One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 528 of Chapter 537 The beginning of the sea king's fall from the altar

Although the National Expo is over, the subsequent impact of the Kingdom of Heberfil on the world is huge.

The world was strongly shocked by the high-profile display of the Kingdom of Heberfil's military strength!

The nine knight orders, some are well-known and some are newly established and not well-known, but no one doubts that they are just troops to make up the numbers.

The reputation, status, and achievements of the knight orders that have been active on the sea for the longest time... are all obvious to all.

And throughout the process, the Kingdom of Heberfil has a large number of mighty and majestic armies.

Although the number of such troops cannot be compared with the size of the navy, from the overall quality point of view, it is obviously exceeded.

And all kinds of new and different new weapons that people can't understand are even more impacting the world's cognition.

Chariots made of steel, modified mechanical beasts, various powerful flying mounts, high-precision artillery...

"Maybe this is the world's number one power!"

"Yes, the real world's number one power should be like this!"

"Heberfil is the world's number one military power!!!"

On the sea, countless people exclaimed in their hearts.

The giant Elbaf Kingdom is just a distant legend for ordinary people, but the amazing military strength displayed by the Heberfil Kingdom in front of them deeply shocked everyone.

In addition, the many legends created by the Heberfil family itself have a far-reaching impact.

The Battle of Edwo, the capture of Impel Down, the invasion of the Holy Land Marijoa, the crushing of the navy's invasion of the New World...

Such legends and strengths are obvious to all and have strong persuasiveness.

The strength of the giant Elbaf is mostly due to the unique and powerful advantages of the giants.

In recent years, there has been no major event that is worthy of surprise and shock to the world, so it naturally lacks credibility.

Heberfil, the world's first military power, was born.

Eight months later!

"Charlotte, something has happened within the Whitebeard Pirates."

Lina said to Charlotte who was drinking red wine.

As soon as the word "change" came out, Charlotte's face changed slightly.

"Did someone betray?"

Charlotte spoke uncertainly, because he had reminded Phoenix Marco at the last National Expo.

"Yes, Marshall Teach killed his companions, stole the Dark-Dark Fruit and defected from the Whitebeard Pirates."

To be honest, Lina had never thought of such a bad thing. Traitors are the most despicable existence.

It is impossible for a traitor to defect to other royal groups, unless...

Lina's eyes flickered, and she didn't quite believe that the somewhat wretched guy would have such a big ambition.

Charlotte's expression changed after all. Is that thing finally going to happen?

An unavoidable disaster is about to occur, and the changes in the world will completely accelerate the process to madness.

Especially for Blackbeard Teach's special body structure, he also knew from Marco.

It is because of the extremely unique body structure formed by Blackbeard Teach's special bloodline.

The guy with three hearts is like a magical creature like an octopus.

The heart stores the human soul, while the devil fruit is hosted in the human soul.

There is no doubt that Blackbeard has two other unknown souls besides his own soul.

So this is why the other party can have multiple devil fruit powers in the world.

Blackbeard is indeed a tricky guy and Whitebeard is also an extremely stubborn old man!

Charlotte knows very well that no one realizes the seriousness of the problem.

It is very likely that Marco did not tell Whitebeard his warning or even if Marco reminded Whitebeard, the old man would not take it to heart.

Whitebeard Newgate has been traversing the sea all his life and has faced countless challenges. Pirates who try to challenge his position have almost all failed.

This huge reputation and invincible style that have accumulated over time have made many people accustomed to it, and any enemy will surely die.

No one is optimistic about the unknown Blackbeard.

What qualifications and abilities does a traitor have to compete with the New World Royal Group that is so powerful?

Think about it, the first impression is that it is impossible!

This is the first subjective first thought of people, which is understandable, and this is also the common view of most people.

Although Lina despised Blackbeard Teach in her heart, she had some bad thoughts inexplicably when she saw Charlotte's appearance.

"Charlotte... do you think Blackbeard can really get rid of the pursuit of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Charlotte looked up at Lina, nodded decisively and firmly, and said meaningfully.

"You all underestimated that guy!"

A person who resolutely lurked in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than ten years for the plan in his heart.

Just talking about this kind of forbearance, how many people can do it.

This kind of ruthlessness that does whatever it takes to achieve the goal is not only ruthless to oneself, but also to the enemy.

"Could it be that the guy really wants to set up his own business!"

Lina got an uncertain answer through Charlotte's judgment and the guess that she just thought was incredible.

Charlotte did not give an answer. It was obvious that he knew very well that the other party not only succeeded but also became the culprit who successfully buried the Whitebeard Pirates.

How could Lina, who had been with him for many years, not know Charlotte's attitude?

This was a disguised admission, and Lina found it incredible because such a thing had never happened before.

If the traitors are not eliminated, the impact on the imperial group is unimaginable. The greedy guys will be keenly aware that this is a sign of decline.

"What should we do then?"

Lina looked at Charlotte and asked about the next plan.

"Let's wait and see for the time being, send some people to secretly pay attention to Blackbeard's movements!"

Charlotte spoke silently.

He knew very well that it was an internal dispute of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even if the relationship between the two sides is good, they can't do anything?

His intervention is most likely not only unacceptable to the other party, but also misunderstood that the Heberfil family has some intentions.

Even if Whitebeard agrees, his large group of godsons will not agree.

This is a surrender to another equal imperial group. When they reach such a position, they value reputation.


Lina nodded, then turned and left to inform Charlotte of the order.

Looking at Lina who was leaving, Charlotte rubbed his swollen temples.

The end of the Whitebeard Pirates will also open the prelude to the fall of the sea emperor from the altar.

The sea is about to enter a new round of fury, and the world will also enter a new round of reshuffle.

Whether the Kingdom of Heberfield can continue to gloriously and firmly continue the legend, this will be the last road full of challenges and tests.


The flint of the golden lighter flashed sparks and burned the flames, emitting a bright and dim color, and lit the cigarette.


Exhaling a wisp of smoke, Charlotte's messy thoughts finally calmed down.

He needs to consider the worst outcome.

The war on the top broke out, so what should the Heberfield family do? Only in this way can the interests be maximized and the overall strength be enhanced.

Accumulate strength for the final battle of the end.

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