One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 458: Do you yearn for power? (3rd more seeking subscription)

Scorching flames shot from the ghost island, gliding over the sky of Wano Country.

It exploded violently, and the bombed island shook violently.

"Come on! What's going on outside!"

The first-born girl woke up from her dream.

"Master, I heard that there was a disturbance on the island, so don't go out."

The girl grabbed a long-handled mace beside the bed and rushed out, "Robbery? I'm going to see..."


Before the girl went out, the door was pushed open.

A blood-stained Kuchiki Byakuya-looking Luffy rushed in and stared at the 1.7-meter tall girl.

At the age, the girl looks sixteen or seventeen years old, with an outstanding appearance. She is seven to eighteenths like an adult white star. The waist and Sasuke are tied with a string, and the red and white meet.

Not everyone can tie the betting rope.

Besides, there are a pair of corners on the girl's head.

This person must be Kaido's daughter, no doubt!

"Can I hide here for a wave of chasing soldiers?"

"That way I won't hurt you."

The footsteps were getting closer and a smile on the girl's face.

Pulling Luffy around the screen.

"Master Yamato, the robber disappeared nearby, let us go in and search!"

The chasing soldiers blocked the door.

The servants trembling in fright.

Yamato only glared at the man.

With a hand push, Luffy pushed directly onto the bed.

"What is noisy!"

"Also let the young master not sleep!"

Yamato lay down beside Luffy, looking at Luffy with a smile.

Luffy was a little dazed.

Although I know that Yamato is at odds with her father Kaido.

But hiding in hides people on the bed...

If Kaido knows, I'm afraid he will die of anger, right?

Maybe not, Kaido still let him marry her.

"Master Yamato, then you should rest first, and we will look around nearby. If there is any situation, remember to greet us!"

"Go, make your movements lighter, don't disturb my sleep!"


The sound of footsteps echoed around.

On the bed, Luffy smiled at the face close at hand.

Kuchiki Byakuya is indeed outstanding, is this girl infatuated with Kuchiki Byakuya?

"Ah, thanks for helping me."

"Well, do you want the girl to wander the world with me from now on? I'll take you away."

Yamato looked at Luffy funny, "You want to take me away? Why?"

Luffy told the truth, "I made a bet with your father. If I can take his most precious thing, he will spare my life. If not, he will put me to death."

Yamato stared at Luffy's eyes.

"Then you can choose the wrong thing. I'm not the most precious one. I'm just a dismissed, irrelevant person."

He raised his hand again: "I see this, this is a bomb, as long as I leave a certain range here, this thing will explode."

Luffy took the key out.

"I stole a bunch of keys from your father, let me try."


Yamato laughed.

"I've tried this set of keys, but now I believe you were not sent by my father, otherwise how could you have a fake key."

Isn't it?

"Well, it seems that we can only find another way."

Luffy picked up Yamato's wrist and looked at the bomb on his wrist.

"Why does your father install this thing for you."

Yamato's other hand was resting on the back of his head, looking at the handsome face of Kuchiki Byakuya on Luffy's face.

"Afraid that I will run away from home."

"After all, I wanted to leave here a long time ago, but I tried several times without success."

"As a result, I got this thing."

The old man is afraid that his daughter will run away from home and tie a bomb to her daughter, um...what's the absolute flaw in his head.

But why did Kaido let him lead people?

Strange, I turned around and asked Doflamingo what he said to Kaido behind his back.

Luffy tried to get the bomb out of the bar with a thought.

The bomb bracelet disappeared.

"Huh, it's done."

Yamato stared at the boss.

Dare to say: "How did you do it! What about the bomb?"

Luffy took out the bomb bracelet with a thought.

"At this."


The rubber film stretches into a shield and attaches domineeringly to the surface at the fastest speed to protect the two people behind.

"I'm going, it's so explosive."

"It seems that your father didn't lie to you."

Yamato stared blankly at the deep pit exploded in front of the bed, with a daze, "He actually planted a bomb on me..."

Luffy is also a little emotional.


Take out the world coordinate card, "Okay, just follow me."

Aside, the subordinate who escaped by hiding in the corner shouted, "You can't take the young master! Here comes someone! The young master is going to run away!"

Luffy looked at Yamato in surprise, "This is the person next to you? Not at you at all."

The world coordinate card is activated.

Luffy pulled Yamato and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a toothless pterosaur with a dark body and burning flame plunged in and broke the entire room.

"Young Master!"

One of the three natural disasters, Jin, is an ancient species of toothless pterodactyl fruit capable.

"Big... big... young master disappeared..."

" disappeared suddenly there."

Outside the room, a piece of scorched earth on the ghost island.

Across the street.

With the three major natural disasters, the fat Quinn fell to the ground with a fist-shaped scorch mark on his chest, which was terrifying.

Not far away, lying five of his subordinates, the five flying cells.

"He actually succeeded."

"Today I have three natural disasters on the island..."

"It seems that with the strength I have now, it is still not enough to subvert this world."

Kaido picked up the wine gourd, but found that there was no wine in the wine gourd.

"It seems that this world is going to change completely."

Kaido put the wine gourd down, stood up, and walked outside.

The ghost island is scorched everywhere.

"Master Kaido, you finally woke up! Many people were injured, but they did not die."

Kaido looked at his territory.

"It's been too long for an easy life."

"I should also find you something to do."

"If you can get up, get up immediately, and never get up if you can't get up."

The wounded on the ground all stood up as if they were back to light.

A golden light fell on the ghost island.

The white hair was tied behind his back, and the man in the teaching gown looked around in a daze.

"Oh? Is it too late? I could still feel the aura of Junior Brother just now, is this gone?"

Jhin kept his eyes open and let Luffy run away, and now suddenly another guy who knew nothing about life or death came, and his anger rushed into his forehead.

Fire burned on his body, and the black toothless pterosaur rushed towards the man, trying to penetrate the man directly.

Unexpectedly, his body seemed to be trapped in a swamp, and he was still in place, unable to make progress!

"What a hot temper."

"Do you... long for power?"

"I am the person who dislikes a trip for nothing."

"So, I want to have some fun."

Kaido stared at the short man who was two meters tall in front of him.

The man smiled warmly, like the afternoon sun.

But such a person could make his three natural disasters powerless to fight back, how terrifying this method is.

"Who are you?"

The man politely saluted with his back, "We first met, in Lower Abel Netrod, a priest."

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