One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 530 The fuse of the imbalance of power in the sea

Chapter 530 The fuse of the imbalance of power in the sea...

On Sphinx Island, within a few days of Charlotte's departure, the latest and worst news came.

"Dad, Blackbeard handed Ace over to the Navy, and now he is about to execute Ace!"

Marco's eyes were gloomy, and everyone hated the traitor Blackbeard Teach with gnashing teeth.

Such a bastard's behavior was despised by everyone who had once been his companions.

Killing his family and defecting, and then arresting his companions for trading again, becoming a Shichibukai under the king, and being a running dog of the World Government.


Whitebeard was silent, without any anger on his face, but asked the question he cared about most.

"When will Ace be executed? Where?"

Phoenix Marco blurted out, "July 12, 1520, Sea Circle Calendar, Marine Headquarters Marinford."

It is obvious that the Marine Headquarters Marinford has put everyone under unprecedented pressure.

That is one of the most dangerous places in the world today. Needless to say, it will be a tough battle.

You must know that the navy is very strong now, super strong.

"There is still a month and a half!"

Whitebeard murmured in a low voice, then picked up the huge wine bowl in front of him and drank it all.

The next moment, with a loud "bang", the heavy wine bowl fell to the ground.

Then he grabbed the weapon "Kuromoku" beside him, and slowly stood up with various medical pendants hanging on his body.

This majestic figure made everyone excited again. As long as Dad is there, what can Marinford, a dangerous place, do?

In battle after battle, Whitebeard led them to kill, and this time will definitely be the same!

"Notify all the squads belonging to the Whitebeard Pirates, and all the captains should come to Sphinx Island to gather."

Whitebeard Newgate's sonorous figure sounded, and his huge body was full of oppression.

"Yes, Dad!"

Phoenix Mal nodded and quickly arranged people to notify.

At this moment, a pirate ran over, "Dad, there's another person from the Heberfil family."


"Bring them here!"

Although Whitebeard was a little surprised, he still spoke.

Soon, a man and a woman appeared. They were the two most famous doctors of the Heberfil family.

The goddess of life Gillian and the surgeon of death Trafalgar Law.

As Whitebeard's doctor, Marco immediately understood Charlotte's arrangement and quickly sent everyone away to prepare the next war supplies.

After all, Whitebeard's father's physical condition was not optimistic.

Whitebeard did not stop Marco's arrangement, and other members did not doubt Marco's words.

Soon, the lively scene became deserted.

"Captain Whitebeard!"

Gillian and Law spoke and looked at Whitebeard.

"Why, that kid is worried about my health, is he a little underestimated by the old man?"

Whitebeard spoke lightly, intimidating without anger.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Law spoke calmly.

"Captain Whitebeard, Boss Charlotte asked us to bring you a message."

"Say it!"

Whitebeard's powerful aura emerged spontaneously, and Luo said fearlessly.

"If you want to rescue your cherished family, you must also accept the kind help of others!"

He admired Luo, a rising star, for being able to answer calmly in front of him.

This courage is extraordinary. The rising star of the Heberfil family is so outstanding that it is enviable.

Marco agreed with his face. He knew too well the old man's aging body.

Especially the navy is very strong. The two candidates for the admiral of the navy, Fujitora Ichisho and Green Bull Aramaki, are super combat forces that can rival the admiral.

There is no room for carelessness.

The two doctors on the opposite side are very powerful. Maybe they really have a way. At least, they can't let their father go to the battle with such a body now.

"Then I'll trouble you two."

Marco spoke quickly, fearing that Whitebeard would refuse.

Whitebeard glanced at Marco and said nothing more. This son, one of his most valued ones, has always been very steady in doing things.

It is conceivable that he was in a panic when he was able to break his defense like this today.

When facing Marco's gaze, Whitebeard sighed.

"Then... let's try it!"



The Navy Headquarters announced to the world the time and place of execution of Ace, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It immediately triggered a storm of public opinion on the sea.

Whether the Whitebeard Pirates will rescue their families is a question that makes the spectators from all sides entangled.

After all, people with discerning eyes know very well that the Navy is doing this to solve the problem once and for all.

Heberfield Continent, Lati Royal City!

Charlotte looked at various related reports and shook his head slightly.

Blackbeard gave a good hand, and the Navy Marshal Sengoku directly seized the opportunity and prepared to take action against the weakened Whitebeard Pirates.

Charlotte knew very well that Sengoku and Whitebeard, as opponents for many years, knew each other best.

The biggest disadvantage of all the imperial groups is that once the core captain has problems, the huge pirate group is likely to be destroyed.

In addition, the current strength of the navy is very strong, and the mandatory recruitment of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is also the key to the implementation of the navy's plan.

As long as one emperor is defeated in this battle, the impact can be imagined.

Charlotte couldn't stop it, so he could only go with the flow and think silently.

He had already provided help to Whitebeard, although he thought the final outcome was difficult to change.

But this time, as long as he could severely damage the navy, his goal would be achieved.

As the minions of the World Government, the Navy had a great influence in the final battle.

He didn't want to gamble on whether he could really instigate the navy and give the World Government a counterattack.

Now that there was such an opportunity, he naturally couldn't let it go.

He needed to weaken the power of the Navy Headquarters.

"Charlotte, what should we do next?"

Lina asked Charlotte, who was silent. She knew very well that Charlotte would definitely take action, but she didn't know how to do it.

"Well, there's no rush to send people to collect information for the time being. As long as the Whitebeard Pirates disappear in the New World, notify me."

Lina nodded and did it immediately.

Charlotte sat calmly on the sofa, waiting for the opportunity to enter.

He needed to obtain the greatest benefits as much as possible and consolidate the foundation and power of the Heberfil family.

The heavy blow to the Whitebeard Pirates will directly open the prelude to the successive fall of the Sea Kings and the New World will be completely out of control.

Then the Navy can march straight into the entire New World, and the threat will increase rapidly.

The World Government and the Navy will completely suppress the huge threat to the Kingdom of Heberfel.

So in this process, how he does it and how he does it will have a huge impact in the future.

He must gain enough benefits when the situation is out of control.

The traitor Blackbeard, the stubborn Whitebeard, the Navy who seized the opportunity... Many factors contributed to this peak battle.

The clever opportunity of the war on the top really became the fuse for the imbalance of the power of the sea.

Charlotte's eyes were deep.

His plan had to be fully accelerated, but it was a pity that the fusion furnace studied by Vegapunk had not been successful.

Otherwise, this would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

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