One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 420: Fracture surface / ten blades

The devil fruit is ready to transform into a Zanpaku knife! ?

Luffy raised his hand and touched the Zanpaku Knife on Perona's waist.

Perona directly handed the Zanpaku Knife to Luffy's hand.

Black-stalked volume, purple rhombus-shaped shark.

It has a square shape with rounded corners and a spiral pattern of devil fruit.

This pattern is also present on the scabbard.

Draw a knife...

Without hindrance, the Zanpaku Sword was pulled out of the scabbard.

The blade reveals a faint chill, with a sweeping blade pattern.

The whole knife is pulled out, and the weight is slightly lighter than the black knife Qiushui.

"Good knife."

"You said that even if it is dead, the devil fruit will not separate from the body?"

Luffy returned the knife to Perona.

Neyuli glanced at the Zanpaku Knife in Perona's hand.

"Well, it must be impossible to turn back into devil fruit."

"But I don't rule out the other possibility."

"Perhaps the Soul of the Sabre will re-master and reincarnate into the Zanpodao."

Can it still be like this? Interesting.

Luffy stroked his chin.

"Envy, I am also missing a weapon."

"How about I reincarnated once with you?"

Nie Yuli shook his head directly.

"I don't recommend you to do this."

"Your tattoo, I can't guarantee that it will follow you after you reincarnate."

Luffy subconsciously raised his hand to touch his chest.

This thing is really reluctant.

If Dragon Mark and Zhan Po Dao let him choose, he must have chosen Dragon Mark.

"If you really want Zanpakuto, you can buy one at the plane store to play with."

"Shallow hitting A is not expensive."


With a thought, Luffy motioned to ask for Zanpodao.

Perona once again handed the Zanpaku Sword to Luffy's hand speed.

Luffy put it in the storage compartment for identification.

Item name: Zhanpaku knife shallow hit (has been bound).

Item preciousness: SS+.

The degree of danger of the item: ——

Introduction: To be entered.

Producer: self-mutation.


Double S! Plus!

Luffy's eyes became fiery.

He looked at Nirvana again.

"Want to..."

The corners of Nirvana's mouth twitched.

"Don't think about it, my Zanpaku Sword is only S."

Obviously Nirvana had also been identified.

Luffy smiled, "The high level is because my world has been upgraded. The devil fruit has a good foundation, and it shouldn't take you much advantage."

Nirvana does not deny this point.

"Well, indeed."

Luffy's eyes rolled.

"How about that, I'll give you a devil fruit, and you reincarnated yourself? Fusion?"

Nie Yuli was taken aback for a moment and suspiciously said: "You are willing? What kind of devil fruit, I don't want the animal type, unless the Eudemons type."


Lu Fei couldn't help but mocked: "You really are not greedy at all."

"It's not that I don't have Eudemons, but there is a dark fruit."

"The ability to create black holes must be at the bug level."

Nie Yuli raised his hand and rubbed his chin.

"Yo? So willing?"

"Then what do you want? Want to reincarnate too?"

Luffy nodded repeatedly.

Nie Yuli sighed, "Do you want to change only the soul, the dragon pattern is on the body, and you can return to the body after the soul is reincarnated?"

"Then you are very wrong. I am not stingy. After reincarnation, your soul will change due to the rules of this world. I can't fully predict the consequences of this."

"But there is one thing. Your dragon pattern ability should be to recognize the soul before it resides in your body. If your soul has changed, it may treat you as a foreign object and attack you."

Luffy stayed for a while.

Not to mention, this possibility is true.

Isn't the T virus stunned to death?

"That's it."

"I thought it was too simple."

Luffy handed the Zanpaku Knife to Perona's hand.

"Old Nephew, Perona is also your apprentice. Take the time to give pointers."

"By the way, is it also in this list if you want to blur it, or is it another thing?"

Nie Yuli rolled his eyes when Luffy didn't mention the secret fruit.

"Blur, wait until she understands the swastika."

"If you have a conscience, you can do something good. You can't have it."


Luffy thought, and took out the dark fruit.

"My Luffy never treats my friends badly."

"This dark fruit is yours if you want to fuse."

"If you don't merge, then you can use your research."

A smile appeared on Nirvana's face.

"It's not bad."

"But recently I didn't have time to point her. Naraku doesn't have Devil Fruit on her body. She wants to obtain her Soul Cut Blade from the Soul World. I have to send her to the Soul World.

"Perona's practice...Take her to fight against the face."

"Fighting is the best way to find a breakthrough."

This also works.

Alex, who had been frankly listening for a long time, raised his hand weakly.

"That one……"

"I thought about it, I also want to reincarnate into a **** of death."

The voice of speech is getting smaller and smaller.

After finishing speaking, he quickly added: "I am willing to pay any price for this, even if I am treated as a guinea pig!"

Nie Yuli waved his hand with a look of lack of interest.

"Just forget it, you don't have anything I'm interested in."

Alex was instantly discouraged.

"That...that...isn't it okay to give you my world? Just like Xiaoyou gave the world to the group leader."

Nie Yuli squinted his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

The whole person became interested.

"Oh? You want to give me that world? How?"

Alex thought for a while, "You can go to Minecraft to complete world missions, just like the leader of the group."

Luffy stroked his chin.

"Lao Ni, how many people are in your world? Is there seven billion?"

Nie Yuli smiled, "Hehe, seven hundred million is enough, but seven billion."

Alex looked at Luffy for help.

Luffy suggested: "You can go to that world. If you can really complete the world mission and the two worlds merge, the level of all items will be doubled and you will earn blood."

Nie Yuli thought about it seriously.

An extremely appalling spiritual pressure suddenly pressed on everyone.

This coercion is several times stronger than Luffy's perception of breaking face.

So difficult...

Is Ten Blades Coming?

Ten Blades are the ten strongest people in the broken face.

These titles were not born with them, nor were they given by anyone, but they were robbed after fierce battles.

Among them, the top four were all transformed from the Vastod-class Great Void, and the other five were the Akukas-class, a Kylian who had the ability to swallow evolution.

"I'll see who is here."

Luffy turned and rushed outside.


"By the way, I can fight them, right?"

Nie Yuli shrugged, "Go if you want, but be careful of the one called Ya Mi."

Tooth secret!

"Yami Rialgo?"

Nirvana nodded.

"Well, since you know him, I won't say more."

know! Must know!

If the one who is here is Gummi, then the other one must be Ulchiola Sifa!

Ulquiola No. 4.

The tooth density is 10.

But Ya Mi hides his strength, but Ya Mi is actually at Vastod's level.

Can he fight?


These two are equivalent to the four emperors of the world of death.

But he is no longer the one who ran away when he saw Kaido!


The spiritual pressure suddenly rose, and the space trembled unsteadily.

Within a few miles, countless souls emerged from the body and sucked in the same direction.

This is the ability of the tooth dense, the soul sucks!

Soul suction: **** the surrounding souls into the body with the mouth. People with no spiritual pressure and weak spiritual pressure are most likely to be sucked out of their souls, and the lives of those who are sucked out of their souls will also disappear.

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