a lifetime.

Just like he himself was deeply influenced by Captain Roger, he achieved such terrifying swordsmanship as "God's Avoidance".

However, he could no longer repay his kindness to Roger. He could only take Captain Roger's will to find the person with the same will.

Fortunately, he found it!

"Although you have changed a lot, your temperament remains as original as ever, which is rare!"

Charlotte was naturally aware of Shanks's mood, but that emotion was not an evil thought.

He probably thought of something that concerned him.

Charlotte didn't inquire, but looked at the seed.

Now that he has obtained the seed that he has been thinking about for many years, the Silberfeller continent will finally be completely integrated into a whole.

The last hidden danger in the Silberfeller Continent is about to be resolved.

Shanks looked at Charlotte, and he felt uncomfortable when facing this legend.

It’s time to tell the man in front of me the secret about the [ONE PIECE] left behind by Captain Roger.

He single-handedly created the powerful Kingdom of Heberfeld, the founder of the ideal land, and the overlord who shocked the world.

Shanksfan knew Charlotte very well and knew what he was like.

The legendary achievements of Silberfeller Charlotte in this life are extremely amazing, but what is more important is the behavior of a strong man who respects life extremely.

This is what makes people even more admirable.


Shanks shouted softly, attracting Charlotte's attention.

Looking at Shanks who suddenly looked cautious, Charlotte tilted her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shanks breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I once visited Mr. Rayleigh and talked a lot."

Visit Raleigh?

Charlotte was a little confused. Is there any necessary relationship? also raised separately.

As he reacted rationally immediately, there was no doubt that Shanks' mention of Rayleigh so solemnly could not be unintentional.

The two parties not only reminisced about old times, but also probably shared some great secrets.

Rayleigh followed Roger to the final island of Rafdru and learned all the secrets of the world.

There was already a vague guess in his mind that Shanks was going to say something about [ONE PIECE].

"Say it!"

Charlotte said calmly, if it was really about [ONE PIECE], for him now, there would be nothing to be taboo about.

The World Government and the Kingdom of Heberfeld have long been in a hostile relationship, and they will fight whether they know it or not, so it doesn't matter.

"Teacher, what do you think about [ONE PIECE]?"

Hearing Shanks mention [ONE PIECE], Charlotte understood that he was right.

As for your opinion? He really didn't, so he shook his head, "I don't have any opinion!"

Shanks was not surprised by Charlotte's answer, because from what he knew, Charlotte had never been interested in the great secret treasure [ONE PIECE].

Coupled with what the other party has done, [ONE PIECE] is actually of no use to the person in front of him.

However, the situation was very dangerous, so he had to say this as a reminder to let Charlotte be careful.

Because the philosophy of the Heberfil family is consistent with that of Joyboy, and what they do is similar.

Joyboy wants to connect the entire world and create an ideal world.

These two philosophies coincide, and the world government will definitely take action against the Heberfil family.

Shanks is very sure.

"Mr. Rayleigh told me that the secret of the great treasure is actually about the history of a blank hundred years, the D family..."

Charlotte did not have too many emotional fluctuations, and this was not a big secret for him.

"I believe that with your vision and the preparations of the Heberfil family, you have already understood something."

Shanks spoke sincerely.

Charlotte smiled and did not say anything else. He also had only a vague understanding, and if someone could solve the doubts, he would not have to guess.

Just listen.

Seeing this, Shanks did not hesitate and slowly spoke for Charlotte.

After a long time, Charlotte looked thoughtful and shocked.

Today he got a lot of information from Shanks that he did not know.

First, Joyboy has the blood of the giants, which is one of the reasons why the giants regard him as the sun god.

Second, the huge kingdom established by Joyboy inherited a more ancient civilization.

This kind of civilization came from the race of the moon, because their technological civilization allowed Joyboy to establish a huge kingdom.

Third, the Lunaria tribe, the Shandia tribe, and the Sky Island people are all the survivors of the moon.

Fourth, Elbaf, Wano Country, Shuixianxing Island, and Raftel were originally a whole continent, existing as a whole.

They are all part of the entire huge kingdom, because the war completely divided them and Raftel is actually the capital of the huge kingdom.

Fifth, the so-called "D" tribe is the two wills evolved in the huge kingdom.

One will is represented by Joyboy, symbolizing the will of peace, freedom, and liberation, which allows the general public to release it.

The other will is to conquer the world with powerful force to achieve peace, become the king of the world and control the world, so no matter how many sacrifices are made, they are willing to do so.

Therefore, the two concepts broke out into a fight.

This is also the direct cause of the disappearance of the giant kingdom.

In order to prevent this concept from disappearing, the people who inherited Joy Boy's will voluntarily added the name "D" to their names.

Sixth, Im is actually another "D" will representing the concept of "King of the World". In order to achieve his goal, he launched a war and destroyed most of the world.

In order to cover up his cruel butcher-like methods and the name of a traitor who united with external forces.

Im chose to erase history, suppress, and eliminate the "D" clan.

Charlotte was naturally shocked. He didn't expect it to be so complicated.

Joy Boy has the blood of the giants, which is actually the source of the Bakani clan.

This is also the reason why the World Government killed Bartholomew Kuma.

The "D" clan originated from the ideological dispute between Joy Boy and Im.

Just like Monkey D. Luffy represents Joy Boy's D belief in liberation, peace, and freedom.

On the contrary, Marshall D. Teach represents Im's D belief in "King of the World".

I have to say that the truth is indeed somewhat shocking.

Even Charlotte had to take a break from this explosive information.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, the Utopia plan was repeatedly jumping around in the minefield of the World Government.

If the other party had not been paying attention to the Nika Fruit, the Heberfil family would have suffered a blow long ago.

Come to think of it, it's really lucky?

However, I'm sorry, now the offense and defense have changed, even if they find it, it won't be of much use.

The developed Heberfil family has enough confidence to deal with all challenges.

Charlotte looked at Shanks.

"Shanks, you really brought an incredible secret!"

Shanks listened to Charlotte's words and could hear that Charlotte only sighed, as if he had been mentally prepared for the threat of the World Government.

This feeling is very strange.

Although a little puzzled, Shanks did not ask the reason. In his opinion, it is more likely that the Heberfil family obtained some information while secretly studying the historical text.

It made Charlotte alert early.

He knew that the Heberfil family had a historian, although he could not know all the history of the blank hundred years.

But there was no problem in knowing part of it.

From the other party's preparations, Shanks felt that his guess was almost right.

The man in front of him was indeed a legendary person. Although he was not the Pirate King, he was comparable to the name of the Pirate King.

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