One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 541 The most vicious pirate group in history

The name of Whitebeard Edward Newgate is clearly engraved on the huge raised earth mound and the high cross tombstone.

Charlotte sat in front of the tombstone, her black hair dancing in the breeze.

At this moment, he felt an indescribable feeling as he looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar cemetery.

This kind and righteous man's selfless love for his family is impressive.

"Old guy, have you really made a good calculation?"

Charlotte seemed to be complaining and recalling the other person.

Whitebeard had the consciousness of dying in battle early on, and for this reason he left an order to move the people of his hometown to the continent of Heberfeld.

And this cemetery also comes from the soil of his hometown.

In this regard, Charlotte did not refuse and let nature take its course.

"Old guy, you are really amazing? You have lit a fire for the great pirate era again!"

Charlotte murmured in a low voice, thinking of the scene when the two met for the first time, many years passed in a flash.

One represents the perfect end of the remnants of the old era, while the other represents the triumphant advancement of the king of the old era.

Charlotte thought a lot and said a lot.

It can be said that Charlotte and Whitebeard are actually very similar.

They came from loneliness, fought all over the world, had countless families, and continued to move forward with everyone's hopes on their shoulders, forming the most unique journey.

It was precisely because of this that he understood Whitebeard's seemingly stupid choice and his determination to try even though he knew it was a trap.

This is the living world.

Everyone’s persistence and character make this world a more exciting place.

"You've been tired for a lifetime, it's time to take a good rest, old guy!"

Charlotte stood up and poured Whitebeard's favorite wine in front of the other party's grave.

At this moment, two figures also appeared here.

The visitors were none other than Zefa and the former navy admiral Qing Zhi.

"Your Majesty, you are really nostalgic!"

Zefa looked at Charlotte, who had her back turned to him, and spoke slowly.

For the man in front of you, the more you get in touch with him, the more you can feel his pure and delicate heart.

Fighting is inevitable, and fighting for the beliefs you insist on is a very handsome thing for men.

"Zefa really has everything on his plate!"

Charlotte, who turned around, looked at Zefa and said half-jokingly.

Seeing Qing Pheasant appear here, Charlotte was not surprised at all.

It was obvious that one of the opponent's legs had been completely broken in the battle, and ice formed a leg, which showed how dangerous that kind of battle was.

However, it is very convenient that the natural style can be elementalized. The long-leg pants can completely cover it up without any changes.

As for the other party's arrival, he already knew it.

He has received information since Qingzhi arrived on the Silberfeller Continent. For this cold-faced and warm-hearted guy, he is not worried about the other party doing evil.

"Aoji, is it a pleasant trip alone?"

Aoki, who was wearing black disc sunglasses, pushed up his glasses gently.

"Very happy!"

He has been heading here since he left the navy, wanting to see the huge kingdom of Heberfil with his own eyes.

When he actually arrived, he discovered how happy this country was, which also had a huge impact on him who was confused.

Especially the person in front of him, his usual behavior is completely different from that in external battles.

"How about it? Do you want to join the Kingdom of Heberfil?"

Faced with such a direct invitation from Charlotte, Qing Pheasant was slightly stunned.

"What? Aren't you afraid that I am a spy for the Navy?"

Charlotte shook her head, "If you think that continuing to be loyal to the World Government is the justice you still insist on, then forget that I didn't say it."

Justice for world government?

Qingzhi fell into deep thought, and he was troubled by the actions of the world government.

He firmly believes that the justice in the hearts of many marines is the justice that should be there. What is the justice of the world government?

The naval soldiers risk their lives in battle on the battlefield, but they are the bargaining chip used by the World Government to shake hands and make peace.

For such a world government, Aokiji is filled with disappointment.

He glanced at Zefa who was silent and seemed to have made up his mind. He hesitated for a moment and looked at Charlotte.

"I...want to join the Kingdom of Heberfil!"

In response to Qingzhi's answer, Charlotte showed a sincere smile.

"That's really a great honor. Welcome to join Qing Pheasant."

Charlotte stretched out her hand, and Qing Zhi looked at the cheerful Charlotte who also stretched out her hands and shook them together.

It can be said that the joining of the former Navy Admiral Aokiji will greatly enhance the reputation and strength of the entire Kingdom of Heberfil.

Coupled with the addition of Marco and others, the Silberfeller family is about to receive an epic level of strengthening.

With the addition of former Navy Admiral Aokiji and Phoenix Marco and others.

There were turbulent waves on the sea, making countless people feel frightened.

The strong addition of two top masters turned the original four kings of the Silberfeller family into six kings.

G1 Navy Headquarters!

Today's Navy Headquarters has advanced into the new world under the leadership of Admiral Akainu.

A new naval headquarters was formed in G1.

In the marshal's office!

Akainu roared as hot lava erupted from his fist and hit the table.


Furious, Kizaru in the room curled his lips and looked terrible, but his solemn expression was visible at a glance.

“It’s really unpredictably unsettling~”

The addition of the former Navy Admiral Aokiji and the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates made the already terrifying Hiberfield family even more terrifying.

The corner of the mouth of the admiral Green Bull twitched slightly. The combat power of the six kings of the Kingdom of Heberfeller!

It was really jaw-dropping. This made him doubt whether the navy was still safe?

Vice Admiral Tsuru also looked gloomy.

The devil king - Barrett!

The thunder king - Jin!

The giant beast king - Beta!

The Shura king - Pande!

In addition to the two kings now.

The ice king - Aokiji!

The immortal king - Marco!

This is the combat power of six admirals and above.

In addition to the combat power of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The six saints, the saint's disciple Mitis, the death disciple Hariri, the sword disciple Chizang, the tiger's disciple Sammy, the gun disciple Wink, the dragon's disciple Gureya.

There are also Zephyr, Fishman Jinbei, Fire Fist Ace, Flower Sword Vista, Diamond Joz, Boa Hancock, Ginny and others.

This does not include the death surgeon Law, Yamato, and others.

In addition, there are countless powerful fighters who are comparable to or even superior to the veteran vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

Finally, there are Charlotte and Redfield, the strongest fighters in the Kingdom of Heberfield.

It can be said that the current navy of the Kingdom of Heberfield cannot match it at all.

The gap is too big, so big that it makes people despair, and the navy even has difficulty in moving forward.

As the admiral of the navy of this era, Akainu's pressure can be imagined.

The strength of the Kingdom of Heberfield will definitely be defeated even if the two emperors join forces.

This is a super pirate group that far exceeds the Rocks Pirates, the Golden Lion Pirates, and the Roger Pirates.

The most powerful pirate group in the world was born.

This is the most vicious pirate group in history.

Even Akainu, who is as determined as steel, only feels his head buzzing.

This is the darkest era, the most chaotic era, all because of the existence of the Kingdom of Heberfield.

This is a completely independent era, and its name is the era of Heberfield.

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